Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 677 1 enemy 5

Chapter 677
Originally, Chen Kai meant to let him retreat when he was in trouble. When he was in Shanghai, he had indeed thought of this several times, wanting to teach him a little martial arts.

But that was just a symbolic teaching to make him a little bit stronger than now, but what Song Taojie meant, it seemed that he was not satisfied with this at all.

Instead, he really wants to learn Wing Chun from himself. Isn't this ridiculous and generous?
This age is already very fun, and this point was already made clear when I was drinking yesterday, but why is Song Taojie unwilling to give up?

But now he can only make the conditions more clear, he knows that Song Taojie often hangs out on the street, and he still has a little bit of martial arts foundation.

However, if he is allowed to fight five of them one by one, I am afraid that it is really a bit difficult. Even if he can narrowly win, he will still have to be beaten black and blue, and he may be seriously injured.

Now that Song Taojie is always pestering him like this, there is probably only one way to do it.

It's not that Song Taojie doesn't know how many bowls of dry rice he can eat, but when he heard what Chen Kai said to him, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He was walking side by side with Chen Kai, but suddenly he came in front of Chen Kai with big strides.

Holding his shoulders with both hands, he stared at him with wide eyes.

"This is what you said. You can't take your word for it. We are a man. Once you say something, it's hard to follow. When you were in Shanghai, you told me that you would teach me when you have time."

"But it's been such a long time, don't tell me you taught me Wing Chun, you didn't even have a single move, and then you just disappeared in Modu."

"Although I know the reason, it may not be easy for us to meet like this in the future."

"So this time you have to tell me clearly. If you still don't want to teach me, then wherever you go, I will follow you wherever you go, and I will annoy you to death."

Seeing the sincerity in Song Taojie's eyes, Chen Kai sighed helplessly, thinking that he might not be able to get rid of this buddy in the future.

He couldn't help but think of Gao Ming before.

Back then, Gao Ming was as sincere as he was, and insisted on learning martial arts from him, but later on he ended up with an untimely death.

He was very unwilling to let Song Taojie repeat the same mistakes, but he had already said good and bad words, and Song Taojie just refused to listen.

But now he looked at himself with such eyes, his tone full of anxious anticipation.

Chen Kai knew that things should not be forced, since Song Taojie was really willing to learn so much, he had no choice but to make it difficult for him.

Thinking of this, I had to force a smile.

"I have to tell you the truth. You really need someone who can beat five people alone. If you find any way to cheat, I can tell at a glance."

Song Taojie waved his hands and smiled nonchalantly.

"You really underestimate me when you say this. With my current martial arts, it will never be a problem to fight two with one. It has to be practiced by them."

"If I've never learned martial arts before, I won't have any problems if I fight two or three or even three or four by myself."

Chen Kai let out a long sigh.

"The five people I'm referring to are of course those who have learned martial arts before. They must be good fighters who often fight. If you just let you beat a few ordinary people, wouldn't it be too easy for me to learn Wing Chun?"

Having said that, he suddenly cast his gaze into the distance, and continued slowly.

"Don't worry about this matter. Isn't the purpose of your coming here to find Li Yunliang? I think we'd better get back the money you released first."

"Solve the money issue first, and let's talk about the rest slowly, but I don't know what you want?"

Song Taojie repeatedly nodded in agreement.

"I also think what you said is reasonable, but the efficiency of the two of us looking for Li Yunliang together is a bit too low. I think we should search separately."

"Personally think of a personal solution. If you have any news about him, please call me and I will meet you immediately."

"Of course, if I have news, I will notify you as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's really difficult to handle it by myself."

Chen Kai didn't suspect that Song Taojie had other plans, so he nodded immediately when he heard what he said.

"I think your proposal still makes sense, so let's do it this way."

Song Taojie pointed in one direction and said.

"Then I'll go in this direction, you can go in another direction."

As he said that, he turned around and strode forward, and when he turned his back, there was a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, thinking that I don't believe it, how can Chen Kai think of a way to deny it this time.

Chen Kai shook his head lightly, turned around and walked slowly in another direction.

But after searching for a whole day, they still haven't found any clues. Yucheng is also a big city, and they don't have anyone to inquire about. Looking for someone here is no different from finding a needle in a haystack. It was dark, and Chen Kai felt that he should go back to the hotel. If he couldn't find anyone during the day, it would be even more difficult to find someone at night. He didn't hesitate anymore, took a taxi, and returned to Mona Lisa Hotel, just when she was sitting on the sofa and preparing to make herself a cup of tea, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Chen Kai felt a little strange in his heart, and asked instinctively.

"Who is it?"

There was a man's voice outside the door, but Chen Kai didn't recognize who it was for a while.

He had no choice but to put down the teapot, stood up and walked to the door to open it. Through the cat's eyes, he saw a man with a bruised nose and a swollen face standing at the door, but he didn't remember it for a while.

"Who are you looking for?"

The man standing at the door was very impatient.

"It's me, I'm Song Taojie, even if you really can't hear my voice, at least you know what I look like, I know you are looking at me through the cat's eyes at the door, can you stop pretending like this Do you know anyone?"

Chen Kai was really taken aback. When we parted at noon, Song Taojie still looked at him carefully. He must have fought with someone.

Not only his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but also the corner of his mouth was bleeding. Chen Kai hurriedly opened the door.

"What's the matter with you? Why did you suddenly become like this?"

As he spoke, he supported Song Taojie, and the two of them walked into the room slowly.

After sitting down on the sofa, Song Taojie let out a long sigh and looked at Chen Kai helplessly.

"To tell the truth, after I parted with you, I immediately went to inquire about Li Yunliang. I didn't have any certainty of victory in my heart, but I didn't expect that it was really a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. I found out the whereabouts of this kid."

Chen Kai frowned immediately.

"You have already found out the news, why don't you call me directly? Didn't we already agree on that?"

Song Taojie smiled helplessly, but this smile touched the wound on his face again, and he immediately opened his mouth again.

"Originally, I wanted to see whether the news I got was accurate or not. Otherwise, I would call you at that time. Although you would arrive soon, if the news I got was false, wouldn't you be in vain?" Did you run away?"

Chen Kai thought it was funny. He could probably deduce the situation. Song Taojie had found out about Li Yunliang.After downloading, I can't wait to find the other party.

When walking on the road, he must have been ambushed by the other party, which is why he became what he is now.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai patted his shoulder lightly.

"It is already a miracle that you were able to come back alive after being ambushed by them."

Song Taojie smiled more happily, even with a bit of mystery.

Chen Kai looked at him suspiciously.

"You have been beaten into such a virtue by others, how can you still be in the mood to laugh?"

Song Taojie continued to look at Chen Kai with a smile.

"You don't know. When we parted, you promised me that as long as I can beat five people who have practiced, you will really call me Wing Chun."

Chen Kai suddenly thought of something, and looked at Song Taojie with searching eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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