Chapter 24

Early on, Wang Hai got up and dragged the boat into the lake. This kind of small wooden boat is just right in the lake.

"Hi, Brother Wang Hai, you're here very early!"Yin Ya changed her skirt outfit to sportswear today, and she looked youthful and sunny.

"Come on, I just arrived too!"Wang Hai supported the small wooden boat and rowed towards the middle of the lake.

Wang Hai planned to take her around for a while, and then went to pick lotus pods.

"Brother Wang Hai, let me have a try, I haven't rowed a boat for a long time."Yin Ya was eager to try, so she took over the pole, and it turned out that a few minutes later.

The small wooden boat was still walking in place, not not moving, but turning in circles.

"You're still laughing, and you haven't told me how to row a boat. When we used to row a boat, we always couldn't row."Yin Ya said angrily, "Small sample, I still look at the second type."

Wang Hai rubbed his nose, stood up, first told Yin Ya some essentials, and then taught him by hand.

"Don't worry, I will succeed this time."Yin Ya heard it clearly, and felt that it was not difficult, it was just that she didn't grasp the essentials before.

Now that I understand it, it is not difficult, so I let Wang Hai sit down and start by himself.

Sure enough, Yin Ya is still very smart, and she knows how to row once she learns it, but she rowed a bit slowly. It took 10 minutes and she only walked more than ten meters away.

Seeing that Yin Ya was sweating profusely, Wang Hai took it over and said, "You must feel awkward when you are a beginner, just stroke it a few more times in the future."

"Hey, Brother Shu, look, isn't that Wang Hai? There's a beautiful woman sitting on the boat. She's so fucking beautiful. Could it be his girlfriend?"Brother Dou was rowing the boat, and the two of them came to dig for golden eels, which are very expensive in the Cangjiang River.

"Grandma, I, Chen Shu, can't compare to him in any way, why can he find such a beautiful girlfriend, no, mine will be messed up for him."Chen Shu's eyes began to glow, the light of a pervert.

"bump".Wang Hai was chatting and laughing with Yin Ya, but he was bumped by someone without checking. Looking back, it turned out to be Chen Shu and Brother Dou.

"Chen Shu, are you two looking for trouble? If you knock Teacher Yin into the lake, will you be responsible?"Wang Hai was instantly annoyed, if it wasn't for the distance, he really wanted to give him a stick.

Yin Ya stood up and said, "I'm Teacher Yin Ya. I came to support teaching this semester. You must be Chen Shu. Go back and tell the people in your village to gather tomorrow and go to school to pull weeds. The school will start soon." up".

"Me, I don't have any children in my family who want to go to school, so I won't go."When he heard that it was a teacher who came to support the teaching, Chen Shu's aura immediately dropped several levels.

You must know that there are quite a few children in Chenjiagou who come to the school, and they attach great importance to the supporting teachers and the cadres of the two villages.

"You have no children, you won't get married in the future, won't you have children"?Yin Ya sneered and said that she had heard a lot of Chen Shu's "glorious deeds" within a few days.

"I, I, forget it, good men don't fight women."Chen Shu snorted angrily, telling Brother Dou to row the boat away quickly, it was really bad luck.

"Brother Shu, what are you afraid of? Isn't he just a teacher?"Brother Dou said disdainfully, afraid of what she would do.

Chen Shu said angrily: "You know what, if you make the teacher unhappy, they won't come to support the education. Those families with children in the village will not scold us to death. It's considered light if they don't do anything. For the sake of teaching the teacher My dad has put in a lot of effort in this matter, if I get messed up, I will definitely be beaten."

"Besides, my father is the secretary of the village, no matter what, he is better than Wang Hai. This teacher Yin is not bad, maybe he can be chased by me."

Chen Shu thought flirtatiously, now he can't offend her, and leave a bad impression.

"Let's pick lotus pods, don't let these two scum spoil our interest."Wang Hai rowed the boat towards the place with the most lotus pods.

"Ah, how come you keep folding, how do you make it"!Driving into the lotus area, Yin Ya saw a big one, she reached out and wanted to take it off, but unfortunately, she couldn't pull it off, and kept breaking it, so she stared anxiously at Wang Hai.

"It's all fresh, how could you break it, use scissors, just cut it off."Wang Hai took out two pairs of scissors from the small box below.

Yin Ya slapped Wang Hai angrily, and said: "You are very bad, just want to see if I am joking, if you have scissors, don't take them out sooner, really."

"Really, out of the silt but not stained, clean ripples but not demon."Yin Ya shook the lotus and chanted softly.

"Ai Lian has come out, but here in our village, it can barely be regarded as a paradise."Wang Hai smiled and said that the traffic here is blocked, but the environment is beautiful, with mountains and water, lakes and seas, it is definitely not worse than Tao Yuanming's residence.

"You're not shy, compare yourself to Tao Yuanming."Yin Ya rolled her eyes at this guy, he was quite narcissistic!

After a while, the two picked a small pot of lotus pods, and stopped. If they picked too much, they couldn't finish it.

"Brother Wang Hai, Mr. Yin, you guys are here to pick lotus pods too!"A guy who probed his head came out, but it was Wang Yong.

"I picked a lot!"Wang Hai took a look and saw that the boat was almost full, and it was full.

"Pick so much, can you finish eating?"Yin Ya asked puzzledly, even if you eat it every day, you still can't finish it!
"I also caught several grass carp, I will give you one."As he said that, Wang Yong threw over a big grass carp, which weighed more than three catties. It was tied with a straw rope, but it was almost dead.

"That line goes to my house for dinner at night."Wang Hai was also polite, took it and put it in the bilge.

"Stop talking, I'm leaving first."Wang Yong said hello and left in a hurry.

"Do you have any doubts?"Seeing Yin Ya's puzzled expression, Wang Hai asked.

"It's a little bit, but is there something hidden?"Yin Ya has seen this kind of situation in the countryside before, and guesses that it should be similar.

"Wang Yong's father is also an old fisherman, but like my father, he encountered a storm when he went out to sea and did not come back. At that time, Wang Yong was still young, only five or six years old, and his mother was also beautiful, so she ran away without him. Yes, I heard that he went to the south. No one knows the specifics. There is only one grandma in the family. She worked so hard to bring him up. As a result, she fell ill last year and was finally rescued, but she couldn’t work anymore. He still needs someone to take care of him every day, and he has to take medicine every day, and this child is also stubborn, and does not want other people's charity, and works to earn money to support the family and buy medicine for grandma."

Wang Hai shook his head. Although his family was not well-off, Grandma Wang Yong still paid [-] yuan when she saw a doctor.

"It's really hard for this kid. I really don't know how he got here after so many years."Yin Ya's eyes were red. Although she had already guessed about the situation, she still couldn't stand it when she really knew it. Now, especially in rural areas, there are many such examples.

(End of this chapter)

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