Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 71 That's Really a Coincidence

Chapter 71 That's Really a Coincidence

It wasn't until Chen Kai left that Liu Chenglong lost his temper and angrily swept everything on the table to the ground.

What is he, was he threatening himself just now!
The more he thought about it, the more angry Liu Chenglong poured all his anger on the innocent office supplies, and Chen Kai's arrogant appearance lingered in front of his eyes.

Hmph, when you offend the three major gangs, I'll see how arrogant you are.

There was a flash of hatred in Liu Chenglong's eyes.

That old account has long been dispensable to the company, and the finance department has already given up this small amount of money, even if they don't want to come back to the company, they won't say much.

But he just didn't want Chen Kai to have a good time. Didn't he think he was very powerful, so let him go head-to-head with the three major gangs, but he wanted to see who would be more powerful in the end.

Even if he wants to pay back that sum, it doesn't matter if he offends the three major gangs, and he has no good fruit to eat.

Even if he has the ability to reach the sky, he will not be reduced to a mess by then.

At that time, he will steal the money quietly, who knows!

Forecasting Chen Kai's tragic situation, Liu Chenglong's aggrieved heart finally felt much better.

Now he just needs to quietly wait in the company to receive his good news, and he doesn't need to do anything. No matter what Chen Kai becomes, it has nothing to do with him.

All of this will eventually be reduced to his lack of strength!
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

A frantic laugh came out of his mouth, and at this moment he was like a delirious lunatic.

After coming out of the office, Chen Kai returned to his desk with the file, and then threw the file on the desktop indifferently. Instead, he turned on the computer and played a game of Doudizhu.

The joyful game music came from Chen Kai's computer, and An Yueyao couldn't help but look sideways.

"What did you say in the office, and he didn't make things difficult for you?"

Her eyes fell on the document that Chen Kai threw on the desktop. She felt familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

Chen Kai didn't look away from the computer screen, "How dare he make things difficult for me, even if he is the team leader, he can't make things difficult for his subordinates at will."

'yeah! '

Excitedly tap the keyboard, and won another game.

Turning his head, he bumped into An Yueyao's worried and complicated eyes, which made Chen Kai not used to it for a while.

"He just asked me to collect a bill and then it was gone."

It seemed that nothing could be hidden from this woman.

An Yueyao said inwardly that she was not good, and directly picked up the document to have a look, and it was exactly what she thought.

"Despicable and shameless!" An Yueyao gritted her teeth, her good qualities prevented her from breathing out at the moment.

"Do you know the forces involved behind this account? The company has already given up this account, and he actually asked you to collect it, it's really hateful!"

Why didn't he collect it himself!
Needless to say, An Yueyao also knew that he must be retaliating for what happened yesterday, otherwise why would he find out the account so well.

However, Chen Kai didn't take it seriously, even if the forces behind it were complicated.

This is Qin Xiang's money, he will never allow it to fall into the pockets of outsiders!
Regardless of whether this is the account Liu Chenglong asked himself to collect, since he already knew the existence of such an account in the company, he would not let the money go down the drain.

After a game of Fighting the Landlords ended, there was no surprise that he would win every time. Chen Kai had no intention of continuing the game. After turning off the computer, he picked up the file that An Yueyao had read just now, and took a serious look at it.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing the man's actions, An Yueyao felt a little uneasy.

"Of course I went to collect the bill."

Chen Kai didn't take it seriously, left a word, and walked away.

After leaving the company, Chen Kai took a taxi directly, and then came to the company according to the address in the document.

Ever since he became an ordinary employee of the company, it's not like he used to drive his own car around all day long. There's no need to make it so grand, not to mention that the worst car in Qin's villa is Dior.

If he started to come to work with such a luxury car, he might not be able to work in peace in the company.

He enjoyed walking to work every morning, and occasionally acted as Qin Xiang's driver, which only allowed him to regain a little bit of his former sense of belonging.

The taxi driver stopped by the road, and after paying the fare, Chen Kai got off and came to the gate of the company.

Just about to go in, I found a familiar figure on a stone chair opposite.

Brother Tiger?How could he appear here?

Shouldn't he be busy with helping Zhongzhong at this time?

Taking advantage of the trend, he changed direction and walked in front of Brother Hu.

"Brother Hu, why are you sitting here?"

Sitting down beside him, Chen Kai handed him a bottle of green tea that he just bought casually.

After unscrewing the bottle cap and taking a sip of green tea, Brother Hu said, "What else can I do? Of course it's the company in front of me. I've been sitting here for a while."

"This company is the deadly enemy of our gang. It has always been against us on weekdays. It used to be quiet at any rate, but now it has become blatant."

If their Flying Eagle Gang didn't care about it, what status would they have among the five major gangs in the future?

The sect leader and military advisor, Master Puman, are not free, but that doesn't mean he won't be able to make time for it.

Brother Hu is enough to teach a company a lesson.

"By the way, what are you here for?"

He recently heard that Chen Kai went to work in a company, isn't it time to go to work?He doesn't work in the company, why did he come here?
Chen Kai smiled, and didn't know whether to say it was luck or a mistake. The company he wanted to pay for was actually the same company as Brother Hu's deadly enemy.

It seems that the next thing will be more and more lively.

"I have the same purpose as you, but I'm here to ask for a bill."

Lifting the old ledger in Yang's hand, Chen Kai looked at Brother Hu helplessly.

"There is a nasty dog ​​skin plaster in the company. I have no choice but to be sent over to ask for the bill."

Chen Kai said helplessly, completely forgetting how he threatened Liu Chenglong when he was in the office.

The corners of Brother Hu's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't believe his nonsense at all. Who wouldn't know that if you Chen Kai didn't want to, who would be able to force you?

"Let's go together?"


The two hit it off, and even if they joined the company together, with Brother Hu by his side, Chen Kai believed that it would be easier to do things.

Even if Brother Hu is behind this company, so what about their rivals?
He grew up so big, but he was never frightened, sometimes... There is nothing that can't be solved with fists.

(End of this chapter)

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