Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 23 Chapter 23 Uploading Videos

Chapter 23 No.20 Three upload video
"Brother Wang Hai, are you going to upload photos and videos?"After dinner, Yin Ya helped Wang Wei make up some homework, and then saw Wang Hai playing with the computer.

Wang Hai nodded and said, "Yes, isn't this a fisherman's forum run by our government? I registered an account and wanted to upload these photos and videos to increase the popularity of the following."

These were all taken by Wang Hai in the afternoon, and the angle, clarity, and quality are all excellent.Moreover, Wang Hai's intention is to let everyone know that the seafood he catches is authentic.

"Let me do it".Yin Ya saw Wang Hai for a long time, but she hadn't finished it yet, so she said with a smile.

"OK"!To be honest, Wang Hai really doesn't know much about computers.When I was at home, my family was not rich, and I didn't play computer much at all.

Later, I went to Shanghai to work, and I went to Internet cafes with my colleagues many times. However, my colleagues either played games or watched movies, without any technical content.

"You, I have time in the future, but I need to study a bit. What's the use of watching movies and playing games? Learn more practical knowledge."Children can do this now, besides, playing games is very harmful.

"I'm not addicted to playing games."Wang Hai said in embarrassment that when his colleagues asked him to go to the Internet cafe to play games, he went there a few times, but he didn't want to go, feeling that it was not interesting.

"What rank is your king?"Yin Ya asked with a smile, it is still more popular to play this now.

"Silver, what about you?"Wang Hai replied that he can't play a few times a month, and he can't upgrade at all.

"My King".Yin Ya held her head high and said arrogantly.


After a while, Yin Ya fixed the forum. The photos didn't get much reaction, but after the video was uploaded, the reaction below was great.

"Wow, this guy is amazing, diving and fishing, this is a big blue crab, a dozen at a time, making a fortune"!
"After the appraisal, it's not a synthetic video, but a real shot. This man's seafood is definitely authentic."

"I really want to eat it. The crab roe of the blue crab is the most delicious."

"Damn, there is also a big lobster, this is a beautiful big lobster, how much can it sell for such a big one!"
"The landlord left a mobile phone number, I want to buy a big lobster, the price is negotiable"!
In only ten minutes, there are already dozens of comments below, some are amazed, and some want to buy.

The blue crabs are okay, as for the splendid lobsters, they can be bought either from the government agencies or from big hotels.

"Brother Wang Hai, are you going to sell it? It seems that an auction can still be held here."Yin Ya found out that the seller can still auction the item, which is really much easier.

"I don't need it for the time being. I promised a friend that if there is a good product, I will contact her."Although blue crabs are not small in size, they can still be bought in the market.

But the Splendid Lobster is different. It is very expensive. Moreover, the big ones are often priced but not available in the market. You can't buy them if you have money.

It wasn't until after nine o'clock that Yin Ya packed her things and prepared to go back.

"I'll send you off!"It's so late, the lights are dark, and there are no street lights for the time being, Yin Ya is not at ease when she goes back alone.

Yin Ya nodded, it was indeed a bit dark, and said: "Does every household in your house have dogs? Find one for me later, and I will keep it for self-defense."

In the future, he might have to go out at night, besides, he can only live in the school dormitory for the time being, so he should have some protection.

"Don't worry, I'll ask you later."Once the dog recognizes its owner, it will not change easily, just like the ball, although it is also close to Yin Ya, it is still different.

"Yin Ya, thank you for coming to support our education."Wang Hai said gratefully, it's not that there were no teachers who came here before, but they didn't last long before they left, compared to the place where there is nothing but seafood.

"You don't need to thank me, I came here to support education, and I have my own reasons."Yin Ya walked in front slowly, taking small steps.

Seeing that Yin Ya didn't intend to continue talking, Wang Hai didn't ask any more questions. Everyone has their own little secret.

"Are you going to sea tomorrow?"Yin Ya asked, she heard that Wang Hai didn't plan to go out to work, so, at home, it seemed that most of them went to sea.

"Not necessarily, what about you, what are you going to do tomorrow?"In fact, Wang Hai is quite free now. Fishing a big lobster already pays much more than before, so he is not so active about going into the sea.

"I have nothing to do, just prepare lessons and prepare things for the start of school."Yin Ya replied, although there are still more than ten days before school starts, but there is nothing to do now, and it is such a hot day, and I don't want to go to the city to play.

"Since it's fine, go boating with me tomorrow and pick lotus pods."In this season, it happens to be the time when the lotus pods are ripe, and this thing ripens very quickly. If you don't pick it, it will get old soon and you can't eat it.

"Okay, although I have eaten lotus pods, I haven't picked them myself yet."Yin Ya said excitedly, besides, she can also learn to row a boat.

When I went to play before, Yin Ya and her friends rowed together, but unfortunately, none of them knew how to row, either spinning or going off the track, which could kill a person in a hurry.

"Okay, see you tomorrow morning by the lake."After Wang Hai went back, he still wanted to find Wang Qiang to borrow a boat.

"Why borrow a boat, you are going to pick lotus pods in the lake"?Wang Qiang asked, in this season, besides catching fish, most people pick lotus pods.However, the surface for picking lotus pods is larger.

"Yes, there are a lot of them in the lake now. If you don't pick them, you will get old and can't eat them."Wang Hai also hasn't eaten fresh lotus pods for several years.Last year, I bought it for a while, and it was a bit awkward.

"Okay, tomorrow I won't go sailing to solicit customers, let's go together."Wang Qiang was eager to try it, and he also wanted to dig some golden eels back. It was a good thing, and all the young and old in the village didn't like it.

This eel has fewer spines and more meat. The meat is tender and rich in nutrition. It can also nourish blood and reduce inflammation.

Most importantly, it has two other functions, that is, strengthening yang and treating rheumatism.

Villages by the sea are often attacked by the sea breeze, coupled with year-round fishing, many people will suffer from rheumatism when they get old, and they are often tortured very uncomfortable.

However, the people in Wangjia Village and Chenjiagou rarely suffer from rheumatism, which is because they eat golden eels in the lake all the year round.

Of course, there is another effect, that is, strengthening yang. It is very famous in Cangjiang City, and many rich people are willing to spend a lot of money to buy it.

This is also one of the catches that the two villages compete for, but after so many years of fishing, the number has dropped sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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