Chapter 541

Mother Qin couldn't help asking when she saw Chen Haoyan's expression was different.

"What's wrong? Did something happen at home?"

Chen Haoyan sighed softly, thinking it's better not to tell her about it for the time being, after all, he knows the hero's martial arts, and with Qin Xiang by his side, even if he really met someone from the Lu family, I'm afraid I won't make a rash move.

Thinking of this, he shook his head lightly.

"It's nothing else, just someone sent me a short message, and I'm hesitating whether to reply."

Qin's mother looked at him half-believingly: "Is this really the case? Then tell me who this person is? Is it someone I know? "

Chen Haoyan was a little impatient, but he didn't dare to get angry, so he forced a smile.

"In my opinion, this is not something you should consider now. You should think carefully about how we should develop the market here, and open the Qin Group to every corner of the world as soon as possible, so that people all over the world Everybody knows."

Seeing that Chen Haoyan really didn't want to say anything, Mother Qin had no choice but to give up the idea.

"If you don't say it, don't say it, and put on a look of concern for the Qin Group."

Chen Haoyan did not answer the news, but stared at the phone screen tightly, his mind spinning rapidly, how to respond to the news, or not to respond at all.

If you don't respond, I'm afraid it's a bit unreasonable, and I'm really worried. The male lead is young and energetic. If he finds out something, he will have a hot head and do something irreparable. Come, but you will regret it later.

Thinking of this, Chen Haoyan decided to reply, at least a few words of persuasion.

"You still don't want to interfere with this matter."

The message was only a short sentence, without further explanation, the male lead frowned even more after receiving it.

"What's going on? Why is my father unwilling to tell me more, and from the information just now, it can be judged that he must know something, but why didn't he tell me? Is the Lu family really so terrified? I Will the more I know, the worse it will be for me?"

The male protagonist couldn't figure it out, he couldn't fall asleep at first, and now he couldn't fall asleep even more.

Immediately replied with another message.

"Father, I'm not a child anymore. You'd better tell me if there is anything. Now that I have come to Shanghai, and today I have met Lu Wen, the head of the Lu family. He suspected that I am my grandfather." The grandson of my grandson, but Qin Xiang who did it denied it, and I have already come here, which means that I will definitely find out the ins and outs of this matter, whether you tell me or not, the ending will be the same."

After writing this message, the hero read it back and forth again, making sure that he had clearly expressed what he wanted to say, and then pressed the send button.

After Chen Haoyan saw it, he couldn't help but gasped, thinking that the hero is really not obedient at all, he knew that since the hero can say it, he will be able to do it, but as a father Out of the protection of my son, I decided not to tell him, so I replied to the text message at that time.

"Why is your child becoming more and more disobedient? If I tell you not to interfere, it means that this matter is beyond your current ability. Even if it is your grandfather, he is not willing to let me take care of this matter." , and I believe that if the old man knows, he will say the same thing as me."

After finishing speaking, it was like the hero had just read it up and down, making sure that there were no typos, and then pressed the send button.

The male lead saw his father's reply to the short message, and shook his head with a wry smile. He knew that he might not be able to ask any more questions, and his father had already said this, which meant that he was determined and would never Tell yourself more words.

But the more he said this, the more curious he became, and the more convinced that his father must know the inside story, and now it's just more or less the difference.

He thought hard about what to say before his father would tell himself. After thinking for a long time, he finally just came up with the following passage.

"I've made my point clear, do you think it's interesting for Che Jilu to talk back and forth? I'll tell you again, if I don't figure out what's going on for a day, I won't go back one day, and I also told you just now that Qin Xiang is with me, if I don't go back, she will definitely not go back, if you are really thinking about my safety, you should tell me the truth quickly."

After the male protagonist finished writing, he felt that this passage was a bit threatening. Although the male protagonist meant this, he also felt that this passage was too obvious. He hesitated for a long time, thinking whether to delete the words about Qin Xiang, In the end, he gritted his teeth and pressed the send button directly.

After Chen Haoyan received the text message, he immediately felt a lot of headaches. He raised the male lead, and he knew his son's temperament very well. Now that he was in a foreign country, he couldn't help it.

If it was in front of the male protagonist, he would definitely have to hit him head and face, and talk about it after the fight is over, but now there is nothing he can do, he can only stare at the phone and grit his teeth.

Since there is no way to communicate by sending short messages, let's call someone just now, but Chen Haoyan didn't want Qin Xiang to hear the content of the call, so he sent another short message.

"Is it convenient for you to call now?"

After the male protagonist received this message, his brows immediately relaxed. This is undoubtedly a good sign. Since his father is willing to call, it means that he is at least more or less willing to tell himself something.

Yu Shi hurriedly replied: "It's convenient."

After sending the message, he turned around and took a loving look at Qin Xiang who was already asleep, then sighed softly, put on his slippers, and tiptoed out of the room.

Almost as soon as the door was closed, Chen Haoyan called, and the male protagonist connected before the phone rang.

Chen Haoyan scolded in a stressful voice: "What the hell is going on with you, kid? What are you doing in Shanghai when you are fine? The power of the Lu family is not something you can afford. Why have I been talking for so long, but you just said something Can't you hear the words?"

The male lead couldn't help but frowned again.

"Dad, I thought you called me to tell me the inside story, but if you just scolded me, then I hung up the phone. Anyway, if you don't tell me, I can find out by myself. The message has already made it very clear, so there is no need to say it on the phone, even if our family is rich, international roaming charges are quite expensive."

He was about to hang up the phone.

Chen Haoyan immediately stopped him, and heaved a long sigh.

"You kid, what do you want me to tell you? Since you want to know so much, let me tell you. At the beginning, our family was also a martial arts family. Lu Wen was your grandfather's junior. The relationship between the two of them has always been close." Very good, but Lu asked his son..."

Speaking of which, he suddenly stopped talking.

The male protagonist was listening intently, when he suddenly realized that his father had stopped talking, he couldn't help urging him anxiously.

"Lu asked what happened to his son? Is it Lu Zeen's father?"

Chen Haoyan shook his head: "Lu Wen's son is called Lu Kuan. As for whether Lu Kang also has a son, then I don't know. You think it is possible."

This kid Lu Kuan is cruel and ruthless, and has always had evil intentions. Although he pretends to be a good baby, he has hidden evil intentions and has been dormant for many years, just to try to upset our family with one trick. "

The male protagonist couldn't help but gasp when he heard this, the news was really shocking to him, he needed time to digest the news slowly.

Chen Haoyan couldn't hear the male lead's reply, so he immediately became worried.

"What's wrong with you? Are you still listening?"

The male protagonist regained his composure: "I'm listening, but why did my grandfather's internal energy disappear?"

Chen Haoyan let out a long sigh.

"Listen to me first. Lu Kuan deliberately brought down our family. It was because Lu Wen couldn't see it. With his help, your grandfather left home with me at a young age. It fell silent."

(End of this chapter)

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