Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 14 Sea Fishing

Chapter 14 Sea Fishing
When Wang Hai and his wife arrived, Youfu's family had long been surrounded by villagers, some asked, some laughed and scolded, and some watched.

"Haizi, you are here, come in quickly."Wang Youfu saw Wang Hai, who was at the outermost corner, and pushed the crowd away, pulling them in.

"How about it, Haizi, let's see, how much is this big lobster worth?" Wang Youfu asked, although he also made a rough guess, but he still wanted to hear what Wang Hai had to say.

"It can be sold for tens of thousands of dollars."This lobster was much smaller than the two sold by Wang Hai, but it was worth almost 1 yuan.

"hiss"!Those present were all old fishermen, even women were knowledgeable, although they all guessed the same in their hearts, but after hearing what Wang Hai said, they still hissed.

After going to sea for a while, I earned 1 yuan. Compared with before, it was really easy and enjoyable!
In the past, if you worked hard and went to sea once, you might not be able to earn a lot of money. If you were unlucky, you would not even be able to earn back the gas money.

That's why Wang Youfu was so excited, and he truly admired Wang Hai.

"What's the excitement, why don't you hurry home and prepare for the boat."Quite a few women have already started to pull their own men back. What to look at, Wang Youfu can catch him, can't we?
So, within a short while, the crowd surrounded by the inner three floors and the outer three floors dispersed, and most of them went to prepare the boats and go to sea.

Not to mention catching one big lobster in one day, even catching one in two days is also very good!

Wang Hai shook his head, and walked home. He had traveled all over that sea area, and there was no Splendid Lobster at all. In other words, it was impossible to catch it.

But Wang Hai can't say this. Now that everyone's enthusiasm is high, it's not good to rush to pour cold water. Besides, some people may even think that Wang Hai did it on purpose and didn't want them to fish for big lobsters. .

"Brother, tell me, will there be a new teacher in the new semester?"Wang Wei asked disappointedly.

"Should be, how many teachers are there in the school?"Wang Hai also heard that the previous teacher thought it was too remote and there were no entertainment facilities, so he only worked as a teacher for one semester and left.

"There are only two teachers, Wang Guangsheng and Wang Juan from our village."If there are two teachers, they can't teach at all.

Wang Hai nodded. He really couldn't help with this matter. He was not a teacher, and he didn't know any teacher friends.

"Don't worry, there will definitely be new teachers coming, even the Education Bureau will not ignore it."Wang Hai touched the little girl's cute little head and said comfortingly.

"Uncle, what kind of happy event is this?"As soon as he went out, he saw the village chief walking towards him with a smile on his face.

"Of course it's a good thing. The higher ups have sent a new teacher here. They say they will arrive tomorrow, but they are not familiar with our place. They need to go to Cangjiang to pick them up. You can work hard tomorrow and go for a trip."

The village chief was very happy to have a new teacher coming, and he went to find someone to renovate and repair the school dormitory, but don't let people come, and they are not used to living in it, so they are leaving.

The village head left in a hurry, Wang Hai looked at the message above: Yin Ya, 138xxxxxxxx.

There is only one name and one phone number, I don't know anything else, but judging from his name, he should be young.

"Did you see, the new teacher is here, hurry up and review your homework."Wang Haiyang started to say that the new teacher is coming.

Wang Wei rushed to read books. Although it was summer vacation, she didn't need to go to class, but she would consciously study for a while every day, so she didn't need to be supervised at all.

After putting away the contact information, Wang Hai left the house. He will arrive tomorrow. Today, he should go for whatever he should do.

Everyone went out to sea to find big lobsters, and Wang Hai was also going to go to sea, but instead of looking for big lobsters, he went fishing.

Paddling a small sampan, Wang Hai sailed against the waves towards the sea. Seeing that there were no boats around, he jumped into the sea. It was so hot at noon that the surface of the sea was hot.

The offshore situation is not very good. They are all small fish, shrimps and crabs. There is not a single school of fish that is slightly formed. Fishermen rely on fish schools to eat. These small fish, shrimps and crabs are useless at all.

After walking into the deep sea, there were more fish schools, including a few black fish and a school of sea crucian carp.

Thick fish is a very economically valuable fish species. After all, it is common in China. It is distributed in Bohai Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea and other sea areas. It belongs to warm-temperate bottom-dwelling fish and likes to live in rocky places on the seabed or on the bottom of mud and sand. In the waters with high quality, it feeds on small fish, shrimps, shellfish, etc.

Wang Hai brought chicken intestines, which were left over from the chicken slaughter yesterday, and they were specially reserved for fishing.

Putting the chicken intestines on, there was no fish biting the hook for a while, Wang Hai picked it up to look, and smiled wryly, the fish are much smarter now, the hooks are still dangling after eating the chicken intestines.

Wang Hai tried again, but the result was still the same, so he paddled the sampan and went to another place.

This is a seabed reef area, thick fish, sea bass, etc. like this place, so it is more suitable for fishing.

In order to catch more fish, Wang Hai also decided to cut up the chicken intestines and throw them into the water to attract fish and shrimp from the surrounding waters.

Not to mention, this trick really worked. In less than 5 minutes, the water was rippling, and some fish had already swam over. Wang Hai took a closer look and found that there were several sea bass and thick fish, and there was a small fish behind. school of fish.

In less than 10 minutes, as soon as the fishing line was tightened, Wang Hai knew that a fish had taken the bait, so he pulled it quickly. Sure enough, a two-slap-long sea bass was pulled up, still struggling.

However, in Wang Hai's hands, is there any possibility of escape?Caught straight away, unhooked and dropped the fish into the net.

The sea bass is tender and tender, and the taste is very good after steaming.

After a while, the fishing line was tightened again, Wang Hai pulled up, and a thick fish bigger than the previous one was pulled up.

In half an hour, Wang Hai caught a total of six fish, and they were not too small. Only one fish was enough to feed a family of three.

At this time, the number of hooked fish has decreased significantly. It is estimated that the chicken intestines have been almost eaten. However, the fish school has dispersed, and there are only a few remaining fish. Naturally, there are fewer hooked fish.

"Well, stop fishing and go home."Wang Hai also gradually fell in love with the slow-paced life at home, unlike in Shanghai, where he was energetic every day, the rhythm was fast, and the pressure was huge.

(End of this chapter)

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