Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 241 Naval Rewards

Chapter 241 Naval Rewards
The next day, Zhao He came, representing the navy, to thank Wang Hai.

"The colonel was going to come, but there was an emergency order, so I led the team."Zhao He said with a smile, pointing to the speedboat, how about this one?
"for me"?Wang Hai's eyes lit up, this is a good thing, he is going back and forth to Peach Blossom Island, and he is just the means of transportation, you know, this speedboat is not cheap, and when fishing in the ocean, he can also drive the speedboat and monitor the fish in front.

"Good, how is it, do you like it"?Zhao He laughed and said, our navy, if we say we won’t treat you badly, we won’t treat you badly.

"Of course I like it, but isn't it a bit too expensive?"Wang Hai said happily, but this speedboat should not be cheap.

"This was seized when we jointly enforced the law with the coast guard brothers last time. It is not worth much, and the procedures have been completed for you."Zhao He took out a folder, which contained various certificates.

"Our navy doesn't have much money. Here is 50. It's a reward for you. If you have any requirements, you can also mention them."Zhao He said, "Although the box that Wang Hai found can save hundreds of millions of dollars in losses, I can't give you that much money!"
Wang Haidao: "I'm already very satisfied with this, I'm not impolite, hehe."He didn't expect that there would be so much cash.

"By the way, I have a little request."Wang Hai touched his mouth and asked.

"What request, let's talk about it, as long as it is not big, I can make the decision."Zhao He patted his chest and promised.

"When you jointly enforce the law, will you seize some computers or something? Our elementary school only has one computer. If you have one in the future, get some for me."When talking about the seized speedboat, Wang Hai thought that there must be smuggled electronic products.

"Yes, there are, but generally this belongs to the scope of the coast guard. I will ask you later."Zhao He thought it was a big deal at first, but just like that, he can agree.

"That's all right, nothing else."Wang Hai smiled and said that he was already very satisfied.

"Let's go, sit down when we get home."Wang Hai said enthusiastically, it would be too hypocritical not to sit at home when we are here.

"That's OK, let's go, all the pennants are carried."In addition to these objects, there are also some pennants, certificates and so on.

"Sit down, why is Weiwei lying behind the door, why don't you take out the tea."Liu Xia shouted, this girl said yesterday that she wanted to see a navy soldier, but she came today, but she didn't come.

"Oh, here we come".Wang Wei stomped and ran, went to the back room and took out the tea leaves.Wang Hai's family doesn't like to drink tea very much, and it's still a pack from last year, which is kept in the back room.

Liu Xia was very happy about these pennants, and after receiving them, they hung them in conspicuous places.

At the beginning, Liu Xia also wanted Wang Hai to serve in the army, but unfortunately her eyesight was not good enough, so she was picked out.

"You talk, I'll go cook."Liu Xia enthusiastically said that in her opinion, the more powerful people her son knows, the better.

"Don't bother, we'll leave later."Zhao He waved his hand and said, he will go back later.

Wang Haila stopped and said: "No, no matter what, we have to finish eating before leaving. It's just a common meal, and it doesn't take long, and there are no good dishes."

In the end, Zhao He agreed, but the wine was still not allowed.

"Hey, it tastes good."Zhao He praised that this was much better than the hotel's.

"That is, we are all real ingredients, and these vegetables are all grown by ourselves."Wang Hai proudly said that in terms of food, he is absolutely outstanding.

"Well, it's not the time to come."As soon as Wang Qiang came in, he saw a few people in navy uniforms, and quickly left again.

"It's all here, why are you hiding, there are no outsiders."Wang Hai smiled and asked Wang Wei to call someone over.

"I sent Xiao Wang Qiang, Qiangzi, this is brother Zhao He, the current lieutenant commander of the navy."Wang Hai gave an introduction.

"Hello".Wang Qiang said excitedly, he never thought that the first navy he knew was a major.

"Hello, sit down and eat together."Zhao He was still very peaceful, chatting with him from time to time.

"Brother Navy, can I go and play on your big boats, those boats look amazing."Wang Wei said expectantly, watching TV, those battleships are so powerful that they can even shoot.

"Of course, but not now, when we drive over in the future, I will let you go up."Zhao He laughed and said: "When you grow up, you can become a navy soldier, then you can go up."

Wang Wei curled her lips and said, "I don't want to be in the navy. If I'm so far away from home, my mother will miss me."

Wang Wei's words made everyone laugh out loud, but Liu Xia was very relieved that this girl's pain was not in vain.

After dinner, Wang Hai took Zhao He to the school to have a look. The distance was close, and he was telling him that he was not for himself.

"It's too broken. I didn't expect that here in Cangjiang, there is such a school. What do the people in the Education Bureau do?"Zhao He said angrily, it's a pity that it belongs to two systems, so it's not easy to intervene.

"Wang Hai, you also know that we are people from two systems. It is not easy for our side to interfere with the administration side."

Wang Hai understood that what Zhao He was talking about was the matter at the police station. After all, he was fine now, and several people had already been suspended from their jobs there, so it would be difficult to deal with a few more.

"It's okay, it's fine like this."Wang Hai nodded, that's fine, and he doesn't want to make a fuss. Of course, if the other party refuses to let him go, he still has a trump card.

"That's fine, if you have anything to do in the future, just say it."Zhao He said straightforwardly: "I'll look back at the Coast Guard, is there any school that can use it, and I'll get it for you."

Some smuggled items must be destroyed. Of course, they can also be donated. Of course, they cannot be donated explicitly.

"Thank you very much."Yin Ya said happily that now the Education Bureau is saying that there is no money, and the village's finances are also tight. The minimum table is already very old, and she wants to change it.

It didn't take long for Zhao He to go back. After all, there are still missions, so it is impossible to stay for a long time.

"Come again sometime".Wang Hai said enthusiastically, don't you all have holidays, you can come and play!

"Come in two days."Zhao He smiled and said that he remembered checking a batch of smuggled electronic products a few years ago. He didn't know if there was a computer in it, and probably there should be.

"Xiaoya, do you want to go to Peach Blossom Island?"Wang Hai invited him to say that this speedboat is his own, so why don't you go out for a ride.

"No, let's go next time."It was gloomy, and the wind was strong. Yin Ya pinched her nose. She had a little cold, so she decided not to go.

"I go".Wang Wei said excitedly, didn't it mean that this boat is fast.

"Don't go, go home and learn computer with me, and go when the weather is warmer."Yin Ya pulled Wang Wei and said, in such a cold day, you are the only girl who wants to run to the sea.

"oh".Wang Wei responded, and obediently followed Yin Ya back.

(End of this chapter)

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