Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 637 come to the door

Chapter 637 come to the door
Chen Jinfei shook her head lightly.

"Stupid boy, why don't you understand what I mean? The group of people I asked you to take was carefully selected for you, and I'm going to the other two, of course, it is impossible to go alone fight."

Chen Kai looked at him in surprise.

"You mean, not all the people you asked me to take to the Lu family?"

Chen Jinfei nodded silently.

"As for how to deal with it, I've already told the young man in front of you. You guys should make a good plan later, and I won't stay here for now."

As he said that, he turned around and went out.

Song Taojie stopped him suddenly.

"I know you brought these hundreds of people in total. You're going to the other two, I'm afraid it's just to find out the news first. In fact, you don't need to look like this at all."

"These hundreds of people can be divided into several groups. Chen Kai and I are in the same family, and you can divide the rest of the people into groups and go to the other two families."

A smile of approval appeared in Chen Jinfei's eyes.

"Your observation ability is quite strong. You know that I brought so many people this time, but I also have my intentions in doing so. Don't you say that the other party is very powerful?"

"I'm worried that the number of people you bring is small, and my precious nephew will suffer in the future. At that time, not only could I not explain to his father, I couldn't even explain to my father. If he made any mistakes, my father would definitely kill him. mine."

Chen Kai sighed helplessly, and forced a smile.

"Uncle, you look down on me a bit by saying that. If so many of us don't separate and go to the same house in a mighty way, it will definitely attract people's attention."

Song Taojie suddenly took over the conversation.

"Chen Kai is right. It's only a few hours before dawn. What I mean is that there are gradually pedestrians on the street, so we should stop making such a big fuss."

Chen Jinfei patted Chen Kai's shoulder approvingly.

"It is said that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. I used to refuse to accept my old age, but seeing you all so mature now really makes me feel a little bit emotional."

Chen Kai didn't answer, Song Taojie continued slowly.

"If we don't separate, it's one thing to scare the snake away, but on the other hand, we have to worry about causing unnecessary trouble."

Chen Jinfei sighed softly.

"I admit that your consideration is indeed very thoughtful. Let's not do anything. We must completely solve this problem once we do it, and we shouldn't be procrastinating."

This proposal was agreed by Song Taojie and Chen Kai.

Everyone discussed for a long time, and finally decided to go to the old house of the Lu family in batches.

Before leaving, Chen Jinfei repeatedly told Chen Kai to be careful.

Song Taojie looked at Chen Jinfei with some doubts.

"Aren't you going to come with us?"

Chen Jinfei shook her head lightly.

"Didn't we already agree? You take people to Lu's house first, and then go to my side to trouble Wang's and Xie's. We can't go at the same time."

Song Taojie nodded, expressing his understanding, and brought hundreds of people with Chen Kai to the Lu family's old house.

There were no mistakes along the way, and everyone arrived at the Lu family's old house smoothly.

At the same time, Lu Wen didn't know about it because he lived in the villa.

The housekeeper of the Lu family's old house was stunned when he saw so many people coming outside, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"What's going on? The Lu family hasn't encountered such a battle for many years. Something must have happened. No wonder my eyelids keep twitching these days."

"As expected now, no, I have to tell Lu Kuan about this first, and make him ready."

Having made up his mind, he immediately ran into the villa and knocked on Lu Kuan's door hastily.

Lu Kuan was annoyed at not being able to find Chen Kai, and when he heard someone knocking on the door, he immediately yelled displeased outside the door.

"Who is it? Did you find Chen Kai? If you don't find it, you should get out of here as soon as possible. When you find it, come back and tell me."

The voice of the old housekeeper was very urgent.

"Now it's not about looking for Chen Kai at all. Our Lu family may be in serious trouble. You can go to the door and have a look. There are a large group of people coming towards our villa."

"I think something is wrong, so I hurried in to tell you that this matter is no small matter, you must not delay any longer, and prepare as soon as possible."

When Lu Kuan heard this, he was taken aback at first. He never thought that anyone would summon so many people to trouble him.

But he soon realized that it was very likely that Chen Kai already knew the news that he was looking for Chen Kai, so he acted first and came to the door first.

Thinking of this, Lu Kuan slapped the table hard.

"Good boy, there is nowhere to find it. It took no effort to get it. I searched the devil upside down and couldn't find it. This kid actually came to the door by himself. If I let him go back alive today, For my Lu, I will write it upside down."

Said that he immediately rushed out of the villa. He originally thought that Chen Kai would bring dozens of people with him at most, and although there were not many people left in the villa, they were in his own territory after all, occupying a favorable location.

If there was a real fight, I'm afraid he wouldn't suffer much, but when he saw the crowd of people, he was dumbfounded and didn't know how to react.

At this moment, he secretly cried out in his heart, thinking that in order to find Chen Kai, I almost sent all the people here, and there are only a dozen men left here. If the other party has dozens of people, at least they can resist for a while, but there is no one. Thinking that there are so many people here, Chen Kai has not been here for a long time, and Wang Yuxi is no longer at Wang's house, that is to say, where did Chen Kai find so many helpers?
This has simply become an unsolved mystery. He never imagined that Chen Kai has a relative abroad, and this relative is preparing for the revival of the Chen family when Chen Kai grows up, and has been making preparations all the time.

Chen Kai had already walked a dozen steps away from Lu Kuan.

"How? I heard that you have been looking for me, but I think if I don't show up, you may not be able to find me even if you find me in the year of the monkey."

"I liked watching you scratching your head anxiously at first, but then I thought about it, the grievances between our two families have been going on for so many years, and it's time to end it."

"As the saying goes, it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Since you have sent so many men to look for me, I will take the initiative to appear in front of you and put an end to our unpleasant past."

After all, Lu Wen is not an ordinary person. Although he knows that he may be doomed today, he still retains the demeanor he should have.

"Do you think you can do anything to me by bringing so many people? I don't think you should be delusional. Although I don't have many men left in my villa, they are more than enough to deal with you."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and immediately behind him appeared more than a dozen strong young men.

"Today I will let you come and go. I have already promised my father that I will not trouble you easily, but today you asked for it yourself, so you can't blame me."

Song Taojie suddenly snorted coldly.

"Lu Kuan, you are really shameless. You have sent so many people to look for Chen Kai, and you promised your father not to trouble us."

"Chen Kai, it's better not to be polite to him, and quickly get rid of his dozen or so subordinates."

Lu Kuan stared at him coldly.

"Whoever solves it is not sure!"

Speaking of that, the dozen or so subordinates immediately rushed towards Chen Kai, and the hundreds of people brought by Chen Jinfei also rushed forward when they saw this, but Chen Kai stopped them suddenly.

"Don't move, leave these dozen people to me to deal with."

As soon as the words fell, these dozens of people had already rushed in front of Chen Kai. Chen Kai mobilized his internal strength, and in less than a minute, he beat all of these people to the ground.

Not to mention that Chen Jinfei's subordinates did not expect the level of clean and agile skills, Lu Kuan was also stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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