Chapter 598
Because he suddenly found that there were cars following up behind him, not only several motorcycles, but even several commercial vehicles.

Seeing that Song Taojie didn't speak, Chen Kai also felt a little strange. He accidentally glanced at the rearview mirror and couldn't help but gasped. The car caught up again, and it got worse, and several commercial vehicles were added.

He knew that the situation he was facing now was very serious. Song Taojie's driving skills were very good, but the people driving the commercial vehicles in the back were not for nothing.

If they really caught up and knocked down Song Taojie's car, then the two of them would really die this time without a place to bury them.

Chen Kai sighed helplessly.

"Now I don't know what to say. If I just say thank you, it would be too inexpressible. I'm in a good mood now. It's just that I caused you to lose your life. I'm really sorry."

Hearing this, Song Taojie immediately became anxious.

"What are you talking about? Let me tell you, the reason why I chose to save you is because I am willing. People like us who hang around on the street have always been the most loyal."

"Seeing that your martial arts are so good, I want to learn from you in the future. There is absolutely no reason to wait until death, and where is this? Isn't it just a few shop cars?"

"It's not sure whether these boys can catch up to me. It's far from the time to say such depressing words. Don't you have martial arts all over your body? Now it's just time to use your skills."

Chen Kai had no choice but to smile bitterly.

"It's not that you don't understand the situation. If it's on the ground, no matter how many people there are, I'm not afraid. I believe I can beat them all down by myself."

"But now, we are sitting in a car, and the siege of many of their cars is no match for them anyway."

"To be honest, I'm not the kind of person who boosts other people's ambitions and destroys my own prestige. We have to face the severe situation now. It's really not the time to be blindly confident."

As he was talking, he suddenly felt a strong impact on the vehicle body, and then heard a clear sound. It was obvious that the commercial vehicle behind had hit it.

Song Taojie became even more anxious.

"You sit tight. It seems that these boys are really going to fight us hard, but I'm not just for nothing. I've been in the arena for so many years. How can I be intimidated by others? Don't worry, today as long as With me here, this car will never turn over."

How could Chen Kai feel at ease?What happened just now really made him terrified. He has been in the arena for so many years, and he has to admit that today is finally the most dangerous time in his life.

Compared with today's situation, the siege he encountered before was simply too childish. He was not sure if he could survive, but until now, he was still worried about his mother's safety.

"Anyway, let's drive faster. The current situation is very unfavorable to us. If we can get rid of these people at once, if we really can't get rid of them, then we can only sound like we are fighting them."

Song Taojie assertedly refused.

"Didn't I just say, don't let you say such frustrating words? Our most important purpose now is to rescue your mother. As for the grandchildren behind you, don't worry too much. Don't worry, as long as the car doesn't overturn, we will It will never stop."

It is said that I slammed on the accelerator, and the sound of the engine roared even more. The quality of the van was not particularly good, and the road conditions were not very good, so it seemed a bit bumpy along the way.

What made Chen Kai feel terrified was that the van was a little wobbly. If there was a small stone or brick on the road at this time, it would definitely overturn the van.

And under the condition of such a fast speed, once the car overturns, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Song Taojie suddenly slammed the steering wheel and screamed.

"How did I forget such an important thing?"

Chen Kai jumped and asked hastily.

"What do you remember?"

Song Taojie smiled wryly and shook his head.

"I suddenly remembered that there are steel pipes in my car. Now these commercial vehicles have driven to our left and right sides. I think if you can deal with those commercial vehicles."

"As long as they break their glass, I believe it will scare them. It's not necessary to make them stop, but as long as they slow down a little and don't chase so close, our goal will be achieved."

Chen Kai was overjoyed after hearing this. He had been thinking that it would be nice to have someone who is handy, but Song Taojie has always been on this topic, so he didn't ask. Now that he knows that there are steel pipes on the car, of course he will Well no more.

Chen Kai quickly found a steel pipe that was long enough, and then grabbed the car window with one hand, and went straight out of the car, then waved the steel pipe and yelled at those people.

"Grandchildren, come here if you are capable. I want to see how capable you are, and see if my steel pipe will not smash your heads."

The speed of the car was very fast, so the wind was also very loud. Although Chen Kai's voice was not low, those who were driving still did not hear Chen Kai's voice through the car windows.

But they understood it, because Chen Kai's current action looked like a provocation no matter how you looked at it.

So the speed of those commercial vehicles accelerated again, and soon they were on par with Song Taojie's van, sandwiching Song Taojie's van in the middle.

Chen Kai was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, he couldn't control the commercial vehicle on the left, so he could only focus on the right.

Song Taojie.Knowing that the situation is very dangerous, if you don't care about the left side, once someone in the commercial vehicle on the left stretches out his hand like Chen Kai, I'm afraid I will be in danger.

If the car overturned, he would not be the only one who would die. Chen Kai's current situation would definitely kill him faster than himself, but he also knew that Chen Kai couldn't spare his hands now, so he could only find a way by himself.

"Hold on tighter. I'll try to bump into the car on the left, so you don't want to fall."

Chen Kai agreed.

"Don't discuss it with me, you can do it quickly."

As soon as the words fell, he felt the van hit hard, and Chen Kai knew that it was Song Taojie who really collided with the commercial vehicle on the left.

He stabilized his mind, made sure that he could hold the car window firmly, and would not fall easily, so he slammed the steel pipe at the commercial vehicle on the right.

The commercial vehicle on the left was hit by Song Taojie, and immediately fell behind a few meters. Song Taojie hurriedly occupied the lane to prevent the commercial vehicle from overtaking from the left, so that Chen Kai could concentrate on dealing with the right.

As for the commercial vehicle that hit from behind, Song Taojie couldn't control that much anymore. He only knew that Chen Kai's situation was very dangerous now, and if he was careless, he might be thrown far away. It must be life and death.

But soon he thought of a more serious problem, that is, fortunately this place is in the suburbs, if it was in the city, if Chen Kai took such an action, he must have been stopped by the traffic police long ago.

And at that time, it was definitely not a matter of deducting the ticket, but was directly arrested and sent to the traffic j brigade.

Chen Kai smashed the business car a few times and found that it didn't work at all. He took a deep breath, focused his internal force on the steel pipe, and then tried again. Immediately, he heard the sound of glass shattering. Kay knew it was a success this time.

But just smashing the window may not be able to solve the problem. At most, it will only startle the driver of the commercial vehicle, and the direct consequence of this is to make the driver even more crazy.

Chen Kai knew that no matter what, he had to find a way. Seeing the situation, these cars had to be stopped, so he poured his internal force into the steel pipe again.

It slammed into the front cover of the commercial vehicle, which is where the engine is located. If you are lucky, it will definitely stop this car. Once this car stops, other vehicles will not stop. Will catch up again.

Even if they pursue them desperately, it is still one less solution. At least it can show that this method is not useless.

(End of this chapter)

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