Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 246 Artificial Migration

Chapter 246 Artificial Migration
Most of the farming in fish farms now uses cages, and most of them are near the seaside. The fish, shrimps and crabs are kept in them, and some feed is fed from time to time. In addition to the turbidity of the offshore, the meat of the farmed seafood is loose, which is similar to that of wild animals. In comparison, it is far behind.

Naturally, Wang Hai would not be like this. Peach Blossom Island has a unique advantage, a small stream of cold and warm currents converges, and it is far away from the shore.

Naturally, Wang Hai does not know how to use cages, and he has surrounded Taohua Island to form a huge fence for stocking and growing naturally.

In this way, a small ecological circle will be formed. However, the most basic thing is naturally seaweed. Although there is a seaweed group on the bottom of Peach Blossom Island, Wang Hai feels that it is not enough. It's big.

Therefore, through Li Li, Wang Hai contacted a company specializing in marine plants and bought a batch of seaweed, seaweed, and wakame seeds.

You must know that these sea vegetables can not only be used as food for fish and shrimp, but also edible. Moreover, the price of high-quality sea vegetables is not low.

"What is this coral polyp incubator for?"Wang Hai asked curiously, he knew about corals, all kinds of beautiful corals, but this was the first time he had heard of this incubator.

"Coral plays a very important role. Many famous tourist attractions have sea reefs, and this is the contribution of coral polyps."

"However, coral polyps have very weak vitality and high environmental requirements. They are generally distributed in tropical and subtropical waters, and they are also places where warm currents pass. In China, they only exist in the South China Sea."

The customer service explained enthusiastically: "This coral polyp incubator is also called the coral base. It is a rule developed by the world's top ecological research team to protect coral reefs."

As we all know, corals are very beautiful, but coral polyps are very small, and their vitality is very weak, and they are easy to die.

Coral polyps live in groups. After one year, the coral reef can grow up to four centimeters in height, which is already very good for small coral polyps. However, compared to this coral reef, four centimeters is too short to show it at all. .

Like some world-renowned coral reefs, they were bred for tens of thousands of years, or even millions of years, such as the Great Barrier Reef and the Maldives.

However, in recent years, the greenhouse effect and human pollution of the ocean have caused a large number of coral polyps to die, which has a great impact on coral reefs. In order to protect coral reefs, the scientific research team has developed this kind of thing, which can imitate the living environment of coral polyps and induce them Breed and grow to grow their populations.

The customer service is very enthusiastic. You must know that the price of coral polyps is very high, and a unit of coral polyps costs tens of thousands of yuan.

Wang Hai was a little moved, although it was a bit cold here, but there was a warm current passing by under Peach Blossom Island, the water temperature was suitable, maybe, he could try it, besides, he still had spiritual liquid.

"Can this work"?Yin Ya asked disapprovingly, this thing is difficult to feed, and it will be a big loss when it dies.

Wang Hai said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm sure, if we can feed coral polyps, our fishing boats can be cast into century-old fish farms."

Yin Ya curled her lips, shook her head and said, "Can we wait, even the next generation, well, you want to use coral polyps to make coral reefs, how dare you think about it."

Because it is Lianmai, the customer service lady heard the conversation between the two, and said encouragingly: "Very good, if a coral reef is piled up by then, it will definitely be a good scenic spot."

Wang Hai was not in a hurry to place an order, but continued to look down.

"This sea anemone is also good."Wang Hai clicked. This sea anemone is orange-yellow in color and round in shape. It looks a bit like a sunflower on land. It supports the whole body with thick soles. It has a mouth on the top of its head and tentacles around it. It looks like a mustache.

Coral polyps and incubators cost hundreds of thousands at the very least. Wang Hai shrugged, and waited. Now his pocket is empty, and the bank still owes a loan.

Because there is a subsidiary company on the Cangjiang side, as long as there is enough quantity, it can be delivered to the door, which saves trouble.

Wang Hai also has a big project, which is to move the lobster colony there. The splendid lobster colony on the other side of the trench has grown a lot.

The outer fence has been completed, and Wang Hai plans to move all the lobster groups there, so as to avoid being discovered, it will be troublesome. Inside the fence, it is his own, and outside, it is public. Whoever catches it To whom does it belong.

Wang Hai drove a speedboat and went out to sea. When he got to that sea area, he saw no one around, so he jumped into the sea and sank slowly.

Although the sea water was cold, it had no effect on Wang Hai, and soon, the large lobster group was discovered.

"How to do it"?There are hundreds of them, big and small. If you bring them over one by one, it will be a big project, and I don't know how long it will take.

Looking at the leader of the lobster group waving, Wang Hai had an idea to try, if the leader is captured, will the lobster group follow.

Wang Hai was familiar with the road, caught the big lobster hi, and then swam towards the front.

When the leader was caught, the lobster group immediately became chaotic, some circled in place, while others chased after them.

Wang Hai was overjoyed, it worked, because most of the lobsters followed.

As for the rest, just go back and catch them yourself.

It's a pity, I don't know if it's because I swam too fast, or because of other reasons. After chasing for a certain distance, the large lobster team stopped chasing. Many of them stopped and watched, and some went back.

How can this work, this is almost half of the journey, if they all go back, wouldn't all previous efforts be wasted!
"Fortunately there is still a little."When helping the navy salvage the box, I cleaned up a lot of rubbish, and exchanged some spiritual liquid, which made the originally shriveled pocket bulge a little bit.

Wang Hai released a drop of psychic liquid, and after the water was mixed, it turned into countless drops and headed towards the lobster group.

It wasn't the first time these lobsters had eaten the psychic liquid, so they naturally knew it was a good thing, so they chased after them one after another.

Wang Hai saw that there was something going on, so he continued to swim forward, and then sprinkled a drop of spiritual liquid at every distance, so that the lobster group that was about to stop would continue to move forward.

"Hey, as for coming in."After the big troops came in, Wang Hai felt relieved, and also released the big leader.

Arriving in an unfamiliar environment, the big leader was obviously a little flustered. He led the group to this side and then to the other side. He didn't know if he was familiar with the environment or what.

Seeing this, Wang Hai dripped two drops of psychic liquid, and planned to go back, and then catch those lobsters that were left behind. Those are small ones, and it is dangerous to stay outside alone.

(End of this chapter)

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