Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 618 Important Talk

Chapter 618 Important Talk
"I'm just telling the truth. Well, I won't delay you. I have to fill up the car."

As he said that, he walked out of the door without looking back, and after closing the door and getting into the car, Chen Kai let out a long breath, thinking about the topics that the two of them might talk about in the room, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The car really needs to be refueled. The fuel tank was not full at first, but now that it has run such a long distance, there is not much fuel left.

Although Xie Enci couldn't find this place easily, he had to make complete preparations, after all, he was prepared.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai started the car and drove to the nearest gas station. While on the road, he was still thinking in his heart that this place was found by his father, so it shouldn't be too dangerous.

Even if there was any trouble, my father would call me immediately to inform me that the distance I left would not be too far, and I would be able to come back soon.

Once a conflict really occurs, just deal with those troublemakers at the door, and then quickly move the location. Once you leave the magic city, you will be completely safe.

Even if Xie Enci had a good hand and eyes, he would not dare to go to Rongcheng to find trouble. He said ten thousand steps back, even if Xie Enci really had such courage, when he arrived in Rongcheng, he would be on his own territory.

It is a matter of minutes to take him down, which is fundamentally different from Gao Xiaotian.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai's mood became happy, and he even hummed a little song in the car, and soon arrived at the gas station. He didn't encounter any problems while refueling, and everything went very smoothly.

Chen Kai carefully looked around and found no suspicious person, so he felt more relieved.

When Chen Kai came back after refueling, Chen Haoyan and his mother were still chatting, his eyes and ears were sharp, and he heard whispering voices inside before entering the room.

Chen Kai hesitated for a long time, and felt that it was inappropriate to interrupt the conversation between the two of them at this time, but after another thought, he felt that it would be better for him to enter the room.

Because he was planning to leave here, at least he wanted to say hello to the second elder. He was not worried about his mother's safety, as long as he handed over his mother to his father and let his father protect his mother's safety.

Anyway, now mother has no way to return to the Wang family. Since she escaped from Xie Enci, she should naturally follow her father, and she still has to look for her grandfather in Shanghai.

This is of course one aspect, and another thing that worries him is that Song Taojie hasn't called until now, and he doesn't know if there is any danger on the road, so he has to meet him.

Having made up his mind, Chen Kai finally gritted his teeth and knocked lightly on the door, but before waiting for a response from the room, he had already stepped into the room.

The knock on the door just now was just to remind the two people in the room that they were back.

But even so Chen Kai is still clear, seeing the embarrassment on the faces of the two parents, Wang Yuxi's lips moved, obviously wanting to say something, but in the end he still didn't say anything, just sighed softly tone.

"you're back."

Chen Kai smiled lightly.

"I know I'm interrupting your pleasant chat, but don't worry, I'm leaving soon, I have to go to the city to meet Song Taojie, and Qin Xiang is still in the city after all, I really feel a little Worry."

Wang Yuxi looked at Chen Kai in surprise, and said reproachfully.

"You child, why are you so inconsiderate? You are ready to pick me up, why didn't you arrange Qin Xiang in advance?"

Chen Kai shook his head with a wry smile.

"Originally, the two aspects were carried out at the same time. After I rescued you, Song Taojie was responsible for meeting Qin Xiang. We made an appointment to meet at this place."

"But Song Taojie only called me when I was on the expressway, and there is no news until now. I am a little worried, so I have to go back and have a look."

Chen Haoyan couldn't help but also sighed.

"You can't do these two things at the same time. You should arrange for Qingxiang first, and then go to rescue your mother, so that nothing will happen. Now, if Qin Xiang encounters any danger, what should you do?"

Chen Kai couldn't help but sighed and smiled helplessly.

"You think this matter is a bit simple. According to your logic, of course it is not unreasonable, but if I really do that, it will definitely attract the attention of others. If people know that Qin Xiang has left the magic city, it will be very important. You might guess that I'm going to make a move."

"In this way, we will be on guard, and the rescue plan is likely to be hindered, so we have considered it for a long time and think it is more appropriate."

Chen Haoyan and Wang Yuxi glanced at each other, and felt that what Chen Kai said was reasonable, but they were still worried that Chen Kai would be in danger when he went back.

Chen Haoyan finally let out another sigh.

"I know that even if I don't let you go now, I'm afraid you won't be obedient, so I can only tell you to be careful in everything. If you need help, you must tell me. When I make arrangements for your mother, I will come to you." I'll be back to help you."

Wang Yuxi said immediately.

"You don't have to worry about me. Didn't Xiaokai say that this place is safe? Put me here for now. You and Xiaokai go back to Shanghai together. After everything is settled, let's come back to this place to meet again. .”


Chen Haoyan and Chen Kai said in unison.

Chen Kai forced a smile.

"We rescued you with great difficulty, and we must never let you take risks alone. Although it is very safe here, it is only relatively speaking."

"With my father accompanying you, I can rest assured. If my father goes with me, I'm afraid both of us will be uneasy."

Chen Haoyan also sighed.

"Xiao Kai is right. If you let me go with Xiao Kai, I'm still a little worried about you. Now that things have happened, we can only split up and let Xiao Kai go back first. When Qin Xiang is brought out, we Make another plan."

The words have already been said for this sake, so Wang Yuxi couldn't say anything more. After hesitating for a long time, she finally nodded silently and looked at Chen Kai with eyes full of love and compassion.

"Xiao Kai, Mom really blames herself a bit. I thought I would help you with my strength, but I didn't expect that not only did I not help, but it caused you so much trouble. I really don't know what to say. what."

When Chen Kai heard this, he interrupted her anxiously.

"What are you talking about? Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore, we will talk about it after I bring Qin Xiang back."

(End of this chapter)

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