Chapter 15
"Xiao Hai, get up, hurry up, get up."Wang Hai was soundly asleep when he was woken up by his mother.

"Mom, what happened"!Wang Hai sat up immediately, his heart skipped a beat, he had been home for a few days, early in the morning, his mother had never yelled at him, it must be something wrong today.

"What's the matter? You forgot what the village chief asked you to do when he came yesterday?"When Liu Xia heard that Wang Hai was going to pick up a young female teacher, she was very considerate. No, she woke up Wang Hai early in the morning and even brought her a change of clothes.

"Mom, isn't it, you asked me to wear a suit on a hot day"?Wang Hai's face is turning pale. Isn't this going on a blind date, okay? Even if it's a blind date, you can't wear a suit in this hot weather, and you don't have to faint from the heat.

Liu Xia thought about it, yes, so she confessed and said: "Anyway, the boards you want to wear are neat, and, get up quickly, look, the sun is already high."

Wang Hai is speechless, the sun rises around five o'clock in summer, okay?

Now that he was woken up, he couldn't sleep anymore, so Wang Hai changed into clean clothes and went to wash up.

"Hey, why are you here?"As soon as Wang Hai raised his head, Wang Qiang was leaning against the door frame with sleepy eyes, dozing off.

While yawning, Wang Qiang said, "It's not that your mother said that you have something important to go to Cangjiang today, and asked me to see you off, and then she called me up early in the morning, but what important things do you have?" Things, let’s talk about it”?
Wang Qiang was no longer sleepy in an instant, and turned into a curious baby, chasing after Wang Hai and asking non-stop.

Wang Hai was very speechless, besides, it was not a secret, so he said: "Yesterday the village chief came over and said that a new teacher came, and today he asked me to go to Cangjiang to pick him up. was scared away."

"Well, isn't she a beautiful woman?"Wang Qiang asked with a smile, it would be great if there was a beautiful teacher in her 20s.

"I don't know if a woman is beautiful or not. I only know a name and a phone number, and nothing else."Wang Hai shrugged, who knows if it is a beautiful young man or a middle-aged aunt.

"Hey, forget it, I'll go soliciting customers."Wang Qiang was suddenly disappointed. He wanted to follow along to have a look, but after being told by Wang Hai, he didn't want to go anymore.

In fact, starting from here, if you go by water, you can reach the Cangjiang River directly. It's a pity that Wang Qiang's boat is not strong enough. If it is a speedboat or a motorboat, it will be different.

After changing clothes, I was kicked out by my mother without even having breakfast, and handed over two bags, which contained freshly steamed buns and two boxes of milk.

"Let's go"!Wang Hai shook his head helplessly. When he went to Shanghai to work, his mother told him to find a girlfriend as soon as possible.

It's just that it's easy to find a girlfriend, but it's not so suitable for someone who can get married.

After arriving at Qianwan Town, Wang Hai took a car instead. After all, Wang Qiang's small iron boat was still not fast enough, a bit slow.

"It seems that I have to buy a car in the future!"Before going to Shanghai, Wang Hai got his driver's license. Unfortunately, he has no money to buy a car!

After arriving at the station and getting out of the car, Wang Hai took out Yin Ya's phone number and called it.

Unfortunately, no one answered, which made Wang Hai a little depressed. Maybe the village chief copied it wrong.

However, when I played the second time, I finally got through: "Hey, who is it?"
That lazy voice was obviously not waking up.

Wang Hai was taken aback, hey, I got up so early and came here, but he was still sleeping late.

"Is it Teacher Yin Ya? I'm from Wangjia Village. I'm afraid you don't know the way. I'm here to pick you up."Wang Hai said truthfully.

"Oh, sorry, I checked the information yesterday and went to bed late. Where are you? I'll get up right away."On the other end of the phone, the girl said apologetically.

Wang Hai said straightly: "It's okay, I'm near the station, don't worry."

Yin Ya replied: "That's fine, you wait for me there for a while, and I will go there right away."

Next to the station, there is a shopping mall. Wang Hai walked in, intending to take a look around. It would take at least half an hour for girls to get up, wash and put on makeup.

At this time, the mall had not been open for a long time, and there were not many customers. After Wang Hai entered, employees came to greet him warmly.

"Hi, I'm just looking around."Wang Hai said embarrassingly that he didn't buy anything now, but he would be a little embarrassed if he was so enthusiastic.

The female employee smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, just take a look, our mall has everything, food and use, home appliances, washing and chemical series."As he said that, he poured Wang Hai a glass of water.

Wang Hai couldn't help but click his tongue. The service is really considerate. I'm a bit embarrassed that I don't buy anything. If there is a purchase intention, if the price is right, the chances of a deal are very high!

"How about going to check the computer"?Wang Hai has always wanted to buy a computer. When he was working in Shanghai, he was reluctant to buy one. Moreover, there were not many places to use it.

When I was working in Shanghai before, a colleague always showed off his new computer, such as fast internet speed and smooth game playing, to show his sense of superiority.

During that time, Wang Hai wanted to buy a computer very much, but after thinking about it later, he really didn’t need it, and it wasn’t worth it to get angry with that person, and instead of saving the money, he might as well buy new clothes for his little sister. Buy some nutritious food for mom.

But it's different now. With the system, there must be a lot of good products in the future. Maybe online sales are also a good choice.

What's more, you can also participate in some fishermen's forums, make some new friends, and gain more knowledge.

"How about this Apple MacBook Air, but it's a new model, and there are discounts on these, as long as 5888, you can take it home."The female staff warmly introduced that during the summer vacation, many people came to see Apple mobile phones and computers.

Wang Hai shook his head and said, "No need, I'd better look at Xiaomi or Huawei."

The female employee covered her mouth and smiled, and then took Wang Hai to the domestic area, where there are Huawei, Xiaomi, and several other brands.

"This enhanced version of Xiaomi Pro, how about it, 15.6-inch metal thin and light shell, is the 16th generation Intel Core processor, 4gbddr25 dual-channel large memory, mx5999 independent graphics card, battery life is also very advantageous, and supports fast charging, price The amount is not expensive, and now it only costs [-] to engage in activities.”

The female staff could tell that Wang Hai was a little moved, so she introduced it even harder.

To be honest, Wang Hai doesn't know much about those professional processors, graphics cards, etc., but since it is an enhanced version, it means that the functions are very good, so he said: "Okay, that's it. ".

(End of this chapter)

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