Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 659 Difficult Choices

Chapter 659 Difficult Choices
Qin Min immediately recognized that it was Chen Kai's voice, his nose was sore and tears almost didn't fall, his voice was choked and he said.

"You big scumbag, I thought you were a good person at first, but now I know that you are a bad person who can't be worse, you are a super invincible villain, you have no conscience, and you will suffer a thousand knives."

"If you still dare to call to ask what's wrong with our sister, let me tell you, no matter who encounters any danger in the future, our sister will never tell you again."

"We will treat you as dead, we have never seen you, we have never known you, you'd better die tomorrow, the sooner you die, the better."

Chen Kai was dumbfounded by this robbing. In his impression, Qin Min had lost his temper with him, and even specially nicknamed himself a pervert.

But there was a reason for that, and it was half-ridiculous, and he had never been so furious with himself, yelling at him without hesitation.

What are you scolding?Chen Kai didn't react a little, but he had already made it clear that something really happened to the sisters of the Qin family.

It's just that I don't know who it is now. Judging from Qin Min's tone, she must be fine. Qin's mother's voice is a little flustered, but judging from her tone, it seems that it's not her fault.

Then there are only two people left, one is the youngest Qin Yue, and the other is Qin Ying.

Although Qin Min scolded furiously, he didn't hang up the phone. He couldn't hear Chen Kai's reply, and Qin Min became a little impatient.

"You super invincible scumbag, why don't you speak? Are you guilty? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel sorry for my second sister?"

"If that's the case, you have a little conscience..."

Chen Kai interrupted her immediately.

"What did you just say? What happened to your second sister?"

When Qin Min heard this question, he immediately cursed again.

"Don't pretend to be stupid. Don't tell me what's going on with the second sister. You don't know at all. You'd better lie to others like this kind of trick. Don't tell me here."

Chen Kai was also a little annoyed, but he still asked patiently and in as gentle a tone as possible.

"What's wrong with Qin Ying? I really don't know anything. When I asked your elder sister, she didn't say anything. When I asked Aunt Qin, she even said something perfunctory."

"I really couldn't find anyone else, so I called you, but it's fine if you don't talk well, and scolded me all over the face."

"It doesn't matter if you scold me, the important thing is that you scolded me for a long time, and you didn't even say a serious word."

Qin Min heard that Chen Kai's voice didn't seem to be pretending, so he burst into tears.

"You really don't know? Didn't you really not come back to see my second sister on purpose?"

Chen Kai took a deep breath.

"Hurry up and tell me what's going on, and you don't want to play tricks here, can you? I'm dying of anxiety now, and I can't wait to go back to Rongcheng immediately."

Qin Min wiped away his tears before responding with sobs.

"Qin Ying was found to be terminally ill, and her time in this world is running out. At this time, you are still busy with your damn business, and you won't come back to see her."

"Second sister is heartbroken whenever she mentions you, but she still speaks well of you in front of us, saying that you are a kind and righteous person..."

Chen Kai didn't hear what Qin Min said at all. He had an unbelievable expression on his face, and a sentence echoed repeatedly in his mind.

"Qin Ying has already got a terminal illness? How is this possible? She is still so young, how could she have such an illness?"

He really wanted to ask Qin Min if he was joking with him, but on second thought, even if he really wanted to lie to him to go back, he would never use such an excuse.

What's more, Qin Min couldn't pretend to be so sad.

So he let out a long sigh.

"Don't worry, I really have to explain to you that I really don't know anything, but now that I know, I will book a plane ticket back to Rongcheng immediately, and I can go back tomorrow at the latest, what can I say? Let's talk after we meet."

Qin Min was incredulous.

"Is what you said true? Are you really coming back tomorrow? Tell Qin Ying this quickly."

Chen Kai hastily interrupted her.

"Don't tell your second sister now, haven't I already said it? Let's talk about it after we meet."

Qin Min wiped away his tears again.

"Then let's make an agreement. You can't lie to me. If you don't come back tomorrow, even if you hide in the ends of the earth, I have to find you and kill you."

Chen Kai was not in the mood to answer such angry words, but he still nodded patiently.

"I will definitely arrive in Rongcheng tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, because he stayed in the toilet for too long, thinking that Qin Xiang and Song Taojie might suspect something.

So he hurried out, but at the moment only Song Taojie was left in the living room, but Qin Xiang didn't know where he went.

Chen Kai looked at Song Taojie with some doubts.

"Where did Qin Xiang go?"

Song Taojie pointed upstairs with his finger.

"She doesn't know what to think of, go upstairs to get something."

Chen Kai sat beside Song Taojie.

"I have a very serious matter to talk to you now. You take care of the situation here, and I have to go back there."

Song Taojie stared at Chen Kai with wide eyes, making sure that he was not joking, so he asked suspiciously.

"What's going on? What's so important that you have to go back? Don't you know that the situation here has reached a critical stage."

Chen Kai shook his head helplessly.

"I'll explain the specific situation to you later. You just need to know that I have to go back."

Song Taojie.I wanted to ask what happened again, but before I could ask, a woman's voice came from behind.

"You'd better not act rashly."

Both Song Taojie and Chen Kai were startled, and they both looked in the direction of the sound. Of course, this person was Qin Xiang.

At this moment, he looked at Chen Kai with a frosty face.

Chen Kai had no choice but to cast his eyes on her.

"Qin Ying had such a serious incident, why didn't you tell me? How long are you going to keep it from me?"

Qin Xiang's eyes were also full of tears, and she said in a choked voice.

"Do you think I'm willing to do this? Do you think you can play a good role when you go back? Qin Ying still doesn't know that we are together. "

"But when you go back, she will definitely ask, how will you answer at that time?"

Chen Kai was stunned, this was indeed a very difficult problem for him to solve.

He deeply knew why Qin Xiang would ask such a question. If he didn't tell Qin Ying now, he would have to keep it a secret. He didn't know when it would be the first time.

This is still second, the important thing is that it is too unfair to Qin Xiang, but if the truth is told, the blow to Qin Ying is really too great.

After all, Qin Ying once proposed to herself on the street, and many people took pictures with their mobile phones and posted them on the Internet, and there was a bit of a commotion because of this.

At least it means that Qin Ying loves her very deeply. If Qin Ying can't accept the reality that she and Qin Xiang are together, it is very likely that she will die of a serious illness.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt a headache. In his life, he had never encountered such a difficult decision. This feeling was really too painful.

Just when he didn't know what to do, the old man's cough suddenly came from behind him.

Chen Kai turned around suddenly, and at a glance, he saw Chen Tianhen looking at him kindly.

"It's actually not that difficult to decide."

Just as Chen Kai was about to speak, Chen Tianhen stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"You don't need to explain anything. I know everything. I thought about it just now. I think it's better for you to go back and explain clearly."

Before Chen Kai could speak, Qin Xiang had already taken over the conversation.

"I'm afraid this won't work. What if Qin Ying really can't accept it? Have you ever thought about my feelings?"

"If something happens to Qin Ying, how can I live in this world?"

She couldn't stop crying.

"Because I robbed Qin Ying's boyfriend and let my sister die in depression, I will bear the guilt of this life."

(End of this chapter)

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