Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 276 Big Yellow Croaker

Chapter 276 Big Yellow Croaker

In the early morning, Wang Hai went to the town, planning to buy some tools, such as climbing ladders, pruning scissors, small water pumps, etc., which are used on the island.

Wang Hai also bought some daily necessities, but the second grandfather was very frugal, and he was reluctant to buy them.

After being sent to the island, nothing happened. Wang Hai planned to go into the water to have a look, but he hadn't gone down for a few days.

The seaweed that Wang Hai bought has already been planted, and we can't see any changes, after all, they are too small.

On the contrary, the lobster group has settled here stably, because it is isolated from the outside world, there is no sign of the group expanding.

After making a circle, Wang Qiang went outside the circle to see if there were any valuable fish that could be brought in.

Outside, there are still a lot of fish and shrimp, but they are all in small groups, there are no big fish schools, and there are not many big fish.

"Hey, what's the sound"?Wang Hai suddenly heard a rattling sound, which seemed to be right in front of him.

"I don't know what kind of fish it is"?Wang Hai couldn't guess what kind of fish would quack.

Wang Hai swam over slowly, very carefully, he planned to see what kind of fish could make such a cry.

"It turned out to be a large yellow croaker."Wang Hai hid behind a piece of seaweed, and found that the quacking one turned out to be a large yellow croaker, and there was more than one.

Wang Hai suddenly remembered that when the big yellow croaker mates, it will make such a sound.

The large yellow croaker belongs to the family of stone guards, and all fish in this family can call, and they mainly recognize each other by sound.

They rattle, identify and seek out their own species, and stimulate schools of fish to a state of excitement for mating and spawning.

And the large yellow croaker is the most capable fish in this family. When one calls the lake, the others will also call in response.

This school of fish is not very big, but there are dozens of them. The key point is that it is now the mating period.

Some are swimming while calling, some are loud rattling, some are the chirping sound of the gas stove flame burning rapidly, the male fish in front and the female fish in the back.

There are fish constantly rubbing against each other, and some are hitting each other.

Wang Hai feels that now is a good time. If he can bring back this group of large yellow croakers, he will be able to breed a large group of fish in a short time. The eggs of large yellow croakers are also a kind of protection.

Wang Hai slowly appeared in the distance. The big yellow croakers were frightened and ran around a little bit, but some didn't.

Wang Hai threw out a drop of spiritual liquid in the direction of the fish, and the spiritual liquid instantly turned into thousands of small drops.

The approaching large yellow croaker immediately pounced on it, devouring the ectoplasmic fluid, very happy, even more enjoyable than mating.

So much so that the big yellow croaker that was about to mate also swam over, ready to fight for it.

Wang Hai saw that there was something interesting, and sure enough, the ectoplasmic liquid was very attractive to any kind of fish.

Wang Hai swam forward a little, and threw out another drop of spiritual liquid, but was scrambled by the big yellow croaker.

This time the big yellow croaker was more active, because many other fishes and shrimps were also attracted by the spiritual liquid to fight for it.

This place is close to the fence. Wang Hai threw the spiritual liquid continuously, and soon, the big yellow croaker followed, and at the same time, many other fishes also came in.

Wang Hai was delighted to see that this large yellow croaker is still very capable of laying eggs. There are tens of millions of eggs at a time. Although they will be eaten by fishes and shrimps, but one in ten thousand is still a lot. .

And here, there are much fewer natural enemies, coupled with the effect of the spiritual liquid, Wang Hai believes that there will be more survivors this time.

Soon, Wang Hai rebuilt the fence, and this time, dozens of large yellow croakers became his own.

After Wang Hai threw a few more drops of spiritual liquid, he slowly swam out.The large yellow croakers without the ectoplasmic fluid, after a short period of confusion, started to croak again and started their mating again.

Wang Hai sank to the bottom of the sea and found a lot of sea crabs, including blue crabs. Some of them were also caught and transferred to the enclosure.

The types of fish in the enclosure are still much less, and Wang Hai plans to improve it step by step, so that a small ecological circle can also be formed inside.

In fact, the holes in the fence are still quite large, and some small fish can swim freely, but when they grow up, they can’t. They will not be able to get out, and those outside will not be able to get in.

What Wang Hai hopes most is to be able to raise some relatively expensive fish in captivity.

However, this is not something you can meet if you want to have it, just like this big yellow croaker, if Wang Hai had met it earlier, he would have gotten it in a long time ago, and he would not have waited until now.

After a circle, Wang Hai didn't find anything special, so he swam back slowly.

The second grandfather knew that Wang Hai's place was ready, so he planned to move there. He knew that there was still a private land here, so he planned to come early to tidy it up, and prepare to grow some vegetables.

"Second Grandpa, wait a minute, Gao Mingxiang and the others, didn't they come back today, wait for them to come back, let's move there together."Last time, Gao Mingxiang said that he wanted to move in together. Now if the second grandfather moved in, Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming would have to move again, which would be too troublesome.

"Alright, I'll go to town later, buy some vegetable seeds, and it's almost time to plant them when I get there."In the opinion of the second grandfather, it is best to be self-sufficient on the island.

Moreover, according to the Second Grandpa's idea, some chickens and ducks should be raised there. It would be too wasteful not to raise such a big place.

"I don't raise many, just dozens of them, and keep them for myself to eat."The second grandpa said that chicken feces would not be everywhere.

Wang Hai said with a smile: "That's fine, I have nothing to go to the town, so don't go to your old man."

Wang Hai also didn't want the second grandfather to toss back and forth, after all, taking a boat is uncomfortable.After speaking, Wang Hai drove Wang Hu's iron boat to the town.

Vegetable seeds are easy to buy, and there are plenty of seed shops. Wang Hai also bought a pack. The old man can grow whatever he wants to eat.

However, the chicks and ducklings are a bit far away, they have to go to the hatchery.

Wang Hai visited once last year, but it is estimated that the boss has not known him for a long time, after all, he has never been there again.

Wang Hai didn't care, after all, acquaintance would not be short of money.Wang Hai selected fifty chickens, twenty ducks, ten geese, and found two large boxes before carrying them back.

Moreover, Wang Hai also bought a large bag of millet and chicken feed. The grain pocket was so big that it was enough to feed the chickens.

"Haha, okay, by the way, did you buy it from Jiwang?"The second grandpa asked, if you don't stock up there, you have to build a nest.

"Don't worry, Second Grandpa, I bought everything back."

(End of this chapter)

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