Chapter 277

In the afternoon, the big fishing boat came back. Second Grandpa discussed with Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming and decided to move there tomorrow.

In the evening, the three of them started to pack their things. Of course, they only brought some commonly used things. After all, they would come back occasionally.

Early the next morning, Wang Hai came over, and Gao Mingxiang and the other three had already cleaned up and were waiting for him.

"Second Grandpa, the three of you go there first, and if you are not used to living here, just tell me and come back."Wang Hai said, after all, it is far away from the village, and there are few people, so some people don't have the habit of living there.

"Don't worry, it's fine, besides, it's not that I won't come back after arriving on the island."Second Grandpa said.

"Okay, let's go."Wang Hai drove the iron boat and moved all the things to work. In the early morning, Wang Qiang had no business, so he rushed over to help.

Soon, they arrived on the island, and several people began to move things.In fact, there are not many things, such as furniture and supplies, Wang Hai has all prepared, as long as you bring your own clothes and so on.

Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming are alright, they are just a big bag, and there is not much else, but the second grandfather has more, some of which are some tools he used to make sauce.

"Hey, it's a big change, the decoration is good, I have to choose one, and come and stay for two days when I have nothing to do."Seeing the beautiful decoration, Wang Qiang's eyes lit up, and when he walked in, he had to ask for a house.

"You can live upstairs, you can choose your own, that's enough."Wang Hai smiled and said that he would also reserve one.

"Hey, this room by the window is good, I want this."Wang Qiang chuckled, not bad.

In fact, the rooms upstairs are all about the same size, and the insides are all the same size, and all of them have doors facing south and facing the sun, so there is nothing to choose.

Wang Qiang chose the first room on the east side, the second grandpa lived in the second room, and then Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming, and Wang Hai chose the westernmost room.

"Hey, Haizi is out of electricity!"Wang Qiang turned on the light and tried it, and pressed it back and forth several times, but it didn't work.

"There are two ways to generate electricity on the island. One is diesel engine power generation. The diesel engine is in the room below. As long as it is turned on, there will be electricity, but there will be noise."Wang Hai has used it before, and the buzzing sound is very loud.

"What about the second type?"Wang Qiang asked, there is nothing better.

"Yes, solar panels, I've ordered them and they can be installed today."Although a set of solar panels is not cheap, it can be self-sufficient. It is far away from the mainland, and it is not realistic or safe to pull wires to come here. Besides, going to the bottom of the sea will cost a lot, and it is not worth it.

"Solar energy is good, it is environmentally friendly, and it also saves electricity bills."Gao Mingxiang said with a smile, as long as there is the sun, it can generate electricity, even if it is cloudy, there is a power storage mechanism. When the sun is bright, the power generation is more and can be stored.

While speaking, a small boat came over, Wang Hai greeted them, and docked at the small pier.

The installation of solar panels is quite simple, but the conversion equipment needs to be installed one by one and debugged.

Because Wang Hai is far away, there are quite a lot of people who came to install it, six of them, I hope they can install it as well as possible, so that they don’t need to use it for the second time.

"Okay, so you can generate electricity."Clapping his hands, the leading man with glasses said, it's all over now.

Wang Qiang hurried over and turned on the light, but it wasn't on!
The face of the man with glasses darkened immediately, and he explained: "Although the power generation is starting now, it will take a while. After an hour or so, it will be powered on when it is connected."

Wang Qiang touched his head in embarrassment, it was indeed so!
The man with glasses seemed to be very confident about his skills. After checking it, he said hello to Wang Hai and left. Those who left their business cards, feel free to call if you have anything to do.

"Let's go, let's build the chicken coop and the duck coop first."The second grandfather said, anyway, now it is waiting, and being idle is also idle.

"There are barbed wire, plastic nets, hollow pipes, and color steel tiles here."In the utility room below, Wang Hai had already prepared and moved out.

The second grandfather first selected four wires and fixed them at the four corners, then folded the barbed wire and began to fence.Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming helped to do a good job together.

Wang Hai and Wang Qiang are cutting out the color steel tiles according to the size, and have to make the roof on top, otherwise it will be troublesome in rainy days.

Wang Hai made a gesture. Anyway, there are more colored steel tiles, so the east side should be blocked as well. After all, rain usually comes from the east.

A small chicken coop is a small kiss for five people, and it was completed in less than half an hour.

Next to the chicken coop, another shed for ducks and geese was built, which was about the same size as the chicken coop. It was easier to rely on one piece.

"Complete".Wang Qiang chuckled and moved the chicken over.

"Put it down, why are you doing this? The chicks are still young and cannot be raised."The second grandfather said angrily, you child, you don't understand these things.

"I let them come out to bask in the sun"!Wang Qiang smiled, the weather is fine today!

"Go, go, don't add chaos."The second grandpa pushed Wang Qiang aside like a chicken.

The chicks are fluffy and cute, fifty of them are divided into two boxes, and the second grandpa takes a small bowl, puts some millet in it, and there are ducks and geese.

The second grandfather has raised him all his life, so he is naturally very familiar with these things.

"Hey, Captain, there is a hen in it, so don't go out and buy it when it's time to lay an egg or something."Gao Mingxiang asked, with so many chickens, they can be self-sufficient.

"Half and half, I asked the boss to choose when I bought it. Although there may be errors, it will not be too big. When the time comes, the rooster will be kept to grow up and eat, and the hen will be kept to lay eggs."Wang Hai said with a smile, if there are twenty or thirty hens, if you hold a few more broods at that time, the flock will soon expand, just like your own family. Although I usually eat some, the number is still relatively small. More than last year.

"Go, go back".It took more than an hour to complete, because the chickens, ducks and geese are still too small to be put in, so it is not needed for the time being.

"Hey, there's a call, take a look, it's really good."After Wang Qiang came back, he turned on the switch and tried it.

"Go to the room and try to see if there is any place that is not lit. Maybe there is a place where the wiring is wrong. Find it early and save a while."Wang Hai said, by the way, check if there is any damage.

Not to mention, there was indeed a room that was not lit. Wang Hai suspected that it was the problem of the light bulb. After all, the other rooms were fine, but this one had a problem.

Sure enough, Wang Hai brought back the spare light bulb, and after replacing it, it immediately emitted incandescent light.

"Mingxiang, there are spares for these light bulbs in the utility room. If there is a broken one, you can just replace it yourself."Wang Hai explained that everything is complete.

(End of this chapter)

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