Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 220 Planting Fruit Trees

Chapter 220 Planting Fruit Trees
The fishing boat was loaded with fruit trees and headed towards the island. Anyway, there was food and drink on the boat, so there was no need to go back.

"Haizi, electricity consumption on this island is a big problem."Wang Qiang said that he originally wanted to live on the island, but unfortunately, there is no electricity, so it is not as comfortable as being on a boat.

"I have already bought a generator, and it should be delivered in the next year. I will use this in the early stage and look at it later."Although on the sea side, wind power and tidal power can still be used, but the investment is large and the effect is slow. After all, it takes a long time, and some professional knowledge is required.

The generator is much simpler, and it can be used after adding oil, which is convenient in the early stage.

Now it has only been cleared and roads and houses have been built, but they are still rough and need to be renovated.

And if there is no electricity, it will be very uncomfortable to live in.

It was only dawn on the second day, everyone got up, Wang Hai made breakfast, and after everyone ate, they began to move down the fruit trees and plant them.

Because before Wang Hai, he invited a few people from the village to work and dug the tree pits. Now it is much more convenient to plant them, just plant them directly and water them.

"Qiangzi, you are in charge of leading everyone to plant, and I will water it."Wang Hai's behavior is naturally for the purpose of merging the spiritual liquid. Only the water with the spiritual liquid can make the fruit tree rejuvenate and the quality will become better.

The fruit trees and vegetables at home have already proved that spiritual liquid can improve the quality of fruit trees and vegetables, making them more delicious.

Wang Hai intends to let the fruit trees take the high-end route. I watched a video the day before yesterday. In a high-end market in Beijing, an orange costs 50 yuan. It is really amazing. Of course, the taste is also very good.

Wang Hai feels that the taste here is not bad, so just wait and see.

There are springs on this island, and the amount of water is not bad. That's why Wang Hai dared to plant fruit trees here. At least, there is no shortage of fresh water.

In each bucket, Wang Hai added two drops of psychic liquid, pouring the bucket after bucket, and the stock was almost used up.

The workload of watering is still heavy. Fortunately, Wang Hai has a strong physique and doesn't feel too tired. He carried more than 400 buckets in one morning.

"Phew, it's finally done."Although this is not much to say, a dozen or so people actually worked for three days, and Wang Hai took advantage of the situation to set up the wine. Although there are only five vines now, more can be added after two years.

Anyway, the stone pillars, steel wires and so on were brought over, and it happened to be done in one go.

"My lord, do you want to celebrate?"Wang Qiang said with a playful smile, in summer, when the peach blossoms are in full bloom, it will be very beautiful.

"Okay, let's celebrate, Wang Yong, go and move the table down, let's eat here."Wang Hai is also excited. The peach tree area and orange tree area are almost full. If there is a way to find a way on the grape trellis, there will be about two acres of land left in front of the house. At that time, we can grow vegetables and be self-sufficient.

"If there is no typhoon, living here is quite good."Wang Qinghua said enviously, when he could have an island of his own!

"Being an island owner is domineering when you say it!"
Wang Hai originally wanted to go down and bring some seafood up, but was stopped by several people, just kidding, it's such a cold day, besides, it's not that there is no food on board.

Knowing that a fishing boat was needed, Wang Hu added a lot of ingredients, so there were fish and meat, shrimp and vegetables on the boat.

Naturally, Wang Hai took charge of the spoon himself, and steaming dishes were brought out one after another.

"The dishes cooked by Haizi are delicious."Wang Qiang couldn't help but licked his lips. Grandma, do you want to learn a few things yourself? The key is that Zhao Min doesn't know how to cook.

It's okay to say now that after he and Wang Hai are married, it will be inconvenient for him to have dinner frequently.

"Yeah, the food cooked by Brother Haizi is delicious."Wang Yong nodded. This time, Wang Hai didn't go out to sea with him. Everyone took turns cooking. Although it wasn't bad, it wasn't delicious.

In the past, when I was tired from going to sea, I longed for food, but now I don’t want to.

"You guys, practice hard when you're free, Xiao Hai doesn't necessarily go out to sea with us every time."Wang Hu laughed and scolded, everyone wants to eat delicious food, but he doesn't know how to do it, and he doesn't want to practice yet.

"I can't learn it."Wang Yong grimaced, there is no one who is so easy to learn, he knows it at first sight, and it is useless as soon as he does it. It seems very simple, but in his own hands, it is not so serious.

"It's okay to practice more, just like potato shreds, cut and fry every day, as long as you are proficient, you will be fine."Wang Hai said with a smile, it is not as difficult as imagined, the chef just works hard, as long as he does more.

"Hey, let's forget it."When Wang Yong thought about eating shredded potatoes every day, no matter how delicious it was, he didn't want to eat it.

Soon, a large table of food will be ready, a large bowl of rice for each person, just like being on a boat.

"By the way, Gao Mingxiang, Wu Ming, aren't you two going home this year?"Wang Hai asked, you have to go home this Chinese New Year, why don't you two go back.

Gao Mingxiang said with a smile: "It doesn't matter much, we haven't been out for a long time, and it's not too late to go back after a while."

Wu Ming also nodded and said, "That's right, I want to earn more money before going back, haha".

Both of them are ordinary families, and it is also a time when money is needed, and it costs thousands of dollars to go back and forth. I am a bit reluctant. With this money, it is better to buy clothes for my younger siblings.

Besides, they also know that it seems that the sea will open after the new year, and the time is a bit tight, and it is too troublesome to go back and forth.

"It's okay, you set your own time, it's okay after the year, it's good to go home and have a look."Wang Hai now has a deep understanding. As long as he is away from home for a long time, he will miss him very much. Maybe he is a family lover.

"I don't know if there will be a fishing moratorium next year. If there is, you can go back at that time."The fishing moratorium policy has been in place for several years, but on the one hand, Wangjia Village is poor after all; on the other hand, the fishing boats here are basically small fishing boats, so the inspections are not very strict, and they are allowed to go fishing Yes, but larger fishing boats will not work.

But Wang Hai also heard some rumors that next year, any captain will not be allowed to go to sea during the fishing moratorium, even small boats, unless it is that kind of sampan.

In this case, it will take a two-month break, and by then, there will be plenty of free time.

"Who knows, hey, the life of us fishermen is getting more and more difficult."Wang Hu sighed and said, that is to say, he is now following Wang Hai, earning tens of thousands a month. Looking at the people in the village, they are still the same. Sometimes they earn more, and sometimes they just keep their capital, not at all. make money.

"Because of this, there will be a fishing moratorium."Wang Qinghua explained: "Only when fishing is suspended can we rest and recuperate, and let the fish grow stronger, and when the time comes to fish, we won't return empty-handed."

(End of this chapter)

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