Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 247 Liu Wei Comes

Chapter 247 Liu Wei Comes
Along the way, Wang Hai brought back a dozen or so little ones, but he didn't know if there were any. Even if there were, he didn't know where they went during this time.

It's also a living creature, so it can't possibly be waiting for you at the same place.

The Splendid Lobster Swarm is close to each other, so it's okay to say, but the sea clam swarm is too far away, and it's very unlikely for Wang Hai to migrate here.

Of course, it's not impossible. When the time comes, just pick it up, put it on the fishing boat, and throw it in when you come back.

Sea clams are not as delicate as sea fish, even if they are out of the water for a while, they will not die.

When Wang Hai returned to the speedboat, he brought two hairtail fish with him, and he knew why these two fish were left alone.

"Have a phone"?Wang Hai saw that there was a missed call on the phone, picked it up and saw that it was Yin Ya.

At the end, there was another text message: "Liu Wei is here with his daughter, come back quickly."

"Why come at this time".Liu Wei said before that when Wang Hai brought his daughter to play, he thought it would be a few days after the Chinese New Year. After all, big groups were very busy years ago, but they will be much more relaxed after the year.

But it was already the eighth day of the lunar new year, Wang Hai thought he would not come, but in the end, he came again.

However, Wang Hai felt that since Liu Wei brought his daughter, there must be nothing important.

Now that they are all out, Wang Hai plans to visit the island again. Although the snow is getting light now, it doesn't stop.

"Well, not bad".Wang Hai looked at it, and found that the firewood was covered tightly, and the snow could not go down, and the bottom was still warm.

In this way, the fruit trees were basically preserved, and Wang Hai didn't expect that it would still snow after all these years.

After strolling around, there was nothing abnormal, so Wang Hai planned to go back, and the iron boat was replaced by a speedboat, the speed is very fast, and he can go back soon, so there is no need to worry.

After the weather cleared, Wang Hai planned to find someone to come over to renovate and fix up the room and other facilities. The next step is to start stocking fish fry, shrimp and crab.

Moreover, the next step still needs someone to guard here, and Wang Hai didn't have a suitable candidate for the time being.

It is best for the old people who can come here to guard them alone. After all, they have a family and a room, and they are not willing to be so far away.

"The second grandpa is a good candidate, but I don't know if it will work."The second grandfather is a five-guarantee household, has no family members, and has a strong body. He also went to sea when he was young, and he is very familiar with things at sea.

Wang Hai planned to find an opportunity to talk to the second grandfather later, and if it didn't work, he would think of other ways.

When Wang Hai came home, Liu Wei was sitting in the living room, Wang Qiang was talking with him, Yin Ya was also there, and his mother was busy pouring tea. As for Wang Wei, she was playing with Liu Xiaoxiao.

"Brother Liu, let's think about it sometime, we should start work."Ordinary enterprises will resume work around the seventh day of the lunar new year.

"I thought it would be later in the year, but Xiaoxiao's grandparents wouldn't let me, so they took her with me, but these two days, I saw that something was wrong with her, and she didn't want to eat or play, so I wanted to take her out to play, maybe It's so boring at home."Liu Wei guessed that Liu Xiaoxiao was the only child in the family, and he didn't even have a playmate, so he was lonely.

Wang Hai had heard from Liu Wei before that the death of his wife had dealt a severe blow to his daughter, and because she had no playmates, she became more and more withdrawn.

Liu Wei was busy with company affairs, and the two elderly people were not in good health and couldn't take them out to play every day. They could only play at home. Over time, it became like this.

Wang Haidao: "If Brother Liu is fine, you can stay here for two days. There are many children in the village, and they can play very well. As long as you get familiar with it for a while, you will be fine."

Children like to be in groups. As long as there are many people, they will become lively after a period of adaptation.

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't have time. If you don't worry, you can put it here and let her stay with her for a few days. With Wang Wei taking her with you, it will definitely work."Wang Hai smiled and said, Wang Wei is the king of children, with her around, there is no problem.

Liu Wei said happily: "That's really great. To be honest, the company is actually quite busy."

Not long after he arrived, Liu Wei realized that his daughter was not the same as at home, so he was naturally very happy.

"Forehead".Wang Hai felt that Liu Wei was probably waiting for him to say this.

"Let's go, let's go out to play, let me tell you, there are many people in our village."Wang Wei pulled Liu Xiaoxiao and was about to run outside. The house was boring, so it would be best to call Wang Xiaomi and the others to play.

"Why".Just as Liu Wei wanted to wave, the two children ran out.

"What's the matter, don't worry, basically few outsiders come to our village, it's very safe."Wang Hai knows this, but in some places in the city, children are still being stolen, so when the school is over, parents, or grandparents, will pick them up.

According to Wang Hai, those who steal children should be shot if they are caught, and the punishment will be increased to see if they dare.

Just because the punishment is light, those who are sentenced to ten or eight years will come out, but how many families have they harmed.

"It's not because of this, Xiaoxiao's physical fitness has been poor, and it's still snowing outside, I'm afraid she'll catch a cold."Liu Wei said worriedly, if he catches a cold, it will be very troublesome, besides, there is not even a bathroom here.

Wang Hai shook his head and said, "Don't worry, Xiaoxiao's poor health is because she stays indoors all day and lacks exercise. When she comes back from playing, she can drink some ginger tea and hot soup to make sure she's fine."

The children in the countryside are very wild, playing wildly everywhere, even when it rains or snows, there are not a few of them going out, and few of them are sick.

"Then, that's fine."Liu Wei reluctantly agreed, and looked outside from time to time.

"By the way, I heard that you rented an island, you are bold."Liu Wei praised, when he met Wang Hai for the first time, he knew that very young people are not easy.

Sure enough, as I expected, the big fishing boat went to sea, once in the Dongying Sea and once in the Arctic Sea, and earned a lot of money. This is not something ordinary people can do. Many ships are bigger than his, and the income may not be huge. He has many.

Moreover, the money in his hand was transferred out before it was warmed up. It was an island with an investment of tens of millions.

"Young man, you are courageous!"However, Liu Wei always feels that Wang Hai will still make a lot of money this year.

Although Liu Wei was not familiar with the marine merchant who contracted the island before, he had met face-to-face and invested tens of millions of dollars in the project, and it was in vain, so that in the old years, no one dared to make a move. go in.

(End of this chapter)

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