Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 68 War 1 is about to start

Chapter 68 War is imminent

It wasn't until the shopkeeper left that Chen Kai said with a half-smile: "Why did you suddenly tip the shopkeeper?"

The gangsters don't forcefully collect protection fees, but spend them on the shopkeepers. This is really unheard of!

"Looking at his age, he is still struggling to make a living. I think it's not easy. For me, I don't need the 200 yuan. For him, it may make him feel better."

As if thinking of something old, Brother Hu suddenly felt a little sad.

Then he shook his head and put away the messy thoughts in his head, when is this, and he still thinks about the past?
He cleared his throat, and looked at Chen Kai with a straight look: "If it's just these things in the gang, it's not enough to make us worry and sad, but we recently got the news that one of the five gangs who are side by side with us Among them, the three major gangs have decided to join forces to deal with our Flying Eagle Gang."

The power of the three gangs joining forces cannot be underestimated.

Brother Hu couldn't imagine that this time, for the Flying Eagle Gang, who had internal and external troubles, what chance they had of winning.

Even the military division is no longer as confident as before this time. If the people in the gang are not united, how can they deal with foreign enemies?
Chen Kai knew it in his heart, and sighed endlessly.

I didn't expect their gang to be in such a big trouble now, and it's no wonder that they all look like bitter melons.

"The power of the three gangs is indeed not to be underestimated. Even if the leader of your gang is extremely capable, he must have encountered a bottleneck in his career at this moment, but I wonder if you have a way to deal with it at this moment?"

Although it is not very good to know that it is not someone from their gang who asked these cryptic questions, but out of politeness, Chen Kai decided that it is necessary to care about it.

Brother Hu shook his head in disappointment, and was not on guard against Chen Kai.

It's not that he is simple-minded, but that he sincerely believes in Chen Kai, and believes that according to his behavior, he doesn't even bother to do villainous things that betray the other party.

"Being able to be listed as one of the top five gangs, I have already expected that the leader of the Flying Eagle Gang is by no means an incompetent person, but hearing you say it like this now really makes me feel admirable."

What really surprised him was that there are still gangs in this world that don't rely on pornographic gambling to make a fortune?
Not only that, but the leader of the opposing party was able to develop the gang to the present level and become one of the five major gangs. I can't imagine how powerful he is as the leader of the Flying Eagle Gang.

Even though he had never seen the true appearance of the leader of the Flying Eagle Gang, he was not only angry but also curious about such a responsible man at this time.

Brother Hu smiled proudly, with unconcealed pride in his eyes, the leader will be someone he will always admire and make him proud of.

"That is, our leader is the one who is truly responsible and capable."

He made no secret of the status and weight of the gang leader in his heart, which is unmatched by anyone.

"It's just that although the gang leader never does these things, some elders in the gang have started to do some bad things behind the back of the gang leader by virtue of their status in the gang. They rely on their unshakable status in the gang, so that even if we have Perceived, but suffering from no evidence."

You must know that the gang leader is a person who abides by discipline, and these are the most taboo.

Obviously aware of it, but can't do anything, this is the most aggrieved place in the leader's heart.

"If we can find evidence of these activities behind those veterans, let's see how arrogant they are."

Brother Hu said, he added a piece of twice-cooked pork and bit it viciously, as if that piece of meat was one of the elders in Fangzhong.

Just now I was so focused on talking that I forgot to eat. Anyway, these were bought with money, and if I didn’t eat them, they were all thrown away in the end. What a pity.

Depressed emotions come and go quickly.

After eating a few mouthfuls of his favorite twice-cooked pork, Brother Hu's depressed mood dissipated, and his attention was completely attracted by the food.

"Sure enough, the dishes made by these fly restaurants have the best taste, much better than those hotels that only put on airs."

Although the environment is not as good as those five-star hotels, the taste is real and undeniable.

With the heart of listening to him, Chen Kai couldn't help being interested at this moment, and became very curious about such a maverick gang leader.

Looking at Brother Hu, who was eating wildly with his head down, he said, "I want to visit your leader in a while, and meet this maverick hero."

Although he hasn't met the gang leader yet, he feels that it may not be an exaggeration to describe him with the word Xiongxiong.

Brother Hu, who was so absorbed in eating, almost choked on his words.

Looking at his indifferent appearance, he had no expectations in his heart. Who knew that his sudden arrival caught him off guard.

So, there is still a little hope now?

"Eat slowly, I'll go first."

It suddenly occurred to me that there were still four young ladies waiting for me at home, not to mention that it was off-duty time.If you haven't come home for a long time, I'm afraid the house will be blown up.

After Chen Kai took a few simple bites, he got up and left, leaving Brother Hu alone in a mess in the wind.

After Chen Kai left, Brother Hu also immediately recruited the store owner to pay for the meal, and then rushed back to the gang.

He wanted to tell the gang leader the good news as soon as possible and share it with the people in the gang.


Flying Eagle Gang.

"Are you serious? Chen Kai is really going to visit our leader?"

The military master Puman was overjoyed and subconsciously stood up from his seat.

This is great news for the current Flying Eagle Gang. Although Chen Kai did not directly agree to join their Flying Eagle Gang, since he is willing to come to the leader of the Flying Eagle Gang, it shows that he actually has no thoughts in his heart.

Regardless of the final situation?As long as he is willing to come this once, maybe things will have a new turn.

"Now the three major gangs have taken action. For us, the war is imminent. At this time, no matter what, if we can recruit one more master, it will give us an extra chance of winning."

"Sure...God bless me Flying Eagle!"

Master Puman put his hands together and prayed silently.

The gang leader looked at them with some confusion, only feeling that Master Puman's behavior was a little too exaggerated.

Although he didn't see with his own eyes how powerful Chen Kai was, but for the Flying Eagle Gang, no matter how bad it was, there were not a few masters in the gang, so he couldn't be so excited, right?

Seeing that the leader of the gang didn't believe it, Brother Hu explained: "The leader of the gang doesn't know something. In the previous competition with our military advisor, Chen Kai defeated our military advisor with only three moves!"

"Really?" The leader looked at Master Puman, this is a military advisor he personally selected, and his strength is not a joke.

Master Puman nodded, not feeling at all how shameful it was to lose to Chen Kai.

"Indeed, I am convinced."

(End of this chapter)

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