Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 32 Delicious Grapes

Chapter 32 Delicious Grapes
In the end, Wang Hai sold a boatload of sea oysters to two people, and it was considered that the two people bought it together, because no one would let the other.

As for the distribution of the latter two, Wang Hai couldn't control it anymore, tied up the small sampan, and went home with the money.

"Brother, come on, come on."As soon as I got home, I saw Wang Wei moving the bench, in a hurry, not knowing what to do.

"What are you doing, you're so hot, you're a little girly."Wang Hai scolded and said, it really should be taken care of.

"Brother, the grapes are ripe, let's go pick the grapes."Wang Wei said happily that this year's grapes are particularly good, big and delicious, much better than before.

"Go, go and see".Wang Hai's heart moved, he also wanted to taste the taste of the grapes poured with spiritual liquid.

After getting closer, Wang Hai realized why the little girl was so happy, because the bunches of grapes were big, round, and bright red, and they all looked very attractive.

"Take the bamboo basket and scissors."Grapes cannot be picked directly, it is best to cut them directly in bunches, otherwise they will be easily damaged.

"It's already been brought."Wang Wei came over with a bamboo basket and scissors in her arms, staring at them eagerly, her little mouth almost drooling.

Wang Hai stood up, holding the scissors in one hand and the bamboo basket in the other, picked out the ripe ones, and cut the whole bunch with a single scissor.

"Okay, enough to eat."Wang Hai cut more than a dozen bunches, and then stopped. These grapes are easy to break. If you cut too much, you will not be able to eat them all. It is better to cut them after you want to eat them.

After Wang Wei was done, she diligently carried it to wash it, and after the splashing water flowed, she carried it under the big banyan tree.

Although it was hot in the afternoon, the breeze was blowing under the big banyan tree, which was very nice and cool.

Put a small table, a deck chair, lie down and enjoy the cool, while tasting delicious grapes, it is comfortable!
Wang Wei went out with a small plate of grapes, but she didn't know where she went.

Although Wang Hai really wanted to lie under the big banyan tree and enjoy it, but he didn't have time, so he wanted to see how the stele was doing.

When it rained heavily last year, his father's grave was washed away a little. Wang Hai planned to repair it and erect a monument by the way. After all, it was only two days away.

This stele, when Wang Hai came back, he had already asked the stonemason in the town to get it, and it was only shipped today, so the work was a bit slow.

At school, Yin Ya was reading when she noticed a small head outside the door and said with a smile, "Wang Wei, come in, what are you doing here, it's so hot, don't stay at home."

Wang Wei jumped in directly, and said with a smile: "Teacher, my brother picked some grapes and asked me to bring them to you. Look, my grapes are big and taste very good. Try it quickly, and I will give it to you." finished Wash".

"If you are interested, come in and cool off."Yin Ya hurriedly pulled Wang Wei in, her little face was flushed red from running or sunburn.

"Hey, your grapes are really big."After Yin Ya took it, she said in surprise that there are very few grapes of this size on the street.

Squeeze one, taste it, it's sweet and sour, full of juice, full of flesh, it's really good.

After eating a bunch of grapes in a row, Yin Ya stopped and nodded in satisfaction. This is the best grape she has ever eaten.

"Thank you, what is your brother doing?"Yin Ya smiled and said, the little girl is quite cute.

"My brother went to see the stele, and it will be the anniversary of my father's death in two days. Go repair it and erect a stele."Wang Wei said in a low voice, her little face was slumped, and the joy she had just now was gone.

"Sorry, I don't know."Yin Ya pulled the little girl over, hugged her in her arms, and said comfortingly, "Don't be sad, Weiwei will be fine. There are still many people who will care about and love you, auntie, your brother, and me."

"Well, teacher, eat quickly, it's delicious!"After a while, Wang Wei's face turned into a smile again.

The little girl went back bouncing around. A child's bad mood comes and goes quickly, unlike adults, who often don't get better for several days, or even longer.

"This grape is really not small."Yin Ya cleaned the fruit plate, put it on the plate, looked at it, and found that the appearance was very good, each one was not damaged, and there were no spots on the outer skin, it was very smooth.

Moreover, the size is larger than those sold in the market.

"I don't know if the taste is as good as Weiwei said."Yin Ya picked one off, peeled off the skin, revealing the tender flesh inside, trembling and very attractive.

Put it into the lips, bite it lightly, the juice overflows, the sweet and sour taste explodes in the mouth, the taste is really unparalleled beauty.

"It's all delicious."Yin Ya kept her hands up and turned her wrists. After a while, there was only a small half of the big plate of grapes left.

"Oh, fortunately, it's grapes. If I eat so many other things, I will definitely grow flesh again."Yin Ya said with lingering fear that she accidentally ate too much, and she still felt a little unsatisfied.

"It seems that we need to buy a refrigerator!"The weather is too hot, and grapes are perishable fruits. If they are not eaten in time, they will go into the refrigerator.

If you don't have a refrigerator, you can only eat it as soon as possible.

"Forget it, continue to eat, just treat it as a meal."In fact, Yin Ya still wants to eat it in her heart. These are the best grapes she has ever eaten.

"Brother, Teacher Yin Ya said thank you, our grapes are delicious, you are very nice, I can consider you as her boyfriend."Wang Wei made a grimace, and ran away with the grapes, but she hadn't eaten yet.

"You ghost girl".Wang Hai smiled, it turned out that the little girl took the grapes to please Yin Ya.As for the last half of the sentence, it must have been added by the girl herself, not Yin Ya's original words.

When it was picked, Wang Hai tasted it. The grapes poured with this spiritual liquid are really different. Not only are they big, they will not be plagued by diseases and insect pests, and the taste is also very good!
Even Wang Hai himself washed a large plate and ate it in a short while.

This year's grape production is higher than last year's, and you can tell just by looking at the bunches.

Wang Hai plans to pick more and make a few bottles of wine to try.When I was in Shanghai before, I learned it from a colleague, and it was quite simple.And I've done it a few times with great success.

This time the grapes are big and taste good, Wang Hai is looking forward to what kind of taste it will be if the wine is brewed.

Just do what you said, took a small pot, Wang Hai started picking grapes, and he had to be careful not to have any damage, and if there was damage, he had to pick it out, otherwise, the wine in this pot would be lost.

Can't let a bad grape blind a jar of wine.

(End of this chapter)

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