Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 18 The Great Lunch

Chapter 18 The Great Lunch

Lunch is very rich, chicken, fish, meat and eggs, it can be said to be complete.After Wang Qiang came back, Liu Xia started to work after knowing about it.

The chickens are self-fed, the grass carp is from the lake, hairtail, sea bass, razor clams, etc. are all seafood, and it can be said that there is a big table full.

"Auntie, you are too polite, you have done too much, you can't finish it."After arriving home, Yin Ya was also shocked by the large table full of dishes, but the smile on her brows was obvious, she was very welcome here!
"Go wash it up, and then eat."When Liu Xia saw it, she was overjoyed immediately. Sure enough, she was even more beautiful than what Wang Qiang said, but she didn't know if the brat was capable.

"Ms. Yin, don't worry about eating. Most of these are fish and seafood. If you eat too much, you won't grow meat."Liu Xia also knows the girls these days, and they are especially concerned about their figure. Sometimes they don't eat dinner, and there are several in the village.

"It's okay, auntie, I have a physique that doesn't gain weight if I eat too much."Yin Ya replied with a smile, thanking her physique very much, and being able to eat a lot of delicacies.

"Wang Wei, take these two materials, take them to read, practice and practice, it will help your study."Yin Ya did not come empty-handed, but brought study materials.

"Thank you, teacher".Wang Wei grimaced, it's still summer vacation, okay, so you can't let me play for a while longer!

"Auntie, thank you for your hospitality. This is one of the best meals I have ever eaten, so I will go back first."There was another black cloud floating in the sky, I don't know if it will be big, Yin Ya decided to go back early, because the journey was bumpy, she also wanted to rest.

"Let's go, I'll take you back."It was still drizzling outside, so it was okay to not use an umbrella. However, if the journey was a bit farther, the clothes would be wet and uncomfortable when going back.

"That's the lake you mentioned, it looks quite big."Walking on the road, Yin Ya feels that the environment here is beautiful, especially after the rain, there is a different feeling.

Wang Hai nodded and said: "Yes, that's called Yuanbao Lake. If you stand here and look at it from a distance, it looks like a big Yuanbao. That's why it got its name. There are also many products in the lake. If you have time, I will take you there. boating".

"Hey, it's really true. With such a big ingot, your village will definitely be able to live a prosperous life in the future."Yin Ya smiled and said, looking at it from a distance, it really looks like it.

Wang Hai curled his lips. If the implication was true, the village would not be so poor now. However, with his own ability, it should not be difficult to lead everyone to become rich in the future.

"Brother Wang Hai, thank you for picking me up, and the rich hospitality, but it's a bit far away for you, the road is bumpy, and I have to rest for a while."Yin Ya said gratefully.

"Well, it's nothing, go home for dinner if you have time, you rest, I'll go back first."Wang Hai naturally understood Yin Ya's meaning, waved his hand, and went back first.

After returning home, Wang Hai installed the router, took out the newly purchased laptop, adjusted it, and set the password.

"Brother, you bought a computer, hee hee, I want to watch cartoons."Wang Wei ran over on short legs and moved a bench.

"Isn't there a TV? I remember there are several children's channels."Wang Hai said speechlessly, this computer screen is not as big as a TV, okay, it looks like a TV is more comfortable!
"No, I just want to watch the computer."Wang Wei pouted and said dissatisfied.

"All right, all right, but I'm going to go to the forum to have a look first."The last time I drank a lot of wine, Wang Hai heard that Cangjiang is a city near the sea. Not to mention the fishermen below, there are also a lot of seafood merchants and fishery companies. , The government dedicated a forum, the Cangjiang Yujia Forum.

The forum has many sections, including tourism, seafood, sea fishing, typhoon prevention, environmental protection, etc. Among them, seafood is the most important, and there are many fishermen and seafood merchants showing their seafood. There are also many restaurants where customers are looking for goods.

"This policy of the government really benefits the people!"Wang Hai is very happy. With this forum, it will be convenient for him to sell seafood in the future.

Soon, Wang Hai registered an account, but for the time being, he didn't have any good products to sell, so he didn't upload any photos. Although the crayfish at home grow very fast, they are still not as good as The first time it was sold so big.

However, Wang Hai plans to go to sea in the next two days, catch some big guys, and bring back good seafood. In this way, his account can also become popular and increase his popularity.

After browsing for a while, Wang Hai found that there are good and bad seafood in it, and the prices are also high and low, as the saying goes, you get what you pay for.

Wang Wei knew that her brother was doing business, so she sat on the bench and didn't say a word, but her mouth was not idle. After going to the city, Wang Hai bought a big bag of delicious food and came back .

"Okay, sit here and watch."After Wang Hai was done, he turned on the TX video and found a bald man, but Wang Wei was still not happy, she didn't want to watch it, she wanted to watch Qin Shimingyue.

"Okay, I'll change it for you."Wang Hai shrugged, as long as Wang Wei doesn't indulge in games or watch cartoons, it's fine.

"Brother, I heard people say that there are things that can be taught on the computer. Is it true that there is no need for a teacher to teach?"Wang Wei tilted her head and asked, how can I teach without a teacher!

"That is an online class, which is on the computer. The teacher sits on the other side of the computer, and the video lectures are taught. Let the teacher tell you later." The influence of Yq has made online classes more popular. However, Wang Hai still feels that sitting in the classroom is more effective.

After watching for more than an hour, Wang Hai picked up Wang Wei and said, "Let's go out and play for a while. After watching for a long time, it is not good for your eyes. If you are disobedient, I won't show it to you next time." up".

Now some children are only in elementary school and wear glasses. The key is not to go to school, either to watch TV, or to play with mobile phones or computers.

Wang Hai didn't want Wang Wei to be like this, and the rules had to be set early.

"Okay, then let's go to the supermarket to buy ice cream, there are almost no more at home."Wang Wei jumped down and said happily.

"Go, but you can only eat two yuan a day. If you eat more, you can't eat more. If you eat more, you won't buy it in the future."Wang Hai took his chubby little hand and walked outside. In the hot summer, especially at noon, eating a piece of ice cream is very refreshing.

Ice factory, ants climbing trees, old popsicles, etc. Wang Hai also chose some, and then carried a box back, but Wang Wei was very happy. Two yuan a day is not a lot. When the old brother was away, Sometimes I can't even eat a piece.

(End of this chapter)

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