Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 619 Planned Evacuation

Chapter 619 Planned Evacuation
As he spoke, he turned around and strode forward, but before he had gone more than ten steps, suddenly Wang Yuxi's heart-piercing call came from behind him.

Chen Kai had no choice but to stop again.

"Don't worry, I'm really not boasting. My martial arts are very powerful. Even if I can't beat those people, it's easy to get out."

Wang Yuxi's eyes were still full of worry. Although he didn't have much contact with him, he already knew Chen Kai's character very well.

If Qin Xiang or Song Taojie were really in danger, Chen Kai would never leave them alone, but would deal with those people.

In this way, it will definitely be very dangerous. As Chen Kai's mother, she has to be worried.

Chen Kai never understood her intentions, and forced a smile.

"Father, you must keep her safe. If someone else snatches her away again, I will definitely not let you go."

Chen Haoyan knew that Chen Kai said this on purpose to make the atmosphere less sad, so he laughed and scolded in cooperation.

"You little bastard, you obviously can't trust your father, don't worry, as long as your father is still alive, you will never let your mother lose a hair."

Chen Kai nodded meaningfully, turned around, got into the car and sped away.

Wang Yuxi took a few steps forward, intending to catch up with her, but Chen Haoyan held her back and comforted her softly.

"Don't worry, my son was brought up by me. He has a sense of proportion, and his martial arts are really good. Even if I want to win him, it will not be an easy task."

Wang Yuxi had no choice but to nod silently. Anyway, Chen Kai had already driven far away, so it was useless to say anything else.

When Chen Kai returned to Shanghai, it was almost dawn, and he did not return to the rented villa. The villa had not been checked out, and he could go back at any time.

But Chen Kai still found an open space to park at random, then took out his mobile phone and called Song Taojie.

"Where are you now?"

Song Taojie's relaxed voice came from the phone.

"I'm still in the company, don't worry, I've done everything you asked me to do."

Chen Kai interrupted him immediately.

"It's not convenient to say so much on the phone. I'll go to the company to find you now, and we can talk after we meet."

Song Taojie agreed, and then hung up the phone.

Chen Kai restarted the car and went straight to Song Taojie's company. The distance was not too far. About ten minutes later, Chen Kai came to the gate of Song Taojie's company, stopped the car again, and got through to Song Taojie's company. Telephone.

"I'm downstairs in your company now, come out and pick me up."

Song Taojie didn't say anything else, he agreed, hung up the phone, and Chen Kai waited patiently in the car.

The waiting time was a bit boring, and there was no smoking along the way, Chen Kai took out a cigarette skillfully and lit it, while waiting for Song Taojie while puffing.

Another third of the time, Song Taojie cautiously appeared.

He sneaked up in front of Chen Kai, looking left and right as he walked, as if he was afraid that someone would follow him or find out. Chen Kai felt a little funny in his heart, so he rolled down the car window.

"Why are you so sneaky? Did you do something shameful?"

Song Taojie heard Chen Kai's voice, and immediately ran over, protesting with dissatisfaction.

"What are you talking about? When did I do something shameful? The reason why I was so careful was because I already knew that Xie Enci knew about your mother's disappearance."

"And he was furious because of this matter, and the group of bodyguards under him suffered a lot."

Chen Kai snorted coldly after hearing this.

"This kid has done a lot of evil, and he should have been punished a long time ago. I just wish I didn't punch him a few times and express my anger. Let me tell you, when I think of my mother's years of humiliation and humiliation, the fire in my heart will not go away." Call somewhere."

Song Taojie looked left and right again, and made a silent gesture.

"This is not a place to talk, let's go to my office."

Chen Kai nodded and opened the car door, locked the car after getting out of the car, and then followed Song Taojie into his office step by step.

After the two parties settled down, Song Taojie explained the ins and outs of the matter.

Chen Kai was not surprised that Xie Enci knew that his mother was missing, because Lu Enze was in that room.

Once the subordinates come back, they will find out immediately, but they don't understand why Song Taojie is so nervous.

Song Taojie let out a long sigh.

"Don't be in a hurry, just listen to me and finish speaking slowly. Xie Enci suspected that this matter had something to do with the Lu family, so he called Lu Kuan over to talk."

"Now the streets are full of people thanking you for your gifts. They are crazy now. Looking at this posture, it seems that they want to turn the devil upside down. No matter what price they pay, they must find your mother's whereabouts."

Chen Kai snorted coldly after listening.

"Didn't you say that he is the Xie family, the first family in Zhongnan City? Of course, a person like this will have to spend a lot of money, but my mother has already left here. I can’t find it, so why am I afraid of him?”

Song Taojie let out a long sigh.

"I know you have nothing to fear. To be honest, I have nothing to worry about when things have come to this point. When I promised to help, I had already made the best plan."

Chen Kai smiled gratifiedly, and then patted Song Taojie on the shoulder.

"I know you are very loyal, so I am willing to contact you and let you be responsible for Qin Xiang's safety."

Song Taojie shook his head helplessly.

"Now is not the time to talk about these topics. I only worry about one problem now. Thank you Enci for sending so many people across the city to inquire about your mother's whereabouts."

"In case someone slips up and confesses you and me, this matter will be very bad."

Chen Kai nodded silently. In fact, he had already thought of this point, otherwise Song Taojie would never be so nervous.

According to his understanding of Song Taojie, if Xie Enci really sent someone over, and everyone would fight openly, he probably wouldn't be afraid.

Because fighting is already commonplace for them, and even from a certain point of view, it is because of fighting that Song Taojie made his fortune.

Chen Kai has experienced more of this kind of thing, and he is calmer than Song Taojie, he frowned and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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