Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 70 The guy who doesn't know how to be grateful

Chapter 70 The guy who doesn't know how to be grateful

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Kai said this, Qin Min was as happy as a child who had eaten candy.

She has been waiting for him to say this sentence, and she was thinking about how to get him to say this sentence, but she did not expect to succeed so easily, it is God's help!

"Then we can make a deal, this Saturday!"

As if afraid that he would go back on his word, Qin Min grabbed the man's hand to forcibly pull the hook, and then ran back to the room in a hurry.

His gaze followed Qin Min who was bouncing away, and when he looked away, Chen Kai shook his head and chuckled.


Early the next morning, Chen Kai, who came to work in the company in formal attire, sat in his seat and carefully reviewed every report, as if what happened yesterday never happened.

Carrying the breakfast bought from Papa Xing, An Yueyao gave Chen Kai a ghostly look, and then sat down in her seat.

It's seven o'clock in the morning. Is this man a devil?

She thought she was the first person to come to the company, but now it seemed that someone was more terrifying than her.

"Morning!" Chen Kai took the initiative to say hello.

An Yueyao nodded: "Good morning, why are you here so early?"

As far as she knew, the company didn't seem to have assigned him any important work, so there was absolutely no need for him to come so early.

"I'm used to getting up early, and I don't have anything to do at home, so I come to the company early."

While speaking, another report was processed, and Chen Kai sorted out all the processed reports on the desktop and sent it to the reference room.

One after another, the employees of the company gradually came to their respective jobs. When everyone was performing their duties, Liu Chenglong suddenly appeared in everyone's sight with a limp.

The ankles were wrapped in thick gauze, the right hand in plaster was hanging around the neck, the bruise at the corner of the mouth, and the swollen lump on the forehead at the moment.

Was he beaten yesterday?
The noisy voices of discussions sounded all over the place, which was extremely ear-piercing to Liu Chenglong's ears.

He quickened his pace and limped into his office.

Until there was a 'bang', the office door was violently closed, and everyone's discussion became louder. They were all curious about what happened overnight to make the arrogant Liu Chenglong look like this .

You must know that this guy has always been the only one who takes care of others, but no one dares to offend him easily.

It's just that seeing him become like this, everyone couldn't help applauding in their hearts.

This is called the way of heaven and reincarnation, who will the sky spare?

Just when all the employees were curious, An Yueyao subconsciously looked at the man beside him.

Why does she feel that there is something strange about this matter?

"How did he become like this?" An Yueyao looked at Chen Kai and asked tentatively.

Sensing the temptation in An Yueyao's words, Chen Kai looked sloppy: "Who knows? Maybe he was hit by a car when he went out. God can't see someone who is too arrogant."

Looking at his appearance that he didn't think it was a big deal, An Yueyao somehow doubted her own thoughts.

She must be thinking too much, this man is obviously just a new ordinary employee, how could it be...

Cursing her lips, after eating the breakfast she brought, An Yueyao devoted herself to her work, continuing the unfinished work yesterday.

Originally, everything could be done before get off work, but that annoying guy Liu Chenglong came to disturb her, which made her unable to calm down, and her thoughts were interrupted.

At this moment, an employee suddenly stepped forward.

"Chen Kai, Team Leader Liu asked you to go to his office and said he wanted to see you."

"Okay, I see." Chen Kai responded.

It wasn't until the employees left that Chen Kai leisurely stood up and smoothed the wrinkles on his clothes, without any worry.

Hearing that Liu Chenglong actually asked Chen Kai to go to his office alone, An Yueyao subconsciously thought of the conflict between the two of them yesterday. According to Liu Chenglong's character of vengeance, Chen Kai is bound to suffer this time.

"You..." looked at Chen Kai worriedly, but didn't know what to say.

After tidying up his clothes, Chen Kai glanced at her and said indifferently, "Don't worry, that guy can't do anything to me? He can't possibly clean me up in the company."

After arriving at Liu Chenglong's office, Chen Kai unceremoniously sat down on the chair opposite him.

Anyway, I had already torn my face yesterday afternoon, so there was nothing to do with this superficial effort.

Because of what happened yesterday afternoon, Liu Chenglong couldn't help but feel a little scared even though he knew it was working time.

However, thinking that now that he is his team leader and that he is just a dispensable team member under his command, the courage that was gone in his heart finally emerged a little.

"You came to the company to report yesterday, and you should have adapted to the company's environment. Today I will assign you a task."

He cleared his throat, and then threw a document in front of Chen Kai.

"Look at this document clearly and go to recover this account. I don't care what method you use, this account must be brought back to me. Otherwise, you should not stay here. The company does not need waste."

This seemingly small amount of accounts is already an old account in the company, because the people behind the debt are the forces of the four major gangs, no matter how many people the company sends every year, they will eventually die without a problem.

He couldn't believe it, the guy in front of him could really get this back.

Opening the document thrown in front of him, he casually browsed through it. Chen Kai closed it casually, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the pen that kept spinning in his hand.

"What if I want to get this account?"

Liu Chenglong sneered: "If you want to get this account, then I will leave the company!"

He didn't think that the guy in front of him could get the account, the person who lost so much money every year in the old account company.In the end, it all ended without a problem, and how could this new guy want to come.

The power of the three major gangs is no joke. No one can get back the money they are unwilling to give.

It is not certain who will leave the company by then.

Just as Liu Chenglong finished speaking, Chen Kai silently put away his phone.

What Liu Chenglong said just now, he has clearly recorded it with the recording software. It's not that he is worried that he will have nothing to do with him, but he just wants to leave a piece of evidence to make him shut up for granted. .

After all, this guy is despicable and shameless enough. At any rate, I saved his life last night and didn't let him go to Shenjiang. Fortunately, he ran over early this morning to set himself a trap.

If I knew this earlier, the lesson from yesterday was really light.

"I hope you can do what you say when the time comes, and take care of your wounds!"

Deliberately biting the last four words, Chen Kai picked up the document and left the office arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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