Chapter 66

"Group Leader Liu, if you continue to stand here and look at us like this, it will make it even harder for me to calm down and finish my work."

Seeing him not leaving, An Yueyao became impatient.

She already hated this person in front of her, who always surrounded her and harassed her all day long. If it wasn't the leader's order, how could she have come to the sixth group to stay with this kind of person?

With a cold snort, Liu Chenglong turned and left, but the murderous look in his eyes before leaving made everyone shudder invisibly.

The surrounding cold air pressure rose several times in an instant, and everyone felt as if they were alive.

"New here, do you know who you offended just now?"

"He's our team leader. If you offend him, you won't have any good fruit to eat."

The group members looked at Chen Kai with pity, as if they could already see his tragic ending in the future.

The master who once sat in his current position is the best example.

It is said that a strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake. Didn't expect such a large company such as Qin Xiang to hide such a cancer?
Chen Kai propped his chin, and had his own calculations in his mind.

"No matter how powerful he is, what can he do to me? Now it's a legal society. Could it be that he can still kill me?"

Chen Kai didn't take it seriously, but he wanted to see what that guy could do with him?
"As long as I work hard, is it possible that he can still fire me by virtue of his status as the leader of the small group?"

Then ask Qin Xiang if he agrees, unless he can be bigger than Qin Xiang.

Seeing that he didn't believe what he said, the group members sighed regretfully, but were not annoyed.

The team members are already used to his reaction. After all, the previous one had the same reaction. Unfortunately, the final outcome...

The 5 minutes passed in a flash, and it was time to get off work in a blink of an eye.

The members of the group left one after another, and for a while, only An Yueyao and Chen Kai were left to tidy up the desk.

Looking at the man next to him who hadn't left for a long time, An Yueyao was a little worried. After pondering for a moment, she still said tactfully: "Why didn't you leave earlier? Liu Chenglong is not as simple as it seems on the surface. You just annoyed me." He, presumably he will not let you go."

Although she doesn't like Liu Chenglong, she also knows that that man is not easy to provoke, and she has heard some gossip about his actions.

Whether it's true or not, she doesn't really want this new colleague to get hurt.

At least because he helped himself sort out the report all afternoon today.

"I'm a big man, so there's nothing to worry about. But you, he must be interested in you, right?"


An Yueyao didn't answer, it was a tacit consent.

Chen Kai continued: "In this case, you are the one who should be protected. If I don't send you away, how can I rest assured?"

An Yueyao was surprised, but met the man's stubborn eyes, so she had no choice but to compromise.

The two took the elevator downstairs together, but this scene was clearly seen by Liu Chenglong who just came out of get off work, and he felt even more uncomfortable.

Thinking of the smile on Chen Kai's face just now, he felt even more glaring, he had already called the big brother on the road, and now he can teach this kid a lesson when he arrives, let him know that he has offended, no What kind of experience is the person who should be offended.

It wasn't until An Yueyao got into the taxi and left that Liu Chenglong stepped forward and stood beside Chen Kai expressionlessly.

"If you want to grab a woman from me, you have to weigh yourself first!"

The gritted teeth came from Liu Chenglong's mouth, and it could be seen that he was angry at the moment.

Chen Kai didn't take it seriously at all, but when he looked at the expression on this guy's face, he suddenly felt that if he chose to calm things down for this kind of person, he might never realize his behavior What a nuisance.

Just now I heard An Yueyao say that he seems to have something to do with the Dao, if that's the case, let the people on the Dao solve it!

He casually took out his mobile phone, opened the call history, found the number from the previous call that was not saved in the phone book, and dialed it.

"Brother Hu, bring a few brothers over here, I'm..."

After giving an address, he hung up the phone, and Chen Kai showed a bright smile.

"Wait a minute. I don't want to hit anyone today, so I have to ask my brother to come over and help."

Liu Chenglong sneered in his heart, he really took himself seriously, he is not an ordinary person who is slaughtered by others.

Calling a group of low-level punks over can deter him, that really underestimates him.

"Then I want to see how powerful the person you called is, and don't pee in your pants when you see me again." Liu Chenglong sneered.

Wen Xun came to Brother Hu with a few younger brothers in the gang, and when he saw that the person who offended Chen Kai was actually Liu Chenglong, he immediately became furious.

This ignorant thing dares to provoke Chen Kai, is it because he thinks his life is too long and the work is too boring, right?

"Brothers tied this guy up for me, and took it to Shentang!"

Brother Hu yelled and waved his arms. In an instant, several little brothers rushed forward to subdue Liu Chenglong, who was too late to struggle, and tied him up with a thick hemp rope so that he could not move.

Even the big brother in the gang respects this bastard who doesn't know what is good or bad, and dares to offend him casually, how can Brother Hu be merciless!

"Brother Hu, Brother Hu, don't worry!"

Chen Kai pretended to be merciful and obstructed, not because he didn't want to teach Liu Chenglong, a guy who didn't know what to do, but because he didn't want to take another life for no reason.

What's more, although this kind of person is annoying, but the crime is not worthy of death, just give him a lesson.

"There's no need for Shen Tang, after all, I'm not the kind of ruthless person."

He rubbed his hands involuntarily, why do these words feel so against his will?
When Brother Hu heard this, he immediately admired him even more. He really deserved to be someone that the master valued, and he was so kind from the bottom of his heart!
To be able to be so magnanimous when encountering this kind of crazy dog ​​biting people, is this realm comparable to ordinary people!

Chen Kai didn't know that in this split second, his casual sentence instantly elevated his status in Brother Hu's heart.

"Then little brother, what do you plan to do with this guy?" Brother Hu asked admiringly, looking ahead.

Chen Kai frowned, thinking hard.

Falling on the ground, Liu Chenglong, who was waiting for their domination, was like fish on a chopping board, unable to be arrogant anymore.

As time passed by, his heart beat faster and faster, and cold sweat kept slipping off his body, like a faucet that couldn't be stopped.

Finally, Chen Kai said, "Forget it, just teach him a lesson. Brother Hu, you should be the best at teaching people, just take it easy."

(End of this chapter)

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