Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 67 Midlife Crisis

Chapter 67 Midlife Crisis
Brother Hu nodded, and then signaled to the brothers beside him to carry him away and find a place to teach him a lesson.

After the brothers around him carried away Liu Chenglong who was in the way, Brother Hu looked at Chen Kai with flickering eyes, hesitant to speak.

"Just say what you want. This time, you rushed over to help me when you received my call, so why bother to be coy."

In fact, Chen Kai knew what he wanted to say, but since he didn't say anything, there was no need for him to do anything extra.

It's just that he was able to come here so generously this time, so it's not easy for him to act too distant.

Brother Hu, who had never had a chance to speak, finally had a flash of light in his gloomy eyes, and looked at Chen Kai with a little excitement.

"There are too many people here and it's not convenient. There is a small hotel in front. I don't know if the little brother is free to negotiate with me?"

It's not that he doesn't want to talk about it here, it's mainly because what happened in the gang recently is too serious, people come and go here, if someone listens to it, it will be even more detrimental to the development of the gang.


The two came to a small restaurant near the company. Brother Hu waved his hand and asked for a private room in the restaurant.

It is said to be a private room, but it is actually a small room separated by itself. After all, for this kind of low-end small restaurant, the people who come here to eat are ordinary working-class people, and no one will ask for a private room alone.

If it weren't for the limited conditions now, Brother Hu would not choose to live in such a simple environment. After all, the person in front of him deserves better.

The store handed over the usual greasy menu, Brother Hu said without looking at it: "Bring up all your signature dishes, and two bottles of good wine, the best."

He is not short of money, especially for this small restaurant, the most expensive wine is only a few hundred yuan.

As early as when the two came in to ask for a private room, the store owner knew that there was a big deal today, and now seeing the tattooed man take some medicine as soon as he opened his mouth, all the signature dishes in the store immediately ran to the back kitchen Prepare.

Brother Hu, who was sitting on the seat, was a bit decadent: "Little brother, don't mind, this is the nearest restaurant. I'll treat you to a good meal next time."

"I don't mind these things, it's just that your current state doesn't seem very good?"

Chen Kai raised his eyebrows and looked at him. He was still high-spirited a few days ago, but now he has become decadent like this after a few days.

I must have been troubled by troubles recently!
"Are you really not going to join our gang? Just like what the military adviser said, as long as you join our gang, you can get the best treatment and backing."

Brother Hu was a little unwilling to give up, and instead of answering Chen Kai's question, he asked back.

After returning that day, Master Puman finally told him the reason why he invited Chen Kai, and only then did he awaken the dreamer to understand the whole story.

For masters, he also sincerely hopes to join their gang, but if the other party is still unwilling, he will not just force it.

"Compared to those ethereal backers and backgrounds, I prefer to be alone and free."

"It's just that your gang has encountered any trouble recently?"

Chen Kai squinted at him, although he kept silent about the gang, but the worry revealed between his brows had overwhelmed everything.

As a person of considerable weight in the gang, other than that, he is light, so his troubles must be related to the affairs of the gang.

He has a very good relationship with the people in their gang, and the current sorrow must have no other possibility except that something happened in the gang.

Brother Hu originally wanted to test him out before deciding whether to tell him or not, but he never thought that the other party would have already guessed something before he even opened his mouth.

Sure enough, the expert is different, and he can guess the whole story with just one or two sentences of his own.

He sighed, and said slowly: "You guessed right, there has indeed been some trouble in our gang recently."

"The gang I belong to is called the Flying Eagle Gang. The leader of the gang was once a powerful hero. Later, he established the current Flying Eagle Gang by relying on his own strength."

"After the gang was established, we also had several bars and nightclubs under the name of the gang to obtain funds to operate."

Brother Hu took a sip of his mulled wine while talking, a look of resentment flashed in his eyes, and then he continued: "You may not believe me, but our Flying Eagle Gang has never been involved in pornography, gambling, or drugs since its development!"

"Oh?" Chen Kai became interested and listened attentively.

"Because our boss's family was once persecuted by pornography, gambling and drugs, after the establishment of the Flying Eagle Gang, our boss swore that no matter what, we would never get involved in these three things and not rely on them for profit."

"Later, our boss did it, and the Flying Eagle Gang grew better and better."

"But with the passage of time, everything will change. The few veterans who used to follow the boss have now had differences, and the contradictions in the gang have become increasingly serious."

Thinking of the leader's body getting thinner and tossing and turning all day because of these nasty things, Brother Hu became more and more angry.

The leader of the gang used to be a hero, unrestrained and reckless, he acted informally, and never played with these conspiracies and tricks, and they were the most disdainful.

But now, in order to maintain the Flying Eagle Gang, he has to go through these things every day, but even so, the Flying Eagle Gang is still going downhill.

After drinking a few glasses of spirits, the burning sensation in his throat made Brother Hu's aggrieved heart finally feel better.

Chen Kai never said a word, listening quietly.

Even though he wasn't involved in the matter, he could also guess the current chaotic situation of the Flying Eagle Gang based on what Brother Hu said just now.

A generation of heroes, but in the end they had to play tricks with the brothers who used to fight together. This is really eye-catching.

Buckle up!
There was a light knock on the door, and the wooden door of the box was pushed open. The store pushed the dining car and placed the prepared dishes on the dining table one by one.

The small dining table was fully occupied by dozens of dishes, several of which were superimposed on top of it, and it was barely able to hold all the dishes.

For this, the store is a little sorry.

"Usually no one orders so many dishes at once, so I didn't prepare such a big table, so I have to feel wronged by the two bosses!"

A middle-aged man with vicissitudes, the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes are so deep that a few sheets of paper can be stuffed inside. At this moment, his dark skin is shining with oil, and the towel hanging around his neck is wet with sweat, giving off a faint sour smell of sweat.

Brother Hu waved his hand, then took out 200 yuan from his wallet and stuffed it into the shopkeeper's hand.

"Take the tip and don't bother us."

"Yes, yes, I will leave now, you two take it easy!"

(End of this chapter)

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