Chapter 489
Chen Kai knows that the boss and the proprietress don't know his identity. There are several old restaurants like this on this street. The places are small and the hygiene is not clean at all, but sometimes Chen Kai really likes to come to such places .he
I can't say why, maybe it's just for the feeling of freedom in this small hotel. In a big hotel, you have to pay more or less attention to manners, but here no one cares.

Most of the people who come here to eat are poor people, for the sake of economy.

No one cares if you pick the bottom of the plate when you eat, and no one cares if you babble. In short, he is very comfortable, but the words of the boss and the boss lady make him very uncomfortable.

But it didn't show it at the moment, it just said lightly.

"The proprietress was joking, how could I make a fortune? It's just that I haven't come to this place recently. I don't live close to here, and there are always some sundries. It's hard to come here today. Turn around, let's not talk about getting rich or not, okay?"

The proprietress was a little surprised. Out of a woman's unique curiosity, she wanted to inquire about something.

But the boss's eyes were much sharper, knowing that Chen Kai didn't want to discuss this topic, so he hastily tugged on the sleeve of the lady boss and gave her a wink.

The proprietress also came to her senses, so she changed the topic with a smile.

"What would you like to eat today?"

The boss's actions just now did not hide from Chen Kai's eyes, but he still didn't care, and smiled faintly.

"Bring me a bowl of tomato and egg noodles as before."

The boss agreed, and then gave the lady boss a wink, which means, don't ask any more questions.

The proprietress curled her lips in disbelief, but she didn't say anything after all.

Waiting for the boss to walk into the kitchen, the lady boss immediately laughed like a flower.

"Chen Kai, what happened to your arm?"

Because Chen Kai was wearing a coat, and his arm was covered with gauze, but that arm was still stiff, which made the proprietress suspicious.

Chen Kai smiled, it seems that the family status of the boss in this family is obviously not as good as that of the proprietress, so the proprietress would not even listen to what the boss said. Save face.

Seeing that Chen Kai didn't speak, the proprietress hit a soft nail, and felt that the boss was boring.

But I didn't bring it out, because after all, it was opened for business, so I couldn't easily offend the customers.

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it. Your noodles may not come out in three to five minutes. We still have some pickled vegetables and peanuts here. Would you like to have a drink here?"

Chen Kai laughed again: "I remember that the pickled white radish in your family is very delicious, hot and sour, crispy, sweet and salty. It's a proper pickle from the southwest. I can eat it."

The proprietress smiled even more happily: "I knew you liked it, or I'll give you another two yuan. It's still the old rule. Our pickles are free."

Chen Kai immediately agreed: "Of course it's okay? Kimchi and tomato egg noodles are really a perfect match."

Immediately with a smile on her face, the proprietress picked up a few pieces of kimchi with a butterfly and brought it to Chen Kai.

Chen Kai took out disposable chopsticks from the table, polished the barbs on them, and added a piece.

Then he was full of praise: "Okay, it's still the same taste as before."

The proprietress smiled and said, "It's just a little bit of craftsmanship. In fact, it's nothing to say. If you really like to eat, I'll bring you some later."

Chen Kai hurriedly shook his head and refused: "I'm afraid it's not appropriate? I'm just an idiot here, how can I take it for nothing?"

The boss had already cooked the noodles at this time, and brought them to Chen Kai, just in time to hear their conversation, so he said with a smile.

"You're offended by what you said. You are a regular customer here, and the pickled vegetables are not worth much. If you take a little, you can take a little. It's really not my generosity. For a frequent visitor like you, let alone take it A few pieces of pickles are served, even if you take the jar away, I won’t say anything.”

Chen Kai, who said a word, also laughed: "If I really take the jar, I will never take it again. I will definitely give it to you according to the price, but it seems that it is not suitable. I have come all the way. It doesn’t look good for me to walk down the street with a jar in my arms.”

While eating the noodles in the bowl, Chen Kai was chatting and laughing with the boss and the boss's wife. The troubles that had been suppressed for many days were slightly relieved.

The proprietress suddenly received a call, because the distance was not too close, so Chen Kai couldn't hear who was calling, and didn't know what they said, but he saw the face of the proprietress suddenly changed.

The boss also noticed that the lady boss had a different expression, and when she hung up the phone, she couldn't wait to ask.

"Who is calling?"

The proprietress gave a long sigh: "Don't ask, you go to school with me first."

Chen Kai's curiosity was attracted, and he couldn't help asking.

"What's the matter? If you two go to a restaurant together, and there's no waiter here, will I still eat this bowl of noodles?"

The proprietress sighed: "You haven't been here for a long time. I shouldn't have said this, but it is true that my son fought with someone at school. The teacher called just now and asked us to go."

As he spoke, he felt that the next words were not easy to speak, so he gave the boss a hard look, which meant to let him say the next words.

The boss coughed lightly, so he reluctantly took over the conversation.

"You know the situation of our store. Restaurants like this are mom-and-pop restaurants, and they can't usually afford to hire waiters. If we leave, your bowl of noodles may really be unpalatable, so you should leave first. We won't charge you for this bowl of noodles, it's our little apology to you."

A look of hesitation appeared on Chen Kai's face. He didn't come here for dinner, but just to go to the places he used to go to, but he didn't expect to encounter such a thing today, and he felt a little uncomfortable these two days.

The proprietress suddenly remembered something, and suddenly screamed.

"You wait for me for a while."

After saying that, she turned around and walked into the kitchen in a hurry. Chen Kai didn't know what she was going to do, not only Chen Kai didn't know, but even the boss looked puzzled.

After a while, the proprietress came out holding a pickle jar, which was full of pickles.

"It was half-joking just now, but to express our apologies, I gave you all the dishes in this jar. Please don't hold it against me."

Chen Kai stood up a little surprised: "I dare not accept it. Didn't I say it just now? It doesn't look good when I hold this big jar, and it's quite far away. Although this jar of vegetables is not heavy, it is There is no light burden on the road..."

The boss also felt a little embarrassed, but it was hard to say anything as the boss's wife, so he had to sigh helplessly.

Chen Kai thinks this couple is quite interesting, and since they have nothing to do now, they just came out to relax. Now that they have caught up, or else they can go to school with them, maybe they can be of some help. .

Thinking of this, Chen Kai looked at the couple with a smile.

"Anyway, I'm fine. Since you're out of trouble, I want to follow along to see if I can help you."

The boss and the proprietress have not gone to any school, and they only know a few words. Seeing Chen Kai's extraordinary conversation, maybe they can really help, at least they can talk to the teacher, if it is not my son's fault , don't let your son be wronged.

The proprietress hurriedly smiled and nodded: "It would be great if you are willing to help, but there are none."

The boss also had a happy face: "Then why are you still holding this jar? Why don't you put it in quickly, let's go to school quickly, and it won't be good if the teacher is anxious."

The proprietress agreed, and put the jar on the table where Chen Kai was eating, and the three of them went out together. The boss closed the shop door, took a taxi at the door, and went straight to the school.

It didn't take long for the three of them to arrive at a remote rural elementary school.

(End of this chapter)

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