Chapter 470
Chen Kai was obviously stunned for a moment, he had never heard of this name before in his memory, but this person's surname was Gao, Chen Kai naturally thought of Gao Ming.

Suddenly startled, he thought that this person might be the illegitimate child of Gao Ming last time, Chen Kai didn't know the name of the illegitimate child until now, and what was even more weird was that Qin's mother had told him the name.

Seeing Chen Kai's pensive look, Qin's mother sighed softly.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War said that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. Now you don't even know the name of the enemy. How can you compete with the opponent?"

She continued indifferently: "Gao Xiaotian is the one who killed Gao Ming. Even if I didn't tell you now, you probably already guessed it, but do you know how powerful this person is now?"

Chen Kai had no choice but to listen quietly, because he really didn't know.

Qin's mother looked at him meaningfully: "After Gao Ming died, Gao Xiaotian made a big fuss about the Gao family, and there was no one in the Gao family who could succeed Gao Ming, so Gao Xiaotian naturally became the next head of the Gao family."

Chen Kai took a long breath. He probably knew a little about Gao Ming's background. Although no one had ever told him about it, it could be seen from the respectful attitude of some local hooligans towards Gao Ming.

But a person like this actually said that he would die if he died, which is enough to show Gao Xiaotian's strength. Chen Kai suddenly became a little confused. He wasn't sure whether he was lucky or Unfortunately, at first he was full of confidence, thinking that as long as he was present, he would never die, but now he is not so sure.

He couldn't help but think that if he had really gone with this Gao Ming back then, he might not be able to sit here and talk properly now.

But is it because the other party is powerful that he should give up revenge on Gao Ming?After all, I want to survive in the world. If I let everyone know that I am such a heartless and ungrateful person, I may be looked down upon by others.

Chen Kai is not a person who particularly cares about other people's opinions, but this will eventually become a deep wound in his heart.

And having said that, now it's not about whether you let others go or not, but that the other party doesn't let you go at all.

Chen Kai was thinking about his own thoughts quietly, and completely forgot to answer Qin's mother.

In fact, there is another problem now, that is, he has no idea how Qin knew about this matter.

Qin's mother can't control Chen Kai's complicated mood now, since the words have already started, it's best to tell the whole story, at least help Chen Kai analyze the current situation.

"I'm very disappointed that you refused to tell me about such a big thing. You are my son. I will do my best to help you. I heard that you have saved the sisters of the Qin family several times. Moreover, I have faced very dangerous situations several times, and although I have never expressed my gratitude, it does not mean that I have not taken this matter seriously, now that you are in trouble, naturally you must help me."

Chen Kai felt a little moved in his heart, and he didn't know what to say. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want Qin's mother to intervene.

If Gao Xiaotian was someone who could be easily dealt with, then of course Qin's mother would not be needed, but now that he knew Gao Xiaotian's strength was so terrifying, he was even more unwilling to let people from the Qin family come in.

"I appreciate Auntie's kindness, but it's not to the point where you can intervene. I think I can get rid of this person, and it's not like I haven't encountered a master before. Every time I can save the day, I believe it will be the same this time." , no matter how powerful Gao Xiaotian is, but now he is here to make trouble for me, just as a strong dragon does not overwhelm a snake, he has come to my territory, I don't believe he can make much trouble."

Qin's mother shook her head lightly: "You don't know, Gao Xiaotian is different from ordinary opponents, as I said just now, he is the next head of the Gao family, and he can mobilize some of the power of the Gao family now, you What you are facing now is not only Gao Xiaotian, but a family, do you think you can win him by yourself?"

This question touched Chen Kai's heart. He really didn't have the certainty of victory in his heart, and it was precisely because of this that his heart became more entangled and painful.

Qin's mother looked at Chen Kai's expression, and felt a little sad in her heart, but she hadn't finished what she should say, so she paused for a while, and then spoke slowly.

"And I can also tell you something that you didn't expect. Gao Xiaotian has already sent people to this city. You didn't expect their actions to be so fast, did you?"

Chen Kai was really taken aback. He originally thought that if Gao Xiaotian sent someone into this city, he would be aware of it immediately. He believed in his own eyes and ears, but he didn't expect that someone had already arrived, but he didn't move at all. Neither heard.

This means that the other party is really more difficult to deal with than previously imagined, so you can't deal with it calmly, you must make corresponding plans, and if you really die tragically, you can't implicate the Qin family.

So he immediately said anxiously: "Then Auntie can't live in this villa. You should take your sisters to hide in another place. You will come back after everything here is resolved."

Qin's mother immediately frowned: "What are you talking about? Who do you think I am? I am also the mistress of the Qin family. Now you are a junior, how can I escape and let you, a junior, be here Face it alone?"

Chen Kai knew that he was too anxious to say the wrong thing just now, so he quickly apologized.

"Auntie, don't be angry. I don't mean that. I just mean that the Qin family sisters should leave for a while because of the special danger. Otherwise, something really went wrong. I really can't bear it." Got it."

Qin's mother sighed again: "I know what you're thinking, but do you think it's an easy task? Let alone the business that I have mastered, the companies of the Qin family group are all in the hands of three sisters, the youngest Qin Yue is still in school, where do you think we can go?"

Chen Kai really didn't think about this problem, but he just felt that he might not be able to stay in this city anymore, because he didn't know when the people sent by Gao Xiaotian would do it. Whether she can really protect the sisters of the Qin family is still unknown.

Although they are good fighters, they can even be said to be first-class masters, but the heroes cannot stand up to the crowd, no one knows how many people Gao Xiaotian has prepared for this battle.

But Chen Kai instinctively thought that Gao Xiaotian would not make a move, and if he did, he would be a one-hit kill, and he would never drag his feet.

Qin's mother shook her head lightly: "Actually, I didn't tell you just now. I have already intervened in this matter, and today my people have already confronted Gao Xiaotian's people."

Chen Kai was taken aback, not because he doubted what Qin's mother said, but because he hadn't heard any rumors. Before Qin's mother came back, if there was any disturbance in this city, he would never hide it from his own eyes. .

But now, since he was injured for more than a month, and finally regained his life, not only his internal strength has disappeared, but even his eyes and ears are not as sensitive as before.

Qin's mother slowly continued: "Since I have already intervened in this matter, it means that I cannot be alone, whether it is me or the few sisters in my family, so if you want us to leave, you should stop talking .”

Chen Kai felt very guilty in his heart, and remained silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head, and looked at Qin's mother seriously.

Qin's mother was also staring at him with the same eyes.

The two looked at each other, and after an unknown amount of time, Chen Kai finally let out a long sigh.

"Auntie, I caused such a big trouble for myself, but I didn't deal with it well. I still feel guilty and ashamed to see you just let you take things down, but now it seems that I may have really overestimated my ability. , so I now have an idea, and I hope you can fulfill it."

(End of this chapter)

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