Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 16 Chapter Village

Chapter 16 Returning to the Village
"Hello, where are you, I have come out, at the entrance of the mall."The phone rang, and the crisp voice came, which was very pleasant.

"Oh, I went to the computer on the second floor, bought a computer, and came down immediately."Wang Hai said with a little embarrassment, what a coincidence, it was only 5 minutes away.

"No hurry, no hurry, you choose first."The girl's sly laughter came, and the brisk footsteps could still be heard.

Sure enough, before Wang Hai finished paying, the girl came up holding the phone.

There were very few customers at this point, and there was only one young girl who came up on the phone. Wang Hai could tell at a glance that the girl walking across was Yin Ya.

A head of long black hair, the skin fell off naturally, soft and shiny, flowing with the footsteps.

Her skin was like snow, her eyes were piercing, and her long eyelashes fluttered like the thin wings of a summer cicada on a tree.

The pure white short sleeves, paired with jeans, show a perfect figure and are full of youthful atmosphere.

When Wang Hai saw it, he was a little dazed. In Shanghai, he had never seen a beautiful woman, but he was the first one with this unique temperament.

"Hello, Mr. Wang Hai, is this a new computer for school?"Yin Ya smiled slyly and put down the phone in her hand.

Wang Hai is embarrassed. I'm just here to pick you up, okay? I'm not here to make purchases. Besides, it's not my turn to do the school's purchases!

However, since everyone has said it, then, just buy another one.

"Okay, I'm kidding, let's go, my luggage is at the door, I have to go down quickly, or I will lose it, besides, the computers here are not cheap, go back to the town, just buy an assembled one ".After Yin Ya saw that Wang Hai had paid, she dragged him and ran down.

"Catch the thief, catch the thief!"When she was still on the stairs, Yin Ya's face changed because a strange man took her suitcase away.

"Fuck, you dare to touch our teacher's things, don't think about it."Wang Hai grabbed the handrail, jumped off the elevator, and chased outside.

When I just arrived at the door, I saw the thief had turned into a small alley.

"Boy, do you want money or your life"?After Wang Hai ran into the small alley, there was no longer one person inside, but two, and one of them was holding a fruit knife in his hand.

The fruit man is a strong man, with bulging muscles, and colorful tattoos on the side, showing a not-to-be-messed look.

"Two brothers, there is nothing valuable in my box. In this case, I will give you 500 yuan. How about you return the box to me?"At this time, Yin Ya also rushed over.

"Who are you cheating on, 500 yuan? There must be something more valuable in your box."The fruit man was delighted. Since he paid 500 yuan to redeem it, the contents inside must be more precious. No, not even less than [-] yuan.

Yin Ya calmed down and said, "Password 111, you can open it and have a look."

Among the two people opposite, one of them looked at Wang Hai and the other vigilantly, and one of them squatted down, ready to open it.

When I pressed 111, I heard a snap, and the suitcase was opened, but the person who opened it had a confused face.

"They are all books, and there is a certificate"?One person muttered to himself, there wasn't even a single valuable thing inside.

"You are a supporting teacher"?The fruit man asked in surprise, no wonder he brought so many books.

"Yes, it's written on it."Yin Ya replied, there are records on it.

"Sorry to bother you, thank you girl for coming to teach."After all, the fruit man still bet 2000 yuan, dragged his companions and ran away.

"Thank you very much".Yin Ya walked over with a smile, put the money in the book, closed the suitcase, and thanked the two who left.

"You people here really welcome me."Yin Ya smiled and said, this thief is also very interesting.

Wang Hai really didn't know how to answer the conversation, besides, this scene was really special.

Because Wang Hai didn't have a car yet, the two took the bus and arrived in the town.

"Let's go, since someone supports 2000 yuan, then go buy a computer. I know that your school does not have a computer. For children, it is good to have access to computers earlier."Yin Ya, who doesn't know the way, leads the way, while Wang Hai walks behind with a suitcase.

"Just this one, go in and have a look."There are several electric shops that repair and assemble computers, and Yin Ya chose one to go in.

After entering, Yin Ya looked at it for a while, and then started a verbal battle with the shop owner. Wang Hai was dumbfounded. Sure enough, women have a natural advantage when shopping.

"Let's go, it's OK."More than 400 pieces of various computer accessories were offered by Yin Yasheng at 2000 yuan, and a simple computer desk was also given as a gift.

This made Wang Hai admire him, and also made him look at Yin Ya with admiration.

"By the way, Brother Wang Hai, didn't you say that you have a brother on the pier, please call to help, this computer desk is a bit heavy."Bargaining is very fun, but the boss does not include delivery.

Wang Hai nodded, and called Wang Qiang. Within 10 minutes, he was seen.

"Fuck, new, oh no, the new teacher is back."Wang Qiang was excited for a while, this new teacher is really beautiful, much better than the ones who came before, but he just doesn't know how long he can last.

Some teachers are here to gilt, and some are indeed here to support education, but after all, the countryside is not as good as the city, and many support teachers can't last long, so they go back.

The computer desk is indeed very heavy. The key is that there are drawers and so on. It is not very convenient to carry it by one person.

Fortunately, the pier was very close, and the two of them arrived after a few minutes of carrying it. After fixing it on the boat, they invited Yin Ya to board the boat.

"Teacher Yin Ya, sit down, my boat is a bit bumpy."Wang Qiang said embarrassingly, the main reason was that the boat was small, and if the water was rippling, it would naturally be a little rough.

Wang Qiang was afraid that Yin Ya was from the mainland and would not be used to this kind of small boat. Besides, this place was connected to the open sea, and it was relatively deep, safety first.

"Don't worry, I've rowed sampans, small wooden boats, and played rafting, I'm not afraid."Yin Ya smiled and said, I've rowed a boat by myself, it's just a boat ride, what are you afraid of.

"Okay, then you sit down and set sail!"Wang Qiang shouted, started the engine at the tail, and the boat started moving.

"It's really the first time I see you. This is the terrain. It's obviously not an island, but you have to take a boat to go home, hehe."Yin Ya also knew about the terrain here, but what she heard and what she saw in person are naturally different.

(End of this chapter)

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