Chapter 599
The people driving commercial vehicles were also dumbfounded seeing this scene. They never imagined that the steel pipe in Chen Kai's hand would be so powerful that smashing the window was nothing, and even the front cover of the car was damaged. Being able to fight really made them feel a little incredible.

"What's going on here? What is Chen Kai's background? How could he smash our car with a steel pipe? Have you ever heard of such a thing?"

"Don't talk about these useless things. Don't say that I haven't heard of the steel pipe smashing the car. I haven't even seen it when I leaned out of the window with one hand. At most, I only watched it in movies. Just arrived."

"In real life, this is the first time I have seen someone so bold. You must know that the speed of the car is very fast. If you are not careful, you may be thrown away."

"What should we do now? You chatted for a long time, should we chase or not? If not, how should we deal with Xie Enci?"

"If we catch up, we will most likely die. I think the boy holding the steel pipe is already red-eyed. If we catch up again, he will definitely fight us hard."

"Hey, this question really makes me feel a little bit embarrassed. I'm really a little scared now. After seeing this scene, I know what it means to be horrified and afraid of being stunned, and to be afraid of dying if you are stunned."

"What's the use of talking about it? Think about it carefully, if they don't continue to catch up, if they don't get off this van, and thank Enci later, if they blame it, what good fruit will we have?"

"It must be walking around if you can't eat, so let's be careful not to keep pace with them, just hit him from the back of the van."

"In any case, we have to pay the job to the superiors, to show that we really work hard. After all, although he gave us a lot of money, his life is their own."

"Meeting the man with the steel pipe who is so desperate, what else can we think about?"

They discussed a few words briefly, and decided to bump into each other, otherwise Xie Enci really had no way to explain it.

Song Taojie originally thought that he had already thrown off the cars behind him, but he didn't expect that they were still slamming forward desperately.

This made Song Taojie a little anxious.

"What the hell is going on with these people? Didn't you return a car just now? Why are they still chasing after us? Do they really want to die? In order to stop us, do they really want to die? ?”

Chen Kai smiled helplessly.

"It's also the first time I've seen such a tenacious gangster. To be honest, I used to look down on this group of people. I thought they just took other people's money, so they had to help them eliminate disasters."

"But I have never seen such a person who sacrificed his life to keep his job. Today, these people really taught me a lesson, let me know that there are people outside of people, and there is a truth beyond the sky."

Song Taojie couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

"This can only show that the salaries that Xie En gave them are really high, which makes them reluctant to leave such a job, and you also know that if the gangsters on the street lose a very generous employer, they want to find another similar one. It's not that easy for employers."

"So I can probably know a little bit about these people's psychology, but it is because of this that things are more difficult. Look at their attitude. If they don't stop them today, they will definitely not let it go."

"Their car is of better quality than ours. I am just a bread, and I just suffered a few heavy collisions. I don't know how long it can last. Now we can only resign ourselves to fate." gone."

Chen Kai sighed deeply.

"To be honest, when I leaned out just now, I almost lost my hand a few times. I am very confident in my martial arts, but when I fall at such a high speed, I still have some chance of surviving. Really I don't even know myself."

Song Taojie shook his head sadly.

"Today, this matter is really a bit difficult. If I knew at that time that there were so many commercial vehicles catching up behind me, I would have to call my brothers at that time."

"Let them help. Now we don't have to be so isolated and helpless, but it's too late to make a call now. It's already far away from the city just now. It may take a while for them to catch up now."

Chen Kai also sighed.

"Then don't talk about these useless things. Do you have any good solutions now? Apart from steel pipes, are there other useful things in the car?"

Song Taojie frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly slammed the steering wheel again.

"Why did I just remember this? I have a thumbtack on my car, which I planned to take back to the company. I belong to the loan company, you know?"

Chen Kai shook his head with a wry smile.

"I've only known you for a few days, and the time I've been in contact with you is very short. I knew that you were my sister's transformation, and I never knew that you still had a job."

Song Taojie blushed slightly, and sighed helplessly.

"Of course you have to have a formal job. Otherwise, what do the gangsters on the street eat? Just bullying others is not a long-term solution, and you now know that I am really a loyal person."

He continued slowly.

"It's not that everyone bullies. Even if I went to the fortune teller to tell a fortune that day, didn't I give him money? Otherwise, how could I ask him to compensate me?"

Chen Kai thought for a while, and felt that this was indeed the case, and suddenly became a little curious about Song Taojie, because according to his previous experience, people like Song Taojie must have followed a certain big family.

Even if he was alone and recruited a group of brothers to gather around him, he still made a living by fighting, and then did some illegal and criminal activities by the way.

But he didn't expect that he had a seemingly normal job. Although the loan company also had a lot of shady things, it was relatively better than other jobs like casinos.

"I really didn't see that you are still a serious worker, but you said that the work of the loan company is very legitimate?"

Song Taojie smiled helplessly, thinking, do you really not know or are you pretending to be confused?But since people have already asked, it would be a bit unreasonable for me not to answer, so I had to sigh softly.

"The current situation is really not the time to talk about these topics, but since the topic has come to this point, let me tell you something."

"What do you think I buy thumbtacks for? I usually need them to do some things that don't look very glorious. To put it bluntly, it's just to give those who owe money and don't pay them a little bit of color."

"It's just like tying a tire. I didn't expect to be so anxious just now, but I forgot such an important thing. If I remembered the function of this thumbtack just now, you wouldn't have to be so dangerous. You have to lean out .”

After hearing this, Chen Kai was overjoyed and asked hurriedly.

"Then you are still talking nonsense here, why don't you hurry up and give me the picture?"

Song Taojie pointed to the windshield of the van.

"Do I still need to say that? Look at that, isn't it?"

Chen Kai followed his fingers to look over, and sure enough, he found a brand new box of thumbtacks, lying there quietly, in Chen Kai's eyes, it seemed to be a kind of mockery.

Chen Kai sighed helplessly.

"You said you didn't say it just now. Fortunately, it's not too late to think about it now. These thumbtacks are mine. It's really not good. I'll just stay with you for a while later."

As he said that, he reached out and grabbed the thumbtack, opened the box and poured it on his hand.

Song Taojie smiled lightly.

"Don't talk about that, if you can really stop these commercial vehicles, even if you ask me to buy you ten boxes and eight boxes of thumbtacks later."

Chen Kai also smiled, stopped talking, poured all the thumbtacks into his hands, and threw them out with a wave of his hand when he saw the right opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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