Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 660 Unexpected Reunion

Chapter 660 Unexpected Reunion

Chen Tianhen looked at her meaningfully.

"Don't take things so seriously. I don't think the situation has reached the point of death. I'm a lot older than you young people, and I know more about love."

"There is no right or wrong in this kind of thing. You shouldn't be sad because of Qin Ying's matter. It's just one person who is sad."

Chen Tianhen sighed for a long time, and continued slowly.

"If you continue to hide it, the whole family will be sad. I'm afraid not only you two, but also several other sisters of the Qin family."

He suddenly turned his gaze out of the window, as if he had fallen into a deep memory, and his voice became a little mysterious.

"It's very likely that you still can't understand what I said, but don't worry. After you have some life experience, you will feel that what I said is right."

"Don't hesitate now. Qin Ying must also want to see Chen Kai very much, so I think you should book the plane tickets now. It would be best if you can go back now. There is really no plane ticket for tonight. At the latest Also make it to tomorrow.”

"The longer the delay, the more unfavorable it will be for this matter. Don't worry about things here. With Song Taojie and me, there will never be any problems. Besides, there is your cousin Chen Jinfei."

Staring quietly at Chen Tianhen, I don't know if he is thinking about what he said just now, or missing Qin Ying who is lying on the hospital bed on the other side.

Qin Xiang took a deep breath.

"Do you really mean that? Do you think it is appropriate for us to go back now?"

Chen Tianhen nodded silently.

"You young people have one of the biggest problems, that is, you think too much and do too little. With the current situation, you really have no reason to stay in Shanghai. If you can go back and have a look, go back and have a look."

Qin Xiang turned her face to look at the distraught Chen Kai, and lightly touched his elbow with her hand.

Only then did Chen Kai recover, and looked at Qin Xiang in embarrassment.

"what happened?"

Qin Xiang looked at him with some complaints.

"What's the matter? Grandpa just told us to go back, but you haven't spoken any more, and you have no expression. I don't know what you are thinking. Do you agree or not? If you make a decision, we will now Just book a plane ticket."

Chen Kai nodded silently, and then set his sights on Chen Tianhen again.

"Since grandpa told us to go back, we have no choice but to go back."

Song Taojie felt that it was redundant for him to sit in this place. He and Chen Kai were supposed to be chatting here, and it was time to go back to sleep.

But I didn't expect Qin Xiang to appear inexplicably, that's not enough, Chen Tianhen didn't know where it came from, and the topic of conversation had nothing to do with him at all.

This made him suddenly feel very embarrassed. He could not live in this place, but due to special circumstances, he would stay here for the past two days, but now he wanted to leave very much.

"You seem to have something very important to talk about, or I'd better go, and I'll come back tomorrow."

Chen Kai and Chen Tianhen interrupted him in unison.


Chen Kai sighed for a long time, walked slowly in front of Song Taojie, and said with a serious face.

"You should stay in this place. I'm afraid your place is not safe. If people from the Wang family and Xie family come to your door later, you will encounter some accidents..."

He didn't continue talking, because he knew that Song Taojie had already understood his thoughts.

Chen Tianhen also sighed, and took over the conversation.

"Now the situation has reached a very critical stage. Logically speaking, Chen Kai should not leave, but the situation over there also requires Chen Kai to go back and have a look."

"So the situation here can only be left to us. I think whether it is the Wang family or the Xie family, it is unlikely that there will be new actions so soon."

"Chen Kai has to leave for a while, and there shouldn't be too many problems, but you have to follow me when Chen Kai is not in Shanghai for a few days."

"I don't want to see that Chen Kai finally made a bosom friend, and suddenly died unexpectedly."

Song Taojie smiled awkwardly.

"Since the old man asked me to stay, then I will stay."

Qin Xiang saw that the discussion had been made, and hurriedly called the airport, only to learn that there were no air tickets that night, and the earliest would be tomorrow afternoon.

Qin Xiang booked two plane tickets, then looked at Chen Kai and nodded silently.

In the afternoon of the second day, Chen Kai and Qin Xiang simply prepared some things, took a taxi at the gate and went straight to the airport.

Song Taojie originally wanted to send the two of them off, but Chen Kai felt that Chen Tianhen was old and wanted Song Taojie to stay here, on the one hand to accompany the elderly, and on the other hand to play some protective role.

Chen Kai was not worried about Chen Tianhen's martial arts, but worried that in case of an emergency, it would be inconvenient for the old man to have no one around him.

After hearing Chen Kai's explanation, Song Taojie had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​sending them away.

They didn't encounter any problems on the road, and Chen Kai and Qin Xiang arrived at the airport very smoothly.

It was already evening when they returned to Rongcheng. Instead of going to the villa, they rushed directly to the hospital where Qin Ying was.

Qin's mother was accompanying Qin Ying in the hospital at the moment, when suddenly a nurse opened the door and came in, walked up to her ear, and whispered something.

Qin's mother immediately widened her eyes and looked at the nurse in disbelief.


The nurse pointed out the door.

"You can see it when you go out."

Qin's mother nodded silently, then turned to look at Qin Ying who just woke up.

"There is a very important guest. I have to go out to meet him. I will be back in a short time. Don't worry."

Qin Ying nodded with a wry smile.

"I'm fine. If you have anything to do, go get busy. In fact, you don't need to come to the hospital every day. Just come and see me every two or three days."

Qin's mother looked at Qin Ying with distress.

"You silly girl, what are you talking about? I won't tell you, I'll go see this guest first."

Said and walked out of the ward quickly.

After closing the door, he walked along the corridor towards another section. Before reaching the end, he saw Chen Kai and Qin Xiang standing there side by side.

Qin's mother quickened her pace, and asked anxiously before she got to the front.

"Why are you two coming back at this time? What do you want to do?"

She turned her gaze to Chen Kai again, with a look of reproach on her face.

"You're a real kid. It's meaningless for me to tell you anything on the phone. Don't you understand? Even if there is an emergency here, you shouldn't come back. "

Seeing Qin's mother in such a hurry, Qin Xiang felt a little sad.

"Mom, I'm really worried about Qin Ying, that's why I came back to have a look."

Mother Qin let out a long sigh.

"I know what you all think, but is it really the right time to come back now? Qin Ying's mood has been very wrong these two days. What if it irritates her and causes her condition to worsen?"

After hearing this, Qin Xiang turned her gaze to Chen Kai again.

"I know you really want to see Qin Ying now, but don't be so impulsive at this time. Before Qin Ying knows we're back, let's leave first."

After hearing this, Chen Kai lowered his head and began to think seriously.

But before I waited for him to get along with him, I suddenly heard a familiar and somewhat unfamiliar voice coming from behind me.

"Oh, Chen Kai, why did you come back suddenly? Don't you have important things to do in Shanghai? Have you taken care of things over there? Will you not leave when you come back this time?"

She turned her attention to Mother Qin again.

"Mom, you are so serious. Chen Kai and his sister are back, but you still refused to tell me, and you even said you were meeting guests."

Chen Kai's mind went blank, he only thought about telling Qin Ying about his relationship with Qin Xiang.

When he finally made up his mind to tell Qin Ying the truth, Qin Xiang suddenly took a big step forward and grabbed Qin Ying's hand.

"Silly sister, what do you think you are asking? Why are we back? Of course we came back to see you. Otherwise, what reason do you think there is?"

(End of this chapter)

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