Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 705 Strange Airflow

Chapter 705 Strange Airflow

Seeing the serious expression on the doctor's face, Zhang Yilong immediately became more worried, and asked impatiently.

"Is my sister all right? Doctor, please answer me quickly, my sister will be all right, right?"

"I only have this one younger sister. I absolutely do not allow any accidents to happen to her. It's all because of me. If I can take good care of her, such things will not happen. It's all my fault...

At this point, Zhang Yilong was already crying, and Zhang Yilong desperately hit his head with his fist, with a remorseful expression.

The doctor hastily stopped him.

"You don't want to be like this..."

Zhang Yilong asked impatiently.

"But I saw that after you finished the inspection, your expression was so dignified, obviously..."

Speaking of this, I couldn't continue talking again, and the doctor didn't know how to explain the situation he found now, because he felt a strange air flow in Zhang Tingting's body.

Not all people can have this kind of airflow. In the long experience of doctors in medicine, they have only encountered one of them, and that person has practiced martial arts.

Seeing Zhang Yilong's excitement, the doctor finally couldn't help it, and looked at him seriously.

"I just said you don't want to be like this. Your sister will not be in any danger. Now we are in the car, and we will be able to return to the hospital in a short time."

"At that time, you should have a good checkup and you should be fine. The reason I looked so solemn just now is because your sister's body is different from other people's."

Zhang Yilong immediately widened his eyes, looking at the doctor in disbelief.

"My younger sister is just a high school student. If it is true that she is different from others, it is that her grades have always been among the best, and she is a good material for studying, unlike my brother who is not successful."

The doctor shook his head slightly and smiled helplessly.

"That's not what I want to say, but that your sister's body is different."

Zhang Yilong became even more puzzled.

"I don't understand. Both of my parents died when I was young, and my sister and I grew up dependent on each other. I never felt that her physical condition was different from other people's."

The doctor sighed softly.

"The difference in her body cannot be felt by ordinary people. It can only be detected after a professional medical device inspection, so I find it even more strange."

Chen Kai listened to it, and couldn't help shaking his head, weeping and laughing bitterly, thinking that the doctor's words were really good enough to go around in circles, he must have felt the strange air flow in Zhang Tingting's body.

That was the internal force that I sent to her, to keep Zhang Tingting's life, but the doctor refused to say it directly, but went around like this, which was really helpless.

The doctor finally looked at Zhang Yilong with a serious face, and expressed his doubts.

"I have a very serious question I want to ask you, and I hope you can answer me truthfully."

Zhang Yilong was getting a little impatient.

"What's going on? You've been hesitating and hesitating since just now. I'm very anxious now. I'm really worried about my sister's safety."

The doctor smiled reluctantly.

"Didn't I just say that your sister should be fine, I just feel a very strange airflow in her body, and not all people have this airflow."

Having said that, he sighed softly, and turned his eyes to the scenery outside the window, as if he had fallen into a deep memory.

Seeing the doctor's virtue, Zhang Yilong became even more impatient, but now that he has something to ask for, it's hard to say something too rude, so he had to ask patiently.

"Why do you talk in circles so much? What happened to my sister? You just said that there is a stream of air in her body. What is it?"

The doctor shook his head helplessly, then turned his eyes back to Zhang Yilong.

"As far as I know, only people who have studied martial arts for many years will have this state. I can't describe this feeling, but I know that this kind of airflow can save people's lives at critical times."

Zhang Yilong looked at the doctor with a vague understanding.

"You mean, my sister has this airflow in her body, so nothing will happen this time?"

The doctor nodded silently.

"I don't dare to be very sure now, but I can tell you that with the existence of this air current, the chances of your sister's survival are much higher."

Zhang Yilong let out a long breath. She has been very anxious since just now, and now she is finally convinced that her sister can continue to live. One can imagine his current mood.

The doctor's words brought him back to reality.

"I asked you the question just now, and you haven't answered me yet."

Only then did Zhang Yilong come to his senses, frowning and thinking carefully for a while, before he gave a firm answer.

"I also find it very strange, my sister is just a weak girl, and no one in our family has ever learned martial arts."

"Although I like fighting, it's just some practical experience I learned in fighting, and I don't have any routines at all."

"So my younger sister really hasn't learned martial arts. Having said that, if Tingting had really learned martial arts from someone and didn't let me know, she wouldn't be bullied like this."

The doctor's expression became more dignified, he frowned, and after thinking for a long time, he didn't know what was going on.

He fell into a deep memory. In his impression, he also received a similar patient back then, and that person was seriously injured. Judging by conventional medical methods, he was already hopeless.

It can directly let the family members prepare for the funeral, but this patient survived because of that airflow, and he recovered much faster than normal people.

It was beyond everyone's expectations. I thought that with such a serious injury, I might not be able to get out of bed within three to five months, but this man was able to move freely in just one month.

Moreover, he strongly demanded to be discharged from the hospital. In order to be responsible to the patient, the hospital did not allow him to be discharged from the hospital at first, but strongly suggested that he continue to be hospitalized for observation for a few more days.

After his latest physical examination report came out, the doctor was surprised to find that the patient's physical indicators had approached normal and he could be discharged from the hospital.

This incident happened many years ago. If it weren't for the special situation of the patient, the doctor would not be able to remember it so clearly.

Zhang Tingting's current situation is obviously exactly the same as that patient back then.

But Zhang Tingting has never learned martial arts at all, so where did this current flow come from?

The doctor was puzzled and expressed his doubts to Zhang Yilong.

Zhang Yilong was even more confused, Zhang Tingting didn't know anything about martial arts at all, but he suddenly thought of Chen Kai, so he cast his eyes on him.

"I remember that after you rescued my sister, you seemed to have some very strange behaviors. I saw you holding her hand. Have you ever done something?"

"If this is the case, you must tell me. I want to express my gratitude to you. You saved my sister's life. This is really a great kindness."

"You don't know, if something happens to my sister, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive in this world anymore."

Chen Kai sighed softly, patted his shoulder with his hands, and said earnestly.

"I can understand your mood now, and I know that you two are deeply in love with each other, but I really didn't do anything."

At this point, he suddenly smiled, and then slowly continued.

"The logic you just said seems to be from a martial arts novel. How can there be such a person in the real world?"

Zhang Yilong felt a little blushing, but apart from this, he really couldn't understand what the doctor was talking about.

Fortunately, it doesn't matter what it is, what matters is that Zhang Tingting can live.

Seeing Zhang Yilong's dubious expression, Chen Kai couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart.

He didn't intend to conceal anything on purpose, but felt that Zhang Yilong was not suitable to know the existence of such things as internal force.

(End of this chapter)

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