Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 240 Results

Chapter 240 Results
After dinner, Liu Wei left, saying that he had business to discuss, and he was talking with the navy, which made Wang Hai very admired. It is very strong to be able to build a relationship with this place.

Wang Hai rested all night. Early the next morning, he was informed that he needed to go to sea, but it was still the same sea area.

The leader is still Wang Hai's familiar Zhao He, which makes Wang Hai feel very comfortable. After all, he is also familiar with him, which is better than someone he doesn't know.

"By the way, Brother Zhao, there is a deep sea, if the robot comes up, will it be located?"Wang Hai said worriedly, wouldn't that be a direct leak.

Wang Hai is actually quite worried. This is in the space, which can isolate the signal, that is, no matter how many locators are installed, it will be useless, but once they are taken out, it will be difficult to say.

"Don't worry, we are more thoughtful than you think, we have already arranged it, there are several kinds of jammers on board, absolutely nothing will happen."Zhao He laughed and said, it will be too late when you think about it.

Wang Hai smiled awkwardly. Indeed, there are many talented people in the navy, and all possibilities have been estimated.

Soon, when he arrived at the predetermined sea area, Wang Hai put on his diving suit and went down with a tractor. Later, he would use the tractor to pull the robot up. After all, the malfunctioning robot is not light, so let Wang Hai give it to him. Get it up, it is unbelievable, very heavy.

After Wang Hai entered the water, he slowly sank to the bottom of the sea. After waiting, the CIA released the robot and put some seaweed and sand on it. Finally, the CIA adsorbed the tractor.

Wang Hai pressed a signal transmitter, and then the tractor started to work, slowly pulling the robot upwards.

Half an hour later, the robot was salvaged, and Wang Hai followed suit.

"Haha, it is indeed a product from the United States, and it is the latest style. Wang Hai, you have made another contribution!"Zhao He said happily, this kid is really a lucky general.

Zhao He excitedly gave the order and started to return to the voyage. In terms of underwater robots, the United States has always been ahead of our country by 20 years. Now that we have samples, we can go back and study them thoroughly, and we can catch up in one fell swoop.

"If I were the commander, I would give you a lieutenant directly."Zhao He happily said that he would be high right from the start.

Wang Hai curled his lips and said, "I'm lazy, so forget it, it's fine to stay at home."

"Hey, you man, how can a man not have great ambitions."Zhao He looked like he hated iron for being weak, it was thanks to his soldiers, otherwise, he would have to be taught a lesson.

Wang Hai smiled and didn't talk to him. He has his own life and it's fine now. He doesn't want to change anything.

Unexpectedly, on the way, it began to rain patteringly. Before this year, it was mostly sunny, but after the year, it was mostly cloudy. Today, it finally rained.

"It looks like it's going to be big."Wang Hai's mobile phone was not there, and he could not see the weather forecast.

"It is indeed moderate rain, and there may be snowfall."Zhao He said that the Navy is always paying attention to climate change to prevent any impact on operations.

This is also one of the reasons why we act so quickly. If the weather changes and there are storms and waves on the sea, it will be difficult to operate.

After three days, Wang Hai finally came back. Liu Xia was waiting on the pier with Wang Wei, her eyes were red, and although she knew nothing was wrong, she still couldn't help worrying.

"came back".Yin Ya smiled and said, "Let's go, let's talk when we get home."

But Wang Hu and others all came, and walked around Wang Hai toward his home.

"Hey, Haizi, what is the navy looking for from you? I didn't tell you when I asked, and even said it was a secret."After Wang Qiang asked a question, he was pushed back, so he asked Liu Wei to take a look.

"It's just a box. It was said that a spy stole our secrets. He wanted to run away. Seeing that he was caught up, he detonated the speedboat, so the box sank to the bottom. Those divers came to me after fishing for a day. up".Wang Hai said with a smile that the process has been simplified a lot.

"How does the Navy know about you?"Wang Yong said enviously, I heard that all the officials who came here are high-ranking officials.

"Qiangzi knows about this. Do you still remember the divers we met last time when we went to buy a fishing boat? They were from the naval base. The one borrowed by Liu Wei was the one recommended by those people."

"Just come back, don't be so impulsive when you do something in the future, thanks to the navy looking for you this time, otherwise, I don't know when I can come out."Liu Xia scolded and said, no matter what the reason is, if you fight, you will definitely be locked up.

"Got it, mom."Wang Hai replied, just follow my mother, and don't let her worry.

"I'm sorry, Captain, it's because of me again."Wang Ying said apologetically that every time this happened because of his own fault.

"What are you talking about? If it's Dayong or Qiangzi, they will still attack. Why do you beat us? We don't cause trouble, and we are absolutely not afraid of trouble. Whoever dares to provoke us will have to bear the corresponding anger."

Wang Hai waved his hand and said, no matter who it is, it is impossible to touch people in our village.

"Well said, just that fat man, let's see how we deal with him next time."Wang Qiang said indignantly, this fat man has made trouble once or twice.

"By the way, Xiaoya, how did you deal with it in the end?"Wang Hai asked, it's been three days, there should be a result.

"The fat man was locked up, saying that he was under investigation, and the deputy director was also suspended."Yin Ya replied, this is the latest news.

"that's all"?Wang Hai asked suspiciously, it was as simple as that, wouldn't it be called a temporary worker again.

"It really makes you right. To the outside world, just say that the fat man is a temporary worker, and it has been dealt with."Wang Mufeng laughed and said, this is their usual trick.

Wang Hai nodded and glanced at Yin Ya, it seemed that the video was not shown.

"The key is that we don't have any evidence. If the police station pushes the two-five-six, the relationship is over."Wang Hu said helplessly that even if the navy puts pressure on them, they can't act recklessly.

"Don't worry, I have evidence."Wang Hai vowed that as long as the result of the handling over there is not good, he will take it out, and it will be up to him when the time comes.

"Really, where"?Wang Qiang said excitedly, it's good to have evidence, then, let's see how they deny it.

On the contrary, Wang Hu said worriedly: "It's almost enough. After all, we are the people, and the people don't fight with the officials. Besides, we don't have much damage."

Wang Hu didn't want to go head-to-head with the fat man. In the past two days, he also knew that there was something behind the fat man, but the leaders of the city bureau had a lot to do with it.

"Don't worry, uncle, I won't mess around."Wang Hu nodded, it depends on whether the other party is sincere, otherwise, he will definitely not let them go, just wait and see.

(End of this chapter)

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