Chapter 636
Lu Kuan tilted his head and thought for a long time.

"As far as looks are average, he's not as handsome as me anyway, and I don't know what's wrong with that Qin Xiang. If there's something wrong with his brain, he likes him."

Lu Kuan jumped into a rage, pointed at Lu Zenn's nose and cursed loudly.

"Who told you to say such nonsense? I want you to think carefully about what the person who knocked you out looks like."

After all, Lu Zeen was spoiled at home, and it was rare to see Lu Kuan get so angry, and he almost shed tears of grievance immediately.

"Actually, how can I see clearly what he looks like? I didn't even look at him, but when I saw a man coming out of the villa, I felt very uncomfortable."

"But it seems to be about the same size as me, with a clean and handsome appearance, what are the specific characteristics... I really haven't seen it."

Lu Kuan was completely speechless, but based on these news, it is enough to conclude that the man who knocked Lu Zenn unconscious must be Chen Kai, because at this age, there are not many people with such strong martial arts, let alone someone from Came out of Qin Xiang's villa.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he felt, so he hurriedly called his subordinates.

"Go and search, even if you search the entire magic city, you have to find Chen Kai for me. If you want to see people, you need to see corpses. And I told you that if you can't find Chen Kai, you don't come back to see him." me."

"But having said that, if there is a reward, there must be a punishment. I have always been very clear about rewards and punishments. If anyone can find Chen Kai for me, I will reward them with great rewards."

When the subordinates saw Lu Kuan's virtue, they immediately knew that the matter was very serious. In the past few days, they also heard some rumors that the enemy of the Lu family had returned to the capital.

One of his subordinates immediately sneered and took over the conversation.

"Don't worry, didn't we hunt him down two days ago? Although he was wearing a helmet at the time, we didn't see what he looked like, but now we have a little clue."

Lu Kuan looked at him suspiciously.

"What clues do you gangsters have? If you didn't let him run away, you would have killed him directly, and there wouldn't be so many troubles now."

The subordinates quickly nodded and said yes.

"We are useless, but now we know which villa he lives in. We can sneak into his villa directly, catch him back, and wait for your orders."

Lu Kuan slapped the man and turned him around several times.

"Say you're an idiot, and you really don't understand at all. Now that things have become such a big mess, how could Chen Kai still wait obediently in the villa and let you catch him? Maybe he's already dead by now. Go to the empty house."

The subordinate covered his face and looked at Lu Kuan with aggrieved expression.

"Then we don't know what he looks like at all, and we don't even have a picture. How can we find him?"

Another subordinate immediately took up the conversation.

"That's right, the devil is so big, it's already difficult to find a person, but now we don't even know what kind of family they are, even if they walk by us face to face, I'm afraid we don't know who they are. not come out."

Lu Kuan was speechless, because this was indeed a problem, if he didn't send Chen Kai's appearance or his photo to the helpers, they would really have no way of finding them, but up to now, he has come to Where can I find photos of Chen Kai?
The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, so he slapped the table hard.

"Don't talk nonsense with me here. If I knew what this kid looked like, would you still need to look for it? Anyway, I have already spoken out, and anyone who finds me will be rewarded. What are you still doing here? Do you still want to be beaten?"

The subordinates did not dare to speak, but secretly complained in their hearts, thinking that there was no way to find it, but there was no way, Lu Kuanzao lost his mind.

Whether this group of people are pretending or doing their best, they have to act like this, otherwise they really can't do business.

Yu Shi's group really didn't hesitate, they immediately dispersed after leaving the Lu family, as if they really wanted to turn the city upside down.

At the same time, Song Taojie's subordinates were paying close attention to the movement of the Lu family. As soon as this group of people came out, the subordinates immediately saw it, so they whispered to each other.

"I think these people are just looking for Chen Kai, otherwise there would be absolutely no need for such a big commotion."

"You still don't talk, let's watch quietly, maybe go find Wang Yuxi."

"I think no matter who they are looking for, this news must be told to Chen Kai and the elder brother."

This sentence immediately aroused the approval of everyone, and they dialed Song Taojie without further delay.

But when the phone was just connected, someone suddenly stopped him.

"I don't think this is the place to make phone calls. If the Lu family is alarmed, we will be in trouble."

This person also looked puzzled.

"Then if you don't fight here, where should you go?"

The man just now widened his eyes.

"You really don't turn your head, won't you stay a little farther away?"

This person suddenly realized, he hurriedly smiled apologetically, left here with his mobile phone, and ran away for more than 20 steps. At this time, Song Taojie just picked up the phone.

"Boss, let me tell you that the Lu family has dispatched a considerable number of people. I don't know who to look for. Maybe it's your friend Chen Kai, maybe it's Wang Yuxi. We can't be sure yet."

"It's just that the situation is very urgent. There are too many people dispatched by the other party, so we hurriedly tell you the news."

After Song Taojie finished listening, he looked at Chen Kai meaningfully before responding on the phone.

"I know about this matter, you guys must be more careful, don't fall into the hands of the other party, and your mission has been completed, evacuate as soon as possible."

"It's not yet bright, and the barbecue stalls should not be closed yet. Go and drink some wine and relax, but don't drink too much for me. Maybe you will need it later."

Hearing that Song Taojie was going to give everyone a holiday, his subordinates were about to thank Dade, but suddenly they heard the second half of the sentence, and the smile froze on their faces immediately.

"Since the elder brother has not finished the matter and has other tasks, I think we should not go drinking, and we should stay here at any time."

Song Taojie thought for a while, and finally reluctantly agreed.

"You are right. Anyway, there will be more days of drinking in the future. Just wait there. When something happens, I will call you immediately."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone and told Chen Kai and Chen Jinfei the news delivered by his subordinates just now.

Chen Kai's eyes turned to Chen Jinfei.

"Uncle Chen, now that the Lu family has started to act, what should we do?"

Before Chen Jinfei could speak, Song Taojie suddenly took over the conversation.

"I just thought that since the Lu family has sent a large number of men to look for us, or your mother, there must be very few people left in the Lu family. It is a good time to deal with the Lu family."

Chen Kai looked at Song Taojie helplessly.

Song Taojie has already started to worry.

"The opportunity is once in a thousand years. We already have so many people. Now we go directly to the door of the Lu family to settle the grievances that have been going on for many years."

"This is a god-given opportunity. If you delay any longer, I'm afraid you'll miss this opportunity. It won't be so easy to deal with them in the future."

Chen Jinfei seemed to see Chen Kai's worry, so she smiled lightly.

"If you're worried about the Wang family and the Xie family, then just hand them over to me. You only need to be in charge of the Lu family. I believe this shouldn't bring you much pressure, right?"

As he spoke, he suddenly looked at the men he had brought with him.

"I've told you just now that I brought some people along this time and picked some randomly. Don't worry, their kung fu is very qualified."

Chen Kai nodded silently.

"Actually, I don't need to bring them all, Uncle Chen, why don't you pick a few at random, and just use them for my errands."

(End of this chapter)

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