Chapter 490
The male protagonist looked at this school with a lot of emotion in his heart.

This is indeed just a very ordinary or even a little dilapidated school. The teaching level here is obvious. The hero also knows that the more ordinary the teaching quality of the school, the trump card of the teaching staff here, there is no other way except to call the parents .

The male protagonist sighed softly, and said to the owner and wife of the noodle shop.

"Will you really be successful in the future if you study in such a school?"

The boss looked at the male protagonist helplessly: "Isn't there no way? You know our family situation, besides, our husband and wife live in a noodle shop. If the economic conditions are better, we will arrange it in the city Go to school, but the borrowing fee in the city is too high, we cannot afford it.”

The male lead nodded. I used to eat at this noodle restaurant quite often. Although there were times when the business was good, most of the time there were very few customers. In fact, this is a common problem of many restaurants. No matter where it is, the business is good There are very few, and those with extremely poor business are also very few, and most of them just barely make ends meet.

The proprietress got a little impatient: "Since we've arrived here, don't keep waiting too impatiently, and hurry up to see what's going on. It stands to reason that our sons are pretty good, so it's unlikely Got into a fight with someone."

The male protagonist is very disapproving, because many children will deliberately behave obediently in front of their parents, but they become different when they arrive at school, and they can do a lot of mischievous things.

But the male protagonist also knows that if a child likes to fight, he may not be able to hide it from his parents. The child may have other naughty things. Thinking of this, the male protagonist shook his head slightly.

"Since we've arrived at the school gate, let's go in and find out about the situation."

The teaching staff is a young woman, wearing a pair of myopia glasses, she looks the same as all the rural teachers, with a kind smile on her face, but for some reason, the male protagonist sees the teaching staff and feels in his heart I feel that the waves of disgust may have something to do with his experiences when he was a teenager.

The female teacher invited all three of them into the office.

"Are the three of you the parents of the child?"

The boss and the proprietress looked at each other in the same way: "We are the parents of the child, and this young man is a friend of ours. I heard that something happened to my child, so I rushed over to have a look."

The male protagonist didn't listen to what they were saying, his eyes were attracted by the two little boys with bruised noses and swollen faces in front of him.

The female teacher looked at the male lead with complicated eyes.

The boss gently tugged at the corner of the hero's clothes, indicating that he should say hello to the teacher.

Only then did the hero regain his senses, and smiled faintly.


Because the boss and the proprietress spoke with a very serious accent, the female teacher seemed to be a little confused, so she kept frowning tightly, even guessing, and finally understood what the boss and the proprietress said.

But I was secretly worried that if they couldn't speak Mandarin well, it would be very difficult for them to communicate.

But when he heard the male protagonist speak authentic Mandarin, a smile appeared on his face immediately.

The boss seemed to understand what the teacher meant, so he looked at the hero and talked softly.

"You see, our couple can't talk, so let you communicate with the teacher instead of us."

The teacher also nodded hastily: "It would be best if you were the interpreter in the middle, otherwise, if the two parties cannot understand each other, it may cause misunderstandings. This is not a vicious incident in the first place. If there is a misunderstanding I'm afraid it won't be cleaned up."

The male lead had no choice but to agree.

The female teacher let a few people sit down.

The male lead was also polite, and only after sitting down did he look at the teacher and ask.

"I saw the two of them with bruised noses and swollen faces. They must have fought. I was listening to you when you called, but I don't know why they fought. I hope the teacher can explain it to me."

The female teacher often sighed, with a slightly worried look in her eyes, which is also the usual expression of the teaching staff when they ask the parents to deal with the students' fights.

"This matter is actually not that complicated if it is complicated, and it is not that simple if it is simple."

Saying this is the same as not saying it, the male protagonist had to listen patiently.

The female teacher went on to say: "These two children are students in our class, because a little girl fought."

The male protagonist looked at the female teacher with some surprise, wondering if this was a puppy love?
The female teacher seemed to have seen through the male protagonist's mind, and smiled awkwardly.

"It may not be because of the research on puppy love, but the two of them did fight because of a little girl. Now the parents of the other little boy want an apology from the boss' son and compensation for medical expenses."

The male protagonist was a little puzzled, because the injuries of the two people were almost equally serious. The boss's son also had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and neither of them was bleeding, at most it was just a bruised nose and a swollen face. It will be fine in two days, why do you have to pay for medical expenses?
The male protagonist faintly feels that it is very likely that the other party's parents want to extort a sum of money by taking this opportunity. Although the amount cannot be too much, it is definitely a fee that the boss and the proprietress can afford. Apparently not too little for them.

The boss suddenly coughed lightly, and the hero raised his head to meet his gaze, only to find that his eyes were full of questions.

The male lead smiled awkwardly, only knowing that the boss wanted to know what the old man told him, so he repeated what the teacher said just now.

After the boss and the proprietress finished listening, they immediately became anxious, stood up at the same time and said in unison.

"It's impossible, my children don't know how to fight."

The boss looked at the female teacher anxiously: "The teacher must investigate clearly. There must be some misunderstanding. Our children don't know how to fight. They have been very well-behaved since they were young. There must be something wrong with this matter."

The proprietress also echoed: "Really, if you don't believe me, you can ask the neighbors in the neighborhood. They can prove that my child is indeed a good boy even though his academic performance is not very good."

The teacher let out a long sigh, and stared at the hero.

"This is a bit difficult. You have seen the scene now. The two children have bruised noses and swollen faces. This is obviously caused by fighting each other. Now you just say that your children can't fight. That's what makes me believe Do you see the facts in front of you, or should you believe what you say?"

After the boss and the proprietress finished listening, they became even more anxious.

But because their cultural level is too low, they couldn't think of a better answer to the teacher's questioning, so they had to turn their attention to the male protagonist, hoping to help them talk.

The male protagonist thinks that the teaching staff are very problematic, but it is inconvenient to say so directly now, because the child still has to go to school, and the male protagonist understands the fate of offending the teacher. Although the teacher can't do anything to the parents, he can treat the parents. Parents' grievances are directed at their children.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to learn more about the situation, suddenly the door of the office was kicked open, and a middle-aged man rushed in angrily.

The female teacher hadn't had time to speak yet.

The middle-aged man pointed at the nose of the boss and his wife and cursed.

"They are all good sons you educated. Look at how you beat my son. You must pay for the medical expenses and the mental damage of my son, or I will beat you like this. Get angry at my son."

Needless to say, I know that the middle-aged man is the parent of another little boy, but the male protagonist is secretly shaking his head. This is not the way to educate children. No matter whether the two children are right or wrong, they can't talk about it Money, which will make children think that money can solve any problem.

It will create a very deep impression on their young minds, making them think that money can solve any problem, which is very unfavorable and even quite harmful to teenagers who are developing their mind and body.

(End of this chapter)

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