Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 69 Active little mind

Chapter 69 Active little mind

This time, Chen Kai returned home at almost seven o'clock, night fell, the dim city was plunged into darkness, the street lights on the street were turned on west, shining brightly on the ground, adding a bit of warmth to this cold city.


Gently closing the door, Chen Kai put on house slippers at the door, and the sound of the TV came from the living room, full of the breath of life.

The meals in the dining room were neatly placed together, covered with black gauze, and the significantly reduced portion of the meals showed that they had already eaten them.

"We saw that you haven't come back for a long time, so we ate first. Those dishes were specially reserved by us. They should be a little cold. You should warm them up yourself."

Qin Min noticed that he was looking at the dishes on the table, so he explained.

They waited for him for nearly 20 minutes. They never wanted to eat. The food was almost cold, and he hadn't come back yet, so they ate first.

But what surprised the four sisters was that he didn't come home after get off work, where did he go alone?He didn't even say a word, and he came back so late, and he couldn't get through on the phone.

He is really getting more and more unpredictable now.

Chen Kai pretended not to see Qin Min's unpredictable expression, and directly put away the black gauze on the dining table, then poured all the dishes into a plate, and put them in the oven to heat.

Although I ordered so many dishes with Brother Hu in the small restaurant just now, I just listened to him and didn't eat much.

"I met an old friend and got together with him for a while. I didn't pay attention to the time, so I came back late. Did you worry?" He was a little apologetic.

Pressing the switch of the oven, Chen Kai filled himself with another bowl of white rice.

"That's not true, you are so capable, who can hurt you." Qin Min looked at Chen Kai jokingly, and did not forget to tease him at this time.

Chen Kai smiled helplessly, this little girl really never let her go.

It's true that which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted, isn't it because I didn't tell her before, how long has it been?

Looking at Qin Min as if he suddenly discovered something, Chen Kai said with a smirk: "Yes, yes, what Xiao Miner said is correct, but..."

"Just what?" Qin Min's forehead went dark, and he instinctively told her that nothing good happened.

"Actually, it's nothing, it's just your makeup."

Out of self-protection, Chen Kai forcibly held back the burst of laughter in his heart, but the shaking of his shoulders showed the funnyness in his heart at the moment.

Qin Min's eyes widened, and then angrily watched the man in front of him leave with his face covered.

It's so embarrassing, she's all over makeup, but no one told her, damn it!


With Qin Min's departure, the heating time of the oven finally ended.

Putting on gloves, he took out the ingredients that had been heated in the oven, and Chen Kai grabbed the food in the bowl with big mouthfuls, and devoured the food in front of him.

After bringing the dishes and chopsticks into the kitchen and cleaning them up, Chen Kai sat alone in the dining room, resting his head on his hands, deep in thought, tapping his fingers on the table.

'The harm of drugs has caused immeasurable harm to the Chinese Empire from ancient times to the present, and it is precisely because of the huge attraction that many people know that they can't do it. '

'The rise of many gangsters is not because of how powerful the people they create are, but because they rely on drugs, gambling and other heresy ways to make their fortunes. '

The words Brother Hu said in the small restaurant just now came to mind again.

The majestic leader of the Flying Eagle Gang, who is one of the five major gangs by virtue of his honest and honest business, has such tough skills and decisive thinking that ordinary people cannot possess.

'Maybe I should really help a clean stream in this gang? '

But at the same time, there was a subtle thought in his mind.

Maybe he can also form a force of his own, without relying on any evil patronage, and he can better protect these girls of the Qin family on weekdays.

"Hey!" Qin Min shouted, jumping from behind Chen Kai to in front of him.

"Why didn't you react at all?"

Qin Min felt bored when he didn't see the man being frightened by him as he wished.

She looked extraordinarily pure with no makeup off, and her skin with excellent foundation was almost the same after she put on makeup and without makeup, only the deliberate eye makeup set her off a bit.

"When you were behind me, I already noticed it, but I didn't say it." If he didn't even have this precaution, how could he protect them.

It's just that she wasn't angry when she exposed the makeup on her face just now, but at this moment she actually came forward?

Out of the inner understanding of her, Chen Kai dared to guarantee that this little girl would definitely want to take her out to play again.

"What were you thinking just now? Thinking so engrossed, is there a little secret of yours?"

This guy is usually careless, but it is rare to see him worrying, unless he has someone he likes!
Thinking of this, knowing that although this is just his own guess, Qin Min still couldn't help but feel the taste in his heart.

"Are those weird thoughts popping up in your mind again?"

Looking at her expression, Chen Kai knew that this little girl must have had those messy thoughts again.

Because she can never control the expression on her face, any thoughts in her heart can be shown on her face immediately.

"I was just thinking about what to do to make everyone happy, safe and sound."

"It's just... I thought of several ways, but none of them satisfied me."

He did not hesitate to tell Qin Min the thoughts in his heart, and this is not a secret that cannot be told.

His original intention in doing all this was just to make everyone safe and sound, and to be worthy of himself and Aunt Qin's confession.

After hearing his explanation, Qin Min, who was depressed in her heart, suddenly became enlightened. She believed that Chen Kai would not deceive her.

"You don't have to think so much, you've already done a good job, and every time we encounter trouble, you are always the first to come forward."

"And our Qin family has so many bodyguards, don't worry!"

Qin Min was in full bloom, with a deep smile in his eyes.

Chen Kai nodded, even so, he couldn't take it lightly.

"Do you want to go out for the weekend?"

Girls have their own reserve, although this reserve is gone in Qin Min's body, but Chen Kai also understands that at this time, he should speak up by himself.

What's more, he has already seen that this little girl is short of wanting to go out and have fun written all over her face.

According to her personality, if she didn't ask her little sister to leave immediately, then she could only be waiting for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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