Chapter 737
But he has been walking in the rivers and lakes for a long time, and he also knows that people who dare to do this are not ordinary people after all, so he also made himself a little more careful.

"What on earth are you doing? I don't seem to know you at all, and it's impossible for me to have any trouble with you. If you were sent by my enemy, you are only one person now. I think you are a bit overconfident. "

Chen Kai heaved a long sigh, then looked at him meaningfully and smiled.

"Don't worry, I know I spoiled your interest just now, but I believe you will be very interested in what I'm going to talk to you about next."

Tietou Chen really became interested, and he let out a long breath.

"If you have anything to say, just say it quickly."

Chen Kai patted the sofa beside him.

"Why don't you sit down? I'm afraid I can't explain in a sentence or two what I want to talk to you."

Tietou Chen didn't sit next to Chen Kai, but sat across from him.

He has his own plans, and it might be inconvenient if he starts to sit beside Chen Kai for a while.

If you sit opposite him, things will be very easy. If you can beat him, you will definitely fight. If you can't beat him, you can play by ear and leave this place quickly.

Of course Chen Kai saw through his thoughts, but smiled disapprovingly.

"With this, I know why you are able to gain a foothold here. You really are not a mediocre person. I appreciate it very much."

Tietou Chen frowned and asked impatiently.

"What are you doing here? I've asked you so many times. If you don't tell me, get out of here."

Chen Kai was still unhurried, he took out his own cigarette from his pocket, lit one, and handed it to Tietou Chen.

Tietou Chen looked at the cigarette in Chen Kai's hand, but shook his head.

"Say something quickly."

Chen Kai narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

"I came here to let you hang out with me."

Iron head Chen was shocked, he couldn't believe his ears.

"What did you just say? Let me hang out with you? Do you know how long I have been in Yucheng? I don't even know your last name or your name."

"Looking at your age, you are just a young man with just grown hair. Why do you let me hang out with you?"

Chen Kai took a deep breath of the cigarette and stared at him quietly.

"Don't refuse in such a hurry, you can think about it first, it's okay, we have plenty of time."

Tietou Chen took a deep breath and repeated these words in a murmur.

"We've got time... we've got time."

Chen Kai still stared at him quietly, smoking his cigarette leisurely.

Suddenly, Tietou Chen's eyes shot out two cold lights.

Chen Kai knew that he was going to attack immediately, and as expected, his iron head sank, he picked up a bottle and smashed it down on the top of Chen Kai's head.

Chen Kai had already expected that he would have this move, so he kicked him hard and fell to the ground.

Unexpectedly, the attack he launched against Chen Kai unexpectedly was seen through by the other party, and the wine bottle was thrown on the ground.

He didn't react for a while, and instinctively thought that he was not careful just now, and he wanted to get up from the ground, but only then did he realize that his body was injured, and he couldn't get up at all.

Seeing Tietou Chen struggling so much, the younger brothers hurried over to help him up, and asked with concern.

"Are you OK?"

Tietou Chen threw all these people away at once.

"Get up all of you, I can stand by myself."

The younger brothers also set their sights on Chen Kai.

"Our elder brother has no grievances or enmities with you, what do you really want?"

Chen Kai took a deep breath.

"Are your ears bad, or your memory bad? Didn't I tell you just now? I asked your boss to follow me."

After saying this, he turned his attention to Tietou Chen again.

"Have you thought about it now?"

At this point, he deliberately paused, as if waiting for Tietou Chen's response.

"I almost forgot to tell you that Biaozi and I also know each other. This buddy has done a lot with me recently."

Chen Kaiyan thought that Tietou Chen's reaction should be the same as that of Brother Scar after he said Biaozi's name.

But unexpectedly, after hearing this, Tietou Chen showed a disdainful smile.

"What is a Biaozi?"

As soon as he uttered these words, Chen Kai knew that he was afraid that he might make a wrong calculation, so he looked at him curiously.

"If my news is correct, shouldn't you hang out with him? Why are you judging him in such a disdainful tone now?"

Tietou Chen smiled triumphantly.

"You don't know about this. I have long thought that Biaozi is not pleasing to the eye. It's just that he was not as powerful as him a few years ago, so I can only swallow my anger."

"In the past few years, I have developed well, and I will never let him ride on my neck to bully me again. Maybe it won't be long before I make this kid myself, so that he can also know how powerful I am. "

Chen Kai was stunned, he didn't expect it to be in such a situation, but then he laughed again.

Because he suddenly discovered a more interesting thing.

Tietou Chen looked at Chen Kai with some puzzlement.

"Why are you laughing inexplicably?"

Chen Kai threw the cigarette butts he had smoked into the ashtray.

"I suddenly felt that things were very interesting. You think Biaozi is not pleasing to the eye, and it makes me feel very pleasing to the eye."

Tietou Chen didn't know what Chen Kai's words meant, and immediately widened his eyes.

"Aren't you and Biaozi in the same group?"

Chen Kai did not answer this question, but still smiled calmly.

"It doesn't matter whether I'm with him or not. The important thing is that you don't like Biaozi. I appreciate this. To be honest, if you follow him with all your heart, I won't be interested. Instead, I will be a little less interested." worry."

Tietou Chen stared at Chen Kai dumbfounded, and now he looked bewildered, increasingly confused about what Chen Kai meant.

Chen Kai didn't make him understand, and he still repeated his request.

"I just asked you if you would like to hang out with me, but you haven't answered me yet."

The iron head remained silent for a while, and finally shook his head gently.

"You used Biaozi to suppress me just now, but I can tell you the truth, I have long since ignored this person. Even if he is standing in front of me now, I dare to say so."

"I can even fight him hard at any time, so that he knows who is the real boss between the two of us."

I also don't care who he is with now, so you must ask me to answer whether you want to hang out with you. Now I can tell you clearly that I have no such interest. "

"I have been in Yucheng for so many years, and I can be considered a respectable person here. I follow a younger generation for no reason. I am afraid that others will laugh at me to death."

Chen Kai let out a long sigh, things were a bit unexpected, it seemed that things were not as smooth as he thought before.

But the more this happened, the happier Chen Kai was, because it would bring him some challenges, and he didn't like to do things that could be done too easily.

"I've asked you three times. As the saying goes, you can't do it again and again. Don't you really think about my suggestion?"

"I can guarantee that as long as you hang out with me, as long as you do a good job and are sincere, your achievements will definitely be much greater than your current achievements."

Tietou Chen sneered disdainfully.

"I don't know why you must let me hang out with you, but now I know that you are a very thick-skinned person, I have already rejected you clearly, and you are still here, it is really annoying. "

As he spoke, he glanced at his subordinates.

"You must already know what this place is. As long as I say hello casually, there will be hundreds of people blocking me here. Even if you have wings, you can't fly out. You think you can do it alone Can you beat so many people like me?"

Song Taojie hadn't spoken the whole time, and at this moment he finally couldn't help but take up the conversation.

"Don't you think that what you said is a bit too big? Do you think that the two of us are not fully prepared when we come to you? Don't you think I don't know how many men you have?"

When Tietou Chen heard this, his face immediately changed.

Coupled with the fact that Chen Kai is so relaxed, Tietou Chen is even more convinced that this person is probably not easy to mess with.

(End of this chapter)

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