Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 20 New Rewards

Chapter 20 New Rewards

Overjoyed, Wang Hai still has to complete the task first, but is there anything in front of him to save the tethered turtle?

However, the system still has a reminder that it is 200 meters ahead.Because it wasn't very far away, Wang Hai's sampan didn't row, and just swam over.

"Isn't this the Star Island? It got its name because it looks like a star. The area is not very big, but it's not small either."

Wang Hai heard that a few years ago there was a wealthy businessman who wanted to develop this place as a tourist attraction, plant trees and grass, plant a lot of fruit trees, and even plan to build a hotel.It is a pity that the investment of the wealthy businessman failed later, and the capital chain was broken, so they abandoned this place and became an unfinished project.

Wang Hai found that many of the fruit trees were still fruiting, but no one is managing them now, and passing ships would pick some if they docked for a rest, and there is still a half-built hotel ruins.

Walking to the other end, I finally reached the place prompted by the system. Sure enough, I could see a big turtle struggling feebly from a distance.

I saw a large group of fishing nets covering the turtles, their necks and limbs were tightly stretched, and even some places were broken and a little inflamed.

Looking at it like this, I don't even know that this turtle has been entangled for several days, and I'm afraid that if it is not rescued, it will not be strangled to death, but will also die from wound inflammation.

Wang Hai directly took out the dagger and cut all the fishing nets. The places where there were wounds were very difficult to get rid of, and some of them had already gone into the meat.

Wang Hai regretted it a bit. He really should have rowed the sampan over. After all, there was a medicine box prepared by his mother on it. Although it was small, it contained anti-inflammatory drugs and the like.

"Just wait, I'll be back soon."Wang Hai jumped into the sea directly, and then rowed towards the sampan.

The total distance is 200 meters, and it will not take long to go back and forth. Wang Hai brought the small medicine box over, and then gently pulled out the fishing net that had been strangled in the meat.

I don't know if it's because of lack of strength, or because the man in front of me is trying to save himself, the big turtle didn't struggle violently.

Soon, the fishing nets were cleaned up. Wang Hai took out mineral water, cleaned the wounds of the turtles, applied anti-inflammatory drugs, and bandaged the severe areas. Finally, he carried the turtles into the unfinished hotel inside.

Otherwise, the sea turtle wouldn't be able to stand just being exposed to the sun.

Seeing the bloody and bloody appearance of the big turtle, Wang Hai also felt uncomfortable for a while, and fed it a drop of psychic liquid.

"Otherwise, take a nap."The sun is very strong now, and after going out, it will be exposed to the sun. Wang Hai feels that he is a little darker than when he was in Shanghai.

The big turtle was very quiet, knowing that the person in front of him was to save him, and he also got the spiritual liquid, and enjoyed it very much, but the ball was very happy, jumping around in front of Wang Hai.

Seeing that Wang Hai ignored it, the ball barked a few times and ran out.The island is neither big nor small, and Wang Hai is not worried about it, after all, there are no large animals on the island, at most there are some seabirds or something.

The ball may have stayed on the sampan for a long time, so when it got to land, it was very happy, running around.

System reward: "With a mobile phone, you can shoot underwater without fear of sea water."

Wang Hai was sleeping soundly. Suddenly, he was woken up by the system reward. After rubbing his eyes, he found that he had an extra mobile phone on him.

Wang Hai was very happy, but when he picked it up, he found that it was exactly the same as his original mobile phone.

"This system is very considerate!"The shape of the mobile phone is exactly the same, so that there is less trouble.

After turning on the phone, there are some regular functions in it, such as address book, alarm clock, weather, etc., but there are also some new things, such as dark shooting, optimized video, satellite search and positioning, automatic floating tracking shooting, etc. How to use it , have to explore later.

"System, you have a lot of black technology in your hand, what if someone sees it?"? Now the things in your hand are almost the same, so if there is something new, just take a look. It will be seen.

"The host doesn't need to worry. The mobile phone has a DNA inspection function. If the non-host takes it, the mobile phone will directly go black and cannot be turned on."

Wang Hai fiddled with it, and this dark shooting is probably the function of shooting at night, or when there is no light on the bottom of the sea.Needless to say, optimizing the video, it must be editing the video or something. Of course, it will be more advanced than the current software.

Satellite search and positioning, as the name suggests, is to rely on satellites to find or locate people or things. As for the last function, Wang Hai doesn't quite understand.

However, after Wang Hai turned on this function, the phone rose up automatically, and then floated behind Wang Hai. When the shooting function was turned on, when Wang Hai took a step, the phone would follow closely, and even sway from side to side, looking for the best Filming angle.

"Damn, this function is powerful"!Wang Hai was overjoyed for a while. With this function, the videos he shoots by himself are better than those taken by the team, which is simply miraculous.

Wang Hai planned to try it out. Originally, he wanted to find and catch a few big lobsters, and then take some photos to increase his popularity.

Well now, with such a mobile phone and such a powerful shooting function, Wang Hai will take pictures when he intends to fish by himself.

Compared with before, the big turtle's vitality has obviously improved a lot, its spirit is good, and it has already started to eat, eating the small fish and shrimp caught by Wang Hai before.

Seeing that the big turtle was fine, Wang Hai felt relieved, but in the end, he still gave it another drop of psychic liquid.

Seeing that Wang Hai was about to leave, the sea turtle wanted to crawl, but stopped again as it touched the wound on its body, whining, as if thanking it.

"Don't leave today, rest here."Wang Hai didn't care whether the turtle could understand or not, so he said to it, and he brought a small bucket of fish and shrimp over.

The sea turtle is basically fine, as long as it rests overnight, it can go into the water. Besides, with the effect of psychic liquid, it will only get better sooner.

When Wang Hai left, the big turtle whined and watched him leave.

"Leave the ball, don't play, if you don't go back, it will be dark."Although it is not impossible to stay here overnight, and Wang Hai is not afraid, but there are no facilities here, and besides, there may be too many mosquitoes at night, so it would be strange if he could sleep well.

After noon, the sun began to turn westward, but it was a lot cooler. Wang Hai paddled the sampan and rowed back.

However, there is still plenty of time, Wang Hai intends to see if he can find a lobster group and catch a few big ones to support the facade.

(End of this chapter)

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