Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 21 Underwater Shooting

Chapter 21 Underwater Shooting
Wang Hai has estimated the distance, and it is not very far from the coast, and there are no strong winds and waves, so he is not in a hurry to go back.

"Just here. Wang Hai chose a place to jump down and dive to the bottom of the sea. However, there are fish schools, but there are no beautiful big lobsters and sea crabs."

It is not so easy to catch fish with bare hands.Unlike big lobsters and sea crabs, they run slowly and can be caught directly.

After wandering around for a while, there was nothing worth selling, so Wang Hai gave up, swam up, and then rowed the sampan and continued to walk back.

When Wang Hai jumped in for the second time, he found something good, blue crab, serrated blue crab, this kind of sea crab has four teeth on the forehead, thick claws, sharp thorns on the inner edge of the wrist, There are strong thorns on the edge of the joint, and it is also very fierce. It feeds on small fish, shrimp and shellfish.

However, the meat of blue crabs is tender, delicious, and rich in nutrition. It is also called cream crab, because mature female crabs, after being cooked, the crab paste is plump and orange-yellow or orange-red in color. It is very delicious, and even has ginseng in the sea. title.

There are quite a few potholes around here, obviously, they are the nests of blue crabs, one by one, and some of them are preparing to forage outside.However, there are still a few that come out. After all, blue crabs usually start to look for food at night.

"Hey, then I'm not going to be polite."The nutritional value of this blue crab is very high. Whether you eat it yourself or sell it, it is very good. Now that you have met it, how can you not take some back.

"Let me try the function of the mobile phone first."Wang Hai turned on the phone, and sure enough, the phone was not afraid of sea water at all, as if it was on the ground, it was not affected at all.

After turning on the shooting function, the phone automatically floated behind Wang Hai, and was still shaking left and right, looking for the best shooting location.

Wang Hai started fishing for big blue crabs. Although there were dozens of blue crabs outside, Wang Hai still picked the big ones.But these big blue crabs are waving their big claws, opening and closing their big pincers, obviously warning Wang Hai that I'm not easy to mess with.

"You are not easy to mess with, and I am not easy to mess with!"Wang Hai chuckled, with quick eyesight and quick hands, he picked up a big blue crab and quickly threw it into the net pocket.

Although the blue crab looks very powerful, and the big claws are also very bluffing, but when faced with a strong net bag, there is nothing to do. Even if it is pinched back and forth, it is useless. Can't run out.

Wang Hai shot quickly, and soon caught more than ten big blue crabs, and there were many caves over there, all of which were blue crabs' nests.

However, in the sea, there are many creatures living in their nests, as well as moray eels and sea snakes. As for reaching into the caves, Wang Hai thinks about it, forget it, it's a bit dangerous.

When more than 20 crabs were caught, Wang Hai stopped. On the one hand, it was a little late, and on the other hand, there was a certain number of blue crabs, and it was impossible to catch all of them.

Moreover, as long as the blue crabs nest here and are not damaged, there will be a steady stream of blue crabs that can be caught.

Before leaving, Wang Hai threw out another three drops of spirit liquid.Seeing the blue crabs scrambling for food, Wang Hai smiled.

It was getting dark, and Wang Hai still couldn't find the Splendid Lobster, but think about it, Splendid Lobster is very rare now, so if you can find it yourself, you can find it.

"Forget it, let's go over there and have a look."Before Wang Hai moved the Jinxiu lobster group, those Jinxiu lobsters really got used to it and lived there.

This time Wang Hai didn't want to catch big lobsters, but wanted to do a photo shoot and keep proof that his seafood is pure seafood, directly caught in the sea.

So, after turning a corner, Wang Hai went to the site of Splendid Lobster, and saw big lobsters one by one, either looking for food, or on the way to look for food, Wang Hai smiled, because, it seems that the group of lobsters has become bigger ah.

In this group of lobsters before, there were only two of the largest lobsters, and they were caught by myself. The rest, although they were still [-] centimeters long, were about the same size as the one sold by Chen Shu, but Wang Hai did not. fished.

However, now, there are a few more big guys in the group. According to visual inspection, three of them are more than 40 centimeters long, and one is [-] centimeters long. Obviously they joined later.

Moreover, the one over 50 centimeters obviously became the leader.

"Just you guys."This time, Wang Hai did not intend to arrest the leader of the family. Sometimes, a leader can determine the life and death of a group.

The ones Wang Hai planned to attack were the three big guys with a length of more than 40 centimeters.

Wang Hai was very experienced in fishing big lobsters, and quickly caught the three big ones, but it also aroused dissatisfaction from the leader and riots in the group.

"Give it to you."Wang Hai directly threw out a few drops of psychic liquid, feeling that he was the leader of the good things, so he gave up the demonstration and went to suck the psychic liquid instead, and the same was true for those crayfish.

"Goodbye, I wish your ethnic group will grow bigger and bigger."Wang Hai took the opportunity to swim up, and he was also very happy if the lobster population was getting bigger and bigger. On the one hand, it proved that the lobster population had formed a virtuous cycle, and on the other hand, he could continue to fish .

Taking back the mobile phone after shooting, Wang Hai returned to the sampan, but at this time, the sun was still setting, and it would be dark in a short while.

"Ball, go, go home".Seeing that it was going to be dark, Wang Hai paddled hard in order not to worry his mother. Fortunately, there was not much wind and waves, and the speed was still acceptable.

When Wang Hai returned to the pier, it was already dark, and there were not many people around the pier.

"Hey, Xiao Hai, the harvest is not small, a big net bag."In the distance, an uncle greeted him loudly. It is not bad to be able to catch so much by going out to sea alone.

"It's okay, second uncle, I'll go home first, otherwise my mother will be worried."Wang Hai walked fast, but the distance was so far that he couldn't see clearly, otherwise, the second uncle would have surrounded him long ago, and would even call out for others.

You must know that what Wang Hai catches, no matter it is a blue crab or a big lobster, is very valuable. Many people will come to see it and envy them when they see it.

However, Wang Hai didn't give them this chance, he ran very fast, and arrived home in a few minutes.

"Mom, there are good things, so I came back late."Before Liu Xia opened her mouth, Wang Haiju revealed the results of the battle first.

Wang Hai knew that after seeing this, his mother definitely didn't even have time to blame herself.

Sure enough, carrying the net bag, Liu Xia went to tidy up the water tank. First, these big blue crabs and beautiful big lobsters had to be put away. Such expensive seafood would be worthless if they died.

Naturally, Wang Hai avoided his mother's murmuring.

(End of this chapter)

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