Chapter 676
At this moment, the leader finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"You guys have been dawdling here for more than an hour. You are not tired. We are a little tired standing on our own. Do you dare to come with us?"

Song Taojie couldn't help but take over the conversation and pointed at himself.

"You mean let's go with you, or just this guy next to me?"

The boss pointed at them both.

"Of course you two are together. Originally we were only going to deal with Chen Kai alone, but I was a little upset when I saw you yelling like this, so I simply chased one sheep and chased two sheep. Let it go too."

Chen Kai couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"It's true that a sheep is herding a flock of sheep. I think you big sheep should go to the hillside to graze some grass."

The leader's expression changed, and he immediately snorted again.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you have the guts, quickly follow us to the alley, this is not the place to do it."

Chen Kai sighed softly.

"Good words are hard to persuade, damn ghosts. I will give you one chance at last. If you get out of here now, I won't do anything again. But you still refuse to listen. You will feel better in a while."

The leader hasn't said anything yet, but the brothers behind him are already gearing up, showing a look of excitement.

"Stop talking nonsense, kid, hurry up and let the uncle beat you to the bone."

Song Taojie looked at Chen Kai helplessly and smiled.

"no solution anymore."

Chen Kai also nodded silently, and finally took a step, followed those men to the alley?
This small alley is very narrow and deep. If someone blocks the two ends, and the people caught in the middle don't have much effort, I'm afraid it will be really difficult to escape.

Song Taojie slowly followed behind Chen Kai, seeing this narrow and deep alley, his face changed a little.

"These people must let us come here. Is there an ambush here? I think the two of us should be more careful."

Chen Kai snorted coldly in disdain.

"If you come here, you will be safe. I don't think they have any ambushes. Even if there are, I will never pay attention to them. Do you think that with my martial arts, there are a few people in this alley, and they can hurt you?" Am I a hair?"

Song Taojie.Suddenly, I regretted coming with Chen Kai because he knew Chen Kai's martial arts. Even if this alley was crowded with people, even if Chen Kai couldn't beat them, at least he could escape unscathed. If he added himself, it might be difficult Very much.

Because according to what she knew about Chen Kai, he definitely didn't have the character of escaping from danger alone.

But if one cared about oneself, once a fight really broke out, Chen Kai would be very likely to be injured, and he would be Chen Kai's burden.

I was thinking anxiously in my heart, when I suddenly heard the leader shout loudly.

"That's it."

Chen Kai and Song Taojie stopped in their tracks, Chen Kai still had a calm expression on his face, but Song Taojie had begun to swallow his saliva imperceptibly, because he was too nervous.

The leaders of those men pointed at Chen Kai again.

"Before I do it, I have a few words to say to you. Although we said just now that this is where you will die, we will not really kill you. We just hope that when you want to teach others a lesson in the future, you have to look at each other who is it."

Chen Kai smiled helplessly.

"Since you have to do it sooner or later, and you can't wait, don't you? There is no need to talk so much nonsense, just use it to me if you have any skills."

The leader didn't do anything directly, but turned his attention to a person next to him.

"You go and try his skills."

The man was startled, and looked at the leader in disbelief.

"No way? Why do you let me go by myself? Let's do it together and just beat him to the ground, wouldn't it be enough?"

The leader shook his head slightly.

"I just looked at this kid a little strangely. I want to know what kind of boxing this kid is practicing."

The man looked at the leader with a mournful face.

"Can you change someone?"

Chen Kai frowned.

"Didn't you just want to fight and fight? What are you doing here now? I don't think it's necessary to fight alone. You two go together."

"If I can't solve all of you within one minute, I'll do whatever you want."

The boss was finally irritated, he stared at Chen Kai with rounded eyes.

"Boy, this is what you said. If I don't beat you out of the shit today, we brothers will be useless."

As they spoke, they waved their hands violently, and these people immediately attacked Chen Kai, but Chen Kai didn't feel the slightest bit of fear.

He calmly waited until these people came in front of him, and then acted swiftly.

Chen Kai said that these people were dealt with within 1 minute, but he actually overestimated them a bit.

As soon as these strong men and Chen Kai made a move, they immediately knew that it was a wrong decision for them to come this time.

They didn't have time to react at all, and they didn't even see Chen Kai's punch, they were beaten down one by one by Chen Kai.

They fell to the ground, still a little in disbelief, and wanted to stand up and continue fighting Chen Kai, but as soon as they got up, they immediately felt their internal organs twitching and hurting.

After all, these people don't eat dry food, and they are different from some gangsters on the street.

They knew that in the fight with Chen Kai just now, the superficial injuries were not worth mentioning at all, at most they were just skin traumas, but the internal injuries were not that simple.

Judging by the current physical reaction, Chen Kai is obvious.He had had this goal in mind from the beginning, and it was obvious that he had achieved it.

They were a little unbelievable and couldn't believe it, but they couldn't help but believe that with such a serious internal injury, the hospital might not be able to cure it.

For the present plan, I can only go back and inform the boss quickly, and think about whether there is any solution.

Otherwise, even if you can't die, you won't even think about showing your face on the street for the rest of your life
Chen Kai fingered the ringleader.

"I told you a long time ago that you guys are not enough to watch, you just can't believe it, now you go where you came from, and tell your boss that I, Chen Kai, beat you up. It's like this."

Said and waved at Song Taojie.

"Why are you still standing there? We should leave. You are not going to find Li Yunliang."

Song Taojie had already made mental preparations, he knew that it would be easy for Chen Kai to deal with these strong men.

But he didn't expect it to be so easy. Until the battle was over, he was still a little stunned with an incredible expression on his face.

When he heard Chen Kai calling him, he regained his composure, and a smile immediately filled his face.

"The fight you just did was really beautiful. I don't care. You once promised to teach me martial arts. After the drink last night, you have gradually dispelled this idea."

"But now it seems that it is undoubtedly a wrong decision. I still want to learn Wing Chun from you in the future."

Chen Kai shook his head helplessly, and said with a wry smile.

"Didn't I say that it's not something you can do overnight if you want to practice to such a level. It's really too late now."

Song Taojie was unwilling to give up, he grabbed Chen Kai's hand, and said with a disgusting smile, shaking back and forth.

"What you say is what you say, manly man, you must not deny it."

Chen Kai was completely speechless. He looked around vigilantly with some embarrassment. Fortunately, there were not many pedestrians here, otherwise it would not be a pleasant thing to be stared at by those people.

"Look at your current virtues? You are a respectable person anyway. Do you think your current behavior is in line with your status?"

Song Taojie still had a smile on his face.

"If you don't agree to me, then let's just walk on the street like this. Do you think people will think that we are related?"

Chen Kai felt that his stomach was shrinking one after another. If he hadn't held it back, he might have vomited out at that time, so he sighed helplessly.

"How about it... When you can beat five people by yourself, let's talk about it again."

(End of this chapter)

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