Chapter 736
Chen Kai became a little impatient, and said with a frown.

"Didn't I already tell you? Let's come here to see the situation first, and we'll talk about it slowly."

"You have to know that plans cannot keep up with changes. Many times things will not go according to our plan, so no matter what kind of decision we make at this time, it is a little too early."

Song Taojie had no choice but to let out a long sigh, and followed Chen Kai to continue walking forward.

These clubs are not that close, so after finishing all the clubs, a long time has passed, and Song Taojie suddenly felt a little tired and bored.

He felt that according to Chen Kai's martial arts, so many people would not be needed at all.

As long as he himself can knock down all those clubhouses, why is it that he has clearly mastered these places, but he has not dared to do it for a long time?
Chen Kai seemed to have seen his thoughts, and smiled imperceptibly.

"Do you understand the truth that a little intolerance can lead to a big conspiracy?"

Song Taojie didn't know why Chen Kai suddenly mentioned this, so he nodded.

"Of course I know what this means, but I don't know what you have to endure now. Li Yunliang has fallen, and Li Zixi has already made it clear that he will not cooperate with you."

"Don't you want to show them some color? And they have smashed two places. The other party has already understood that you have already started to do it. I really don't know what is there to be reserved."

Chen Kai let out a long sigh.

"It seems that until now you have no way to understand my heart and tell you, and I am afraid you will not understand now, let's look at the last club."

Hearing what Chen Kai said, Song Taojie had no choice but to sigh again, and followed Chen Kai to the last location.

When we came here, it was almost dark.

The two got out of the taxi, and Song Taojie pointed to the neon lights ahead and said.

"This is the last clubhouse that Biaozi told us. Shall we go in and have a look, or just outside?"

Chen Kai was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled again.

"I don't think the clubs are free before I go into other clubs. Let's just come and see the surrounding environment, and what kind of measures will be taken when we want to do it in the future."

"Otherwise, we have come from afar, and the Li family has taken advantage of people and land. In the fight against them, if we want to win, we must not be sloppy."

Song Taojie nodded silently.

It's not that he doesn't understand this truth, but he just really can't figure out why Chen Kai didn't do it directly tonight.

But because this topic has been talked about several times, Chen Kai has always been half-covered and refused to explain clearly to him, so he didn't bother to ask.

After waiting here for a while, Song Taojie boredly took out a cigarette and lit it.

Chen Kai frowned and looked at him.

"Why do you smoke only yourself?"

Song Taojie smiled awkwardly, took out the cigarette case and handed it to Chen Kai.

Chen Kai took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it himself. The two of them were relatively silent and waited silently.

When the cigarette was almost finished, Song Taojie finally couldn't help asking.

"How long are we going to wait here?"

Chen Kai took another deep breath of the cigarette, threw the remaining cigarette end on the ground and stamped it out, and let out a long breath.

"Now we can go, we already know the details."

Song Taojie had no choice but to throw the cigarette butt on the ground, but instead of stamping it out like Chen Kai did, he went straight to the main road and stopped a taxi.

After the two returned to the hotel, Chen Kai seemed to sense the dissatisfaction in Song Taojie's heart, so he said with a smile.

"Don't you still wonder why I didn't do it?"

Song Taojie rolled his eyes angrily.

"I've asked you several times, but you still refuse to tell me. Where can I find out?"

Chen Kai sighed softly.

"I really don't have enough manpower. I can't rely on me to destroy all these clubhouses alone. If that's the case, things may not be easy to handle."

Song Taojie stared at Chen Kai with wide eyes, and asked with a puzzled expression.

"Didn't I already tell you? Those people's martial arts are all very ordinary, and they don't need any hands at all."

Chen Kai shook his head lightly.

"You think things are a bit too simple. You have to know that I am looking for those thugs not just to let them fight for me, but also for a big reason."

"It is to let the people of the Li family know that their power is not as strong as previously imagined. I just need to win over a few of their subordinates casually, and I can easily achieve my goal."

Song Taojie was speechless, and raised his wrist to look at his watch.

"It's too early to rest now, do you have any other activities?"

Chen Kai was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head to look at Song Taojie.

"I suddenly remembered that Brother Scar once told us that Biaozi and several other subordinates, do you remember a man named Tietou Chen?"

Song Taojie tilted his head and thought for a while, then suddenly remembered the name, so he nodded hastily.

"I remembered, when Brother Scar was talking about this person, the corner of his mouth was full of disdain, saying that this person is very lecherous."

"I like to stay in the KTV when I have nothing to do, drinking and chatting with the beauties, and sometimes I even get excited and start having fun on the sofa of the KTV in front of others."

Chen Kai nodded silently and smiled approvingly.

"I didn't expect your memory to be quite good."

Song Taojie didn't answer, but asked directly.

"Why do you suddenly think of this person? Do you want to sing in KTV?"

Chen Kai shook his head and answered thoughtfully.

"Why do you always think of me as that kind of person? I think it's time to meet this person and see how much energy he has."

Song Taojie could only nod his head in agreement, and then asked again.

"But do you know where this man is?"

Chen Kai looked at him with a wry smile.

"You said just now that this person is lustful, and he likes to go to KTV when he is free. I also praised you for having a good memory. Did you forget it so quickly?"

Song Taojie smiled wryly and shook his head.

"I know he likes to stay in KTVs, but there are more than thousands of KTVs in Yucheng, do we have to find them one by one?"

Chen Kai sighed helplessly.

"Your brain really doesn't work for a while. When Brother Scar told me, he told me about the KTV he often goes to."

"You have to know that people always like to go to familiar places, and couples will not change, so as long as we go to that KTV, I believe we will be able to find Tietou Chen."

Saying that he walked out of the hotel room again, although Song Taojie was a little tired, he was worried about Chen Kai's safety after all, so he had no choice but to follow.

After the two entered the KTV, Tie Tou Chen was indeed dating girls here.

And he was hugging a girl in simple clothes on the sofa, doing that kind of indescribable thing.

Chen Kai pushed open the door abruptly, and glanced at Iron Head Chen who was exercising desperately on the sofa.

"Brothers can almost rest their feet."

These words sounded like a thunderbolt in mid-air.

Tietou Chen had already reached the critical moment, when he heard this voice, he rolled off the girl's body and looked at Chen Kai in shock.

Tietou Chen's gang stopped Chen Kai.

"What's the matter with you? Do you know where this is?"

Tietou Chen's voice came from behind.

"Turn off the music for me."

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of popular songs in Ktv disappeared.

Tietou Chen squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Kai.

"Who are you? What do you want from me? Tell me quickly if you have something to do, and get out if you have nothing to do. Don't spoil the uncle's good spirits."

Chen Kai took a deep breath and didn't answer the question. Instead, he walked over generously and sat down on the sofa.

The girl had already put on her clothes, and she was sitting in the corner of the sofa shivering with fright.

People who work here are no strangers to this kind of situation. She is only worried about her own safety now, and hopes that Chen Kai will not trouble her.

Tietou Chen obviously didn't expect Chen Kai to have such an attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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