Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 219 Transporting Fruit Trees

Chapter 219 Transporting Fruit Trees
Wang Hai bought ten catties of pork, beef and mutton. As for chickens, the family had plenty of them.

There is no shortage of green vegetables. When it was still cold, Liu Xia bought plastic sheets and built two small sheds in the backyard. The vegetables grown were almost edible.

"Haizi, buy so much!"Wang Qiang giggled, and he could have dinner again when he went back.

"Qiangzi, come with me tomorrow, I will find more people, and we will transport them to the island within a day."Wang Hai said, fortunately, I found someone to dig the tree hole in advance on the island, and now I can just pull it over and plant it, so there is no need to bother.

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely help."Wang Qiang patted his chest and promised that both father and son would go to battle tomorrow.

Before he got home, Wang Hai notified in the group, asking everyone to gather to pull trees tomorrow. Although it is not going to sea, the reward of 200 yuan a day will not be small.

"Brother, where is my gift?"Wang Wei ran over and began to rummage. It was agreed, but don't forget it.

"I didn't forget, you are tossing or something, quickly load the car, let's go home, your teacher is here too."Wang Hai said angrily, but she is still a big girl, so it's hard to do anything. If she was a child, she would have been served with sticks and sticks.

"Hey, teacher, you are here too, just sit down and let my brother move it."Wang Wei said with a smile, and pulled Yin Ya to sit on the seat.

Yin Ya didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Wang Hai had already finished moving in a dazed effort, and then sat on it, and they went home.

"Xiaoya is here too, sit down quickly, just like your own home."Liu Xia said happily that although she didn't know why Yin Ya came back, the reason was not important, what was important was the result. Yin Ya came back during the Chinese New Year.

"Thank you, auntie, I can do it myself."Yin Ya took the water glass and said politely, you are too enthusiastic.

"Brother, is this a remote-controlled plane? Does it fly very high?"Wang Wei happily said that she had never played it before.

"Your elder brother is busy, let's go, the teacher will take you to play."Yin Ya smiled and said, took the remote control plane, led Wang Wei and went out.

"Mom, I don't know why Yin Ya didn't go home. I met her in the urban area. She lived in a hotel by herself, so I brought her back. Don't ask when you come back. She's afraid I don’t want to say it, but when I want to say it, I will naturally say it.”Wang Hai reminded that maybe there might be some conflicts in the family.

"Got it, don't worry, I know your mother well."Liu Xia said with a smile, I have never seen anything at this age.

"Brother Haizi, you're back."Wang Yong is here, and he is much more relaxed now than before, as if he was still working hard to make money at this time last year.

But this year it won't be necessary, because after following Wang Hai, his income has increased greatly. He didn't go out to sea a few days ago, and H took his grandfather to the city for a check-up.

Now that I have enough money to spend, I don't have worries and pressures, and I feel much more relaxed and smile a lot more.

"Well, I'm going to pull fruit trees tomorrow, so get up early."Wang Hai explained that there are so many, if you don't hurry up, it will take a long time.

"Do not worry".Wang Yong nodded and said that he would definitely be able to get up.

Early the next morning, Wang Hai got up, and Wang Qiang and others also gathered at the door.

"Let's go".Li Yang has already helped in the town and rented two trucks to pull fruit trees.

"Have you eaten yet?"Wang Hai asked, it was a bit early after all, it was only six o'clock.

"have eaten".Several people answered in unison, they said it yesterday, and they will definitely prepare it in advance today.

After more than 20 minutes, we arrived at the destination, and the fruit grower, with many people, was already digging fruit trees.

"Haha, boss, you are here. I found someone to dig yesterday, and there are already [-] trees."Seeing that Wang Hai really came, the fruit grower was overjoyed.

You must know that there are nearly [-] fruit trees of various kinds here, so if you calculate it like this, it's a small one hundred thousand, which is a real profit.

Originally, I had cut it myself but had no income at all. I was tired and distressed, but now that I have made money, I am naturally very happy.

"Okay, you go ahead, we will load the car."With a big wave of Wang Hai's hand, Wang Ying and others began to carry the fruit trees and load them into the car, because they were pruned, so they were easy to load.

Soon, the truck was full, and the truck started to gallop, and at the other end, Wang Hu had already driven the big fishing boat over, wanting to load it all at once.

"Haizi, this is too slow."After all, the branches of fruit trees are dry, and it is impossible to load a lot in one cart like wood. This fruit tree can't be loaded too much at a time.

"There is no way to do that."Wang Hai shrugged, unless he rented more cars.Soon, Wang Hai found out, and sure enough, one cart only pulled more than 30 trees, and the two carts only pulled about [-]. One or two thousand trees could not be pulled in a day.

"In this way, Qiangzi, go to the neighborhood and see if you can rent a few more cars. After the fruit trees are unearthed, they will be affected."

Wang Hai was afraid that if the fruit tree dries up if it is delayed for a long time, it will be bad.

"Okay, I'll go right away."Wang Qiang nodded. At the end of the year, many people will be idle, so it should be easy to find.

Sure enough, after half an hour, Wang Hai brought three cars. Although they were a little smaller, they still contained a lot.

Now that there are five cars, the speed has naturally more than doubled. Wang Hai feels that if this is the case, it should be able to finish in one day.

"Would you like to order a few takeaways?"It’s not very far from the city. The key is that ordering takeaway is convenient and saves trouble. Otherwise, there is a special person sent to the restaurant to order and buy water. If you catch up with the rush, you will waste an hour or two.

Wang Hai opened Are You Hungry, and each of them ordered a stewed pork rice bowl, chicken legs, and a bottle of drink. Workers don’t have the energy to eat meat.

"Hey, it's pretty fast."In less than 10 minutes, the takeaway was delivered, and there were two people.

"It's the takeaway you ordered."The delivery guy was very polite, and asked against the list.

"You guys, do you need help?"Another delivery man asked suspiciously, maybe he wants us to load the car for you.

I met a delivery person once before. A woman was driving and didn't pay attention to the road conditions. And ate them too.

Therefore, seeing such a situation, the delivery staff will have such an idea.

"No, no, no."Wang Hai waved his hands again and again, he is not such an unscrupulous person, the current meal is waiting to make money, and he can't waste other people's time.

It took more than half of the morning, which greatly increased Wang Hai's confidence. By night, it should be completed.

In this way, there is no need to do it again, not to mention wasting time, but also troublesome.

"Okay, done".Wang Hai breathed a sigh of relief. It was already dark at seven o'clock, but the last fruit tree had already been loaded and completed.

(End of this chapter)

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