Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 704 Tingting Drowning

Chapter 704 Tingting Drowning
Song Taojie became excited when he heard it.

"What did you say? I can't do anything else. If you want to talk about looking for someone, you have found the right person."

After Chen Kai heard about it, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and said with a little excitement.

"If you have a solution, there is nothing better. I have been searching for more than half an hour now, but there is no clue at all. I really have nothing to do, so I will give you a call with the attitude of trying."

"If you have a way, quickly find Zhang Tingting for me. This girl's mood is a little unstable. If you find it a minute late, you will be in danger."

When Song Taojie heard what Chen Kai said was so serious, his nerves also became serious.

"Don't worry, since I have taken over this matter, I will definitely be able to find it, but there is one thing I am curious about."

"Isn't Zhang Tingting already at home? And I heard that her mood is quite stable, so we disappeared all of a sudden?"

Chen Kai interrupted him impatiently.

"I told you just now that the matter is very urgent. Can we talk about these irrelevant topics after we find someone?"

Said to hang up the phone immediately.

Song Taojie hurriedly stopped him on the phone.

"Don't be in a hurry, and you can't find it, so don't move around there, wait for me for half an hour, within half an hour, I will definitely give you an answer."

Chen Kai frowned.

"What's the use of you giving me an answer? What I want is Zhang Tingting's whereabouts. If you told me in half an hour that I couldn't find it, wouldn't my half an hour be wasted?"

Song Taojie had no choice but to let out a long sigh.

"Is it because I was vague? What I meant just now is to tell you the exact location of Zhang Tingting within half an hour. Is it okay to say so?"

Only then did Chen Kai heave a sigh of relief.

"You'd better hurry up. I'm really worried now. It's been half an hour since this girl called me. If I really can't figure it out, I'm afraid I'm going to hang my life by a thread." gone."

Song Taojie nodded silently.

"I know this is serious and I'm calling people I know right now."

Then he hung up the phone.

Chen Kai was about to put the phone into his pocket, and when he continued to search for a while, suddenly the phone rang again.

Chen Kai didn't have time to look at the caller ID, and immediately connected the call, only to realize that it was Zhang Yilong calling.

Zhang Yilong's voice was very anxious and somewhat apologetic.

"Brother Chen Kai, I'm really sorry just now. I was really in a hurry, that's why I yelled at you. Don't be angry, you must help me find Tingting."

What Chen Kai said was a bit inexplicable, so he couldn't help asking.

"What did you say? How did you say such a thing for no reason?"

Zhang Yilong's tone was full of tears.

"I was too anxious just now. I didn't pay attention to my attitude when I was talking to you. Don't be angry. Fortunately, one of my brothers reminded me, otherwise I haven't found out yet."

Chen Kai was completely speechless, and said patiently on the phone.

"Do you know what's going on now? Your sister is likely to be in some danger. You still have the mood to tell me too many things here. I can understand your anxiety in finding your sister, so I don't It's your fault, so you can rest assured, right?"

"I can even remind you that if it weren't for you bringing this up, I wouldn't have noticed it myself. Sometimes you think too much."

Zhang Yilong couldn't believe it.

"Brother, is what you said true? Are you really not angry with me?"

Chen Kai let out a long sigh.

"But if you continue to struggle with this topic, I will really get angry. I can understand why you yell at me. Zhang Tingting is your only relative in this world."

"For your sister's safety, it's totally understandable that you have such a bad attitude towards me, and I'm not so narrow-minded, how could I be angry with you for this matter?"

Having said that, Chen Kai forced a smile.

"Aren't we already brothers? You will do a lot of things for me in the future."

After hearing what Chen Kai said, Zhang Yilong was completely relieved.

"Thank you, brother. With your words, I feel more at ease in my heart. I will definitely do things for you in the future, and I will go through fire and water without hesitation."

Chen Kai shook his head helplessly.

"You didn't call me just for this matter, did you?"

Zhang Yilong also sighed.

"My brothers have never stopped searching, but my sister seems to have disappeared from the world, and there is no clue at all, so I am very anxious."

Chen Kai had no choice but to comfort him.

"Don't worry, I have already called Song Taojie just now, and he told me that he will give me the specific location in half an hour. This kid is quite reliable in his work, so we just wait patiently for a while. .”

Zhang Yilong was somewhat skeptical, because as locals, they couldn't find Zhang Tingting's whereabouts, and Song Taojie came to this city on the same day as Chen Kai.

It can be said that here is also someone who is unfamiliar with the place and cannot be found by himself, how can Song Taojie find it?

If these words were replaced by someone else telling him, he would definitely not believe it.

But he had already had absolute trust in Chen Kai. Since Chen Kai had said so, it meant that he still had a certain degree of confidence.

Chen Kai didn't hear Zhang Yilong's response, so he knew what Zhang Yilong was thinking, so he had no choice but to continue.

"You don't have to think about it. It's been 5 minutes now, and there are still 25 minutes at most. If Song Taojie still doesn't tell me the exact location of your sister, I'll go find trouble with him myself."

Zhang Yilong didn't know what to say, and Chen Kai sighed again.

"Although I'm not quite reconciled, but the only thing we can do seems to be to wait."

Zhang Yilong had no choice but to nod his head, agreeing to Chen Kai's suggestion.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Kai kept walking back and forth in the same place, and after a full 15 minutes, the phone finally rang.

Chen Kai couldn't wait to get on the phone, and immediately heard Song Taojie's excited news.

"How is it? Let me tell you that I have something to do. Zhang Tingting's whereabouts have been found. I will send her exact location to your mobile phone now. You can take someone to find Ye."

After speaking, he hung up the phone and sent Chen Kai a location, and Chen Kai immediately sent the location to Zhang Yilong's cell phone.

Immediately after, he got through the phone.

"Your sister's whereabouts have been found. I have sent the exact location to your mobile phone. Let's meet here. You'd better call some people."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, just as a taxi passed by, Chen Kai reached out to stop the car, and hurried to Zhang Tingting's place.

This is a lake, the scenery is very good, especially in this season, after dinner, it is a place for many couples to date, but now there is no one by the lake.

When Chen Kai rushed to this place, he didn't think there was a problem with Song Taojie's information. The first thought that came to his mind was that Zhang Tingting might have fallen into the water.

He hurriedly ran to the shore, and found that there was indeed a faint struggle in the water. Chen Kai jumped into the lake immediately before he had time to think about it.

The person struggling in the water was indeed Zhang Tingting. Fortunately, Chen Kai's water skills were very good, and he quickly dragged Zhang Tingting to the shore, but Zhang Tingting had already passed out.

Seeing Zhang Tingting's appearance, Zhang Yilong was anxious, and immediately called the emergency center.

But Chen Kai could tell that if the ambulance arrived, Zhang Tingting would probably leave this world.

Without further ado, Zhang Tingting's life had to be saved no matter what, so he immediately held Zhang Tingting's hand and passed on a little of his internal strength to her.

Although the brothers around saw this scene, they didn't know what Chen Kai was doing, and thought he was just using some routine life-saving methods.

The ambulance came quickly, and the doctors and nurses got out on stretchers.He carried Zhang Tingting into the ambulance.

During the examination, the doctor looked puzzled because he found a very strange problem.

(End of this chapter)

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