Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 542 Relentless pursuit

Chapter 542 Relentless pursuit
This is a sad story. Although Chen Kai has no expression on his face, his eyes are filled with tears. He knows that his family used to be a very difficult family.

But I don't know why it suddenly became what it is now, because all this happened before he was born, as my father said just now, it was the generation of the young grandpa when he was young things.

Of course, I have no way to participate, not to mention that this is not a glorious thing. On the one hand, it is to protect myself, and on the other hand, it is also to prevent myself from feeling sad when I find out, so I have been hiding it all the time.

If it wasn't for a coincidence that I met Qiao Zique, and if my grandfather hadn't gone to Qiao Zique's grandfather to treat his internal injuries, then I wouldn't be able to come to Shanghai today, and I wouldn't be able to know that my family still has an old enemy. .

But the story is not over yet.

Chen Kai had no choice but to listen quietly. Only now did he realize that if his grandfather went to find Lu Kuandou back then, it wasn't that there was no chance at all.

But Grandpa didn't want Chen Haoyan to be hurt because of his affairs, so he chose to hide his name incognito, and never asked about worldly affairs from then on. No one even knew his whereabouts in Jianghu.

Chen Haoyan was a little unwilling. Although he was very young, he witnessed the decline of his family with his own eyes, and it was all because of a villain's obstruction.

So once again, after eating, he sat down in front of Chen Tianhen out of boredom.

"Are we just going to forget it like this? Why can't we take revenge? Everything they have now is the foundation of our family. We have worked so hard for so many years, and just handed it over to others? My heart I really can't bear it."

Chen Tianhen sighed long, and looked at Chen Haoyan meaningfully.

"Actually, it's not that I haven't thought about it before, but as you said just now, the father and son have already established a martial arts gym, and relying on our family's resources at the beginning, they are very famous and have become the overlord of one party. "

"At this time, they have already established a firm foothold. It is definitely not something that you and I, father and son, can shake. Let alone you are still young and have not yet mastered martial arts."

"Even if your martial arts reach the same height as mine, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the two of us to accomplish anything. In the end, the light one will bring shame on himself, and the serious one will lose his life. Do you think that for a mere false name, let us Is it really a mature move to wipe out the entire family?"

Chen Haoyan was still unwilling, he couldn't help but stare at Chen Tianhen with wide eyes.

"But we can't just let it go. I really think that if I don't let out this fuss, I will definitely be pissed off."

"You used to be so kind to such a person. Many people in Jianghu respect you. As long as you raise your arms, many people will definitely come to respond. I believe that people in Jianghu will be willing to uphold justice for our family."

Chen Tianhen couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

"You are really too young. You don't know what is the warmth and coldness of human relationships. There are many people in this world who can make the icing on the cake, but there are very few people who can give charcoal in a timely manner. Now the two of us have fallen into such a situation. It’s fine if my old friends don’t know about it.”

"Once we let them know our hiding place, once our whereabouts are exposed, it will be difficult to guarantee that Lu Kuan will not be used to send killers to deal with us. Do you think the two of us can deal with it?"


Chen Haoyan still finds it hard to accept, after all, he used to live a life without worrying about food and clothing, but now he eats simple food, and sometimes even this kind of food is not enough to eat, how could the young Chen Haoran endure this kind of suffering Woolen cloth?He was originally a son of a rich family, as the saying goes, it is difficult for a rich man to move even when he is poor.

Chen Tianhen was better. Originally, he seemed to be indifferent to these false names. He regarded money, gold and silver as belongings outside his body. many.

But the young Chen Haoyan couldn't swallow this breath no matter what. In the first few years, he still thought about how to take revenge and how to get back what his family already had.

But he couldn't help the old man telling him every day, telling him that the most important thing was to survive, even if it was to avenge the blood, he had to have a good body, and he had to strengthen the power of the family, otherwise he would be alone and lonely. There is no way to make anything happen.

Of course, Chen Haoyan was not convinced at the beginning, but Chen Tianhen talked a lot, and he gradually got used to these hard days, so he didn't pay special attention to that kind of thing anymore, taking charge of the two people was resigned to his fate , so he no longer intends to take revenge, and decides to live an ordinary life like this.

Unexpectedly, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps blowing. Although the father and son do not intend to continue to take revenge, Lu Kuan still refuses to let them go.

He judges the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and believes that cutting the grass does not remove the root, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. According to his own inference, the Chen family will not let this kind of thing go.

Although they haven't come to trouble me yet, it's just because their power has collapsed and their vitality has been seriously injured. If you don't take this opportunity to wipe them all out, wait until Chen Haoyan grows up, and then reorganize the power. When they came to the door, their fate would be very miserable.

So in private, they have been sending people to look for clues about the two of them.

Chen Tianhen quickly noticed these people, but luckily they didn't do anything directly, they still kept a close watch on the two of them.

Chen Haoyan obviously also discovered these people, so he hurriedly told Chen Tianhen what he had discovered.

"Father, I saw a few mysterious people wandering around our house. They are probably sent by the Lu family. Do you think we should give them some color?"

Chen Tianhen was silent for a while, but finally shook his head.

"I think it's better not to act rashly. The reason why they didn't do anything is because they have already told Lu Kuan the news. I believe he is already on his way by this time. I don't think it's suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's find a new one as soon as possible. A hiding place."

Chen Haoyan nodded silently, but he was still a little unconvinced.

"We are the ones who were framed by others. Why is it that we are the ones who did the wrong thing now? I don't care if Lu Kuan is on the way here. Anyway, I have discovered these mysterious people. Let's kill them first, so as to express the anger in my heart, and let that Lu know that our Chen family is not easy to mess with."

After finishing speaking, before Chen Tianhen agreed, he ran towards the door by himself, and Chen Tianhen hurriedly stopped him after regaining his composure.

"No way, the guy surnamed Lu must have sent a good player. It's okay for you to fight alone. If you can't fight and die in their hands, wouldn't it be a waste of time? Don't you always want revenge? Is it revenge? If you die, who else will do this?"

Chen Haoyan felt that what his father said made sense, so he had no choice but to stand still.

"Then where do you say we are going now?"

Chen Tianhen pondered for a while, then looked at Chen Haoyan helplessly.

"I originally planned to find a quieter place to open a martial arts gym. Even if it's not for cultivating influence, at least we can earn a living. We don't have to live such a difficult life anymore."

"But now it seems that even this idea has to be dispelled. If the surname Lu doesn't find us one day, he won't give up. So what we can do is probably to hide and don't reveal to the locals that we know martial arts. Something happened."

Chen Haoyan punched the ground heavily, tears streaming down his fist.

"But it's just too embarrassing to do so."

Chen Tianhen sighed long, and stroked Chen Haoyan's hair with his hands.

"Actually, to be honest, I'm old now, and I don't have much interest in fighting in the rivers and lakes, so I might as well enjoy my old age at home."

Chen Haoyan raised his head and looked at Chen Tianhen.

"Then we father and son have to eat? You stay at home, what should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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