Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 19 System Tasks

Chapter 19 System Tasks
After the rain, the sky is clear, the blue sky is cloudless, and it makes people feel comfortable when they look at it. The sun is shining brightly, bringing a little bit of scorching heat.

The weather is fine, Wang Hai is going to go to sea, now Liu Xia doesn't stop him from going to sea, but there is one prerequisite, that is, the weather is good, rainy and windy weather is definitely not acceptable.

After breakfast, Wang Hai drove the small sampan slowly towards the sea.At first, you can still see a lot of fishing boats, but the further you go in, the less you see.

"Just here, Ball, you stay on the boat honestly, do you hear me?"Although the ball is small, it is a water hound after all, and it must be trained and trained since childhood.

"Ah woo!"The ball let out a cry, and carried it honestly into the cabin, blinking its big eyes, as if to say that I knew.

Seeing that the ball is quite honest, Wang Hai felt relieved. After all, there are many large fish in the sea, but now the ball is still a bit small, and its combat effectiveness is not good.

There was no one around, Wang Hai jumped into the sea directly, and then gradually sank to the bottom of the sea.This is no longer a shallow water area, so there are not only more seaweeds, but also more fish and shrimp.

There are even schools of fish swimming not far from Wanghai, but the fish are not big.

"Hey, this is blood coral grass, not a lot."Wang Hai can see a large piece of blood coral grass from a distance, and it is thicker than ordinary ones. This is a kind of seaweed with high nutritional value, rich in vitamins, minerals, high-quality collagen and other nutrients. Especially in rb, very popular.

"If you encounter it, just pick some."The quality of these seaweeds is more than 100 pounds per catty, which is much easier to catch than fish and shrimps. After all, seaweeds can't run away.

Moreover, there are a lot of blood coral grass in this area, Wang Hai intends to mark it and come back later.

In fact, these blood coral grasses are also delicious when made into dishes. However, the villagers don't eat much, and they are not cheap. If they are caught, they are often sold.

Wang Hai avoided those young plants and only picked the fat ones, and afterward, he threw out two drops of psychic liquid.

I don't know if it's because of the sea water, or because of the blood coral grass itself, Wang Hai feels that they are shaking more than just now.

Just when he was about to leave, Wang Hai rolled his eyes and found a good thing.

"wonder if it is or not".Wang Hai took out his dagger and walked over slowly. Sure enough, it was a big shell, half of his body was hidden in the sand, only a small half was exposed, and he was discovered.

Wang Hai stuck his dagger into the sand beside him, inserted his hands into the sand, and dug out the big shell.

"It's really not small."After digging it out, Wang Hai measured it and found that it was more than 30 centimeters long.Holding the dagger, slowly opened it, and sure enough, a big pearl appeared in front of his eyes.

Wang Hai was overjoyed, the size of this pearl is not small, and it is very round, so the value should not be low.Pearls are good or bad, one depends on the size, and the other depends on the luster and roundness.

The one in Wang Hai's hand is very good, not small in size, and quite round.

You must know that sea clams live in groups. Wang Hai walked over and stepped on it with his feet. Sure enough, there were dozens of sea clams nearby, all of which were about the same size.

Since it was the same as the blood coral grass, Wang Hai didn't need to mark it, just remember this place, and you can pick it directly next time, bringing all the tools.

You must know that picking pearls is not that simple.It's not as imagined, just break it open, otherwise, the sea clam will die.

The correct way to open it is to open it a little bit, then take out the pearl clip, and then close it slowly. In this way, the damage to the sea oyster is very small, and it will recover in a short time.

After putting the pearl away, Wang Hai slowly swam up, ready to leave here and go to other places.

"The ball, let's go."Seeing the ball looking at the sampan honestly, Wang Hai opened the box and threw a big bone to him.

"Wow woof woof"!The ball jumped up and down happily, and then bit the big bone.Although the ball is still small, the bite force is not small, only the sound of clicking.

This small sampan is brisk, and the speed is not slow if you follow the waves, but there is one disadvantage, that is, it is too sunny. There is nothing on such a small sampan, so naturally it cannot shade the sun. On a hot day, with such a big sun, it is not comfortable to bask in the sun at all!

Wang Hai plans to start saving money and buy a fishing boat at that time, not the one used at home, but a large fishing boat that can safely go to the deep sea to salvage, and even, possibly, can also carry out offshore operations.

However, the price of such a fishing boat is not low, even if it is a second-hand one, it will cost hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

Of course, Wang Hai also hopes to buy a larger and more expensive one. After all, such a boat will be safer in the face of strong winds and waves.

After paddling for a long distance, Wang Hai stretched his muscles and bones, and said to the ball that was still clicking: "Honestly watch from above, I'll go down and have a look."

"Wow woof woof"!The ball replied, and continued to deal with his big bones.

Wang Hai nodded and jumped directly. There are more fish schools here than there before, but most of them are small fish schools. Seeing such a big guy like Wang Hai suddenly, he was frightened and ran around.

After Wang Hai slowly sank to the bottom, he looked around and found nothing suitable, so he walked forward.

"Hey, crab group, is this going to be a battle?"I saw a group of crabs in the east and west, with their teeth and claws open, the leader was very big, and the big pliers were half the size of a palm.

Just this big pliers, if it is pinched, it will be horrific, redness and swelling are trivial things, I am afraid that a piece of meat will be lost.

I don't know if it's a turf war, or a battle for the boss of the crab group, anyway, it's two big guys, showing off their might, touching each other from time to time, and tending to fight.

"Hey, if only there was an underwater camera."Wang Hai said with regret that this kind of scene is rare. If it is filmed, it will be popular on a certain music.

You know, this is a hundred times stronger than the Digging and Burying series. This is the most realistic scene.

System Quest: "Save tethered turtles, those damn fishing nets, it's abominable".

"The task is completed, and I will be rewarded with an underwater mobile phone with an 800-megapixel camera, not afraid of sea water, and can perfectly complete the underwater shooting task."

Wang Hai was stunned for a moment, wow, the system finally has some movement, and the reward is really good, it is really a pillow for sleepy, it looks like a black technology mobile phone, there is nothing wrong with it in the sea, just because of this, it is worth it Possesses, and, perhaps, other advanced features.

(End of this chapter)

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