Chapter 33
Wang Hai soaked the picked grapes in clean water, picked out the broken ones, and put them aside.Then put the rest, dry in the shade, free from moisture.

When choosing jars, it is best to use ceramics or glass. Try not to use plastic bottles, because it is easy to react and produce harmful substances.

After the grape skins are free of moisture, spread a layer of grapes on the bottom of the jar, and then use something to crush them.

After crushing, sprinkle a layer of rock sugar on top, and then put grapes. After crushing, there is still a layer of rock sugar, and so on, until the mouth of the jar is filled.

Generally speaking, the ratio of grapes to rock sugar is ten to three. Of course, if you don’t like too sweet, you can put two catties of rock sugar, ten to two is fine, but you must put rock sugar, this is a very important step.

Almost, when it is full, Wang Hai will be sealed and placed in a cool place.When sealing, the seal must not be too tight, there must be a place where air can enter.

"Well, not bad".Wang Hai was delighted, and made a total of six cans. If it were replaced with wine bottles, it would probably hold about eight to ten bottles, which would be enough for him to drink.

Wang Qiang was not too polite. When he came, he moved the bench and picked a bunch of grapes. He ate them before washing them.

"Fuck, Haizi, how did I find out that everything in your house is so delicious. When I came to pick grapes last year, it didn't seem so delicious!"Wang Qiang said in amazement, it's so big and delicious, it's really strange.

"Hurry up and wash it. Although there is no pesticide, you have to wash it before eating!"Wang Hai frowned, the food must be cleaned up.

The next day, Wang Hai got up very early and wore plain clothes, including Liu Xia and Wang Wei.

Today is the day to add graves, and it is also the day to erect monuments, all three of them have sad faces.Although I don't usually mention it, it still exists in my heart, it just exploded today.

The stele had already been lifted up yesterday, and the three of Wang Hai carried the tribute and other things to the mountain.

On the mountain, a middle-aged man in Taoist robes was waiting, and he had set up a table with a lot of things on it, but Wang Hai didn't know him very well.

But Liu Xia believed in these things, and she was the one who found the Taoist priests, so Wang Hai didn't object.

After putting the things away, I heard the Taoist priest start chanting, I don't know what he was talking about, and he was dancing with a mahogany sword.

As long as there is my mother over there, Wang Hai is preparing for the stele.The steles had already arrived, and Wang Hai enlisted the help of Wang Qiang and his son to erect one piece. After all, it was such a big piece, but it was very heavy.

"Come on, let's shout the chant and work hard together."Wang Hu stood in the middle by himself, and asked Wang Qiang and Wang Hai to work hard on both sides. They were both young and unmarried, so they couldn't dodge their waists, or they would be in trouble.

"Come on, one, two, three, get up".Following Wang Hu's sound, the three of them erected the stele.The card slot was dug before, just put the stele in it.

Supported by Wang Hu, Wang Hai began to bury cement and sand inside.This is something that was alive before, so it can be buried directly. However, it still needs to be fixed, and it will be fine when the cement, sand and concrete are solidified.

"Father, are you okay there? I'm back now, and I don't want to hang around outside. My mother's health is not good, Weiwei is still young, and there is no man in the family."

"The family is very good now, and it will only get better in the future. When I have money in the future, I will take my mother to have a look. My mother's body is not bad, even if I worked so hard a few years ago, Weiwei can also have a good life." Food, fun, and no need to envy other children."
Seeing Wang Hai chatting with his father, Wang Hu dragged Wang Qiang, who was hesitant to speak, away.

Wang Hai poured wine, lit a cigarette, and talked a lot, from his own fear, confusion, to going out to work, all kinds of things after the accident, just like his father, sitting opposite.

Wang Wei knelt behind Wang Hai, sobbing differently, very sad, although she was young at that time, but she already remembered things, her father loved her very much, bought delicious food, and gave it to herself first. There will be delicious food, new clothes, and playing with me to make me happy.

"Father, Weiwei misses you."The more Wang Wei thought about it, the more sad she became, lying on the ground and crying loudly.

"Don't cry Weiwei, I have my brother here, my brother loves you, in the future, we will get better and better."Wang Hai hugged Wang Wei and wiped away his tears.

"Um".Wang Wei hugged her eldest brother, sobbing in different ways in his arms.

The Taoist left after finishing the ritual, and Wang Hu and others also left, leaving Wang Hai's family of three here, chatting with the old man.

After all, Liu Xia couldn't hold on any longer. In the past few years, she had been reluctant to go up the mountain because she was afraid that she couldn't bear it. Wang Hai was out of town before, and Wang Wei was still young.

In the past few years, Liu Xia has carried the whole family on her weak shoulders, no matter how hard and tiring she is, she never complains.

Fortunately, Wang Hai is promising now, and Wang Wei is also grown up and sensible, which relieves himself a lot.

The burdens and grievances of the past few years burst out in an instant, and crying is called a sad one.

Wang Hai and Wang Wei also began to cry. The father's departure brought too much regret to the family.

"Father, it's almost dark, why haven't Wang Hai and the others come down yet?"Wang Qiang said worriedly, it took most of the day.

"You stay at home, I'll go take a look."Wang Hu pinched out the cigarette, and went up the mountain with his hands behind his back.

"Mother Weiwei, don't be sad. Today's life is much better than before. Don't cry. Look, you can bear it, and the child can't bear it. What has become of Weiwei, hurry down the mountain." .Wang Hu reprimanded halfway and said that, as the big brother, he had the responsibility to do so.

Liu Xia wiped away her tears as if waking up from a dream, nodded, hugged Weiwei and went down the mountain. It was her negligence that made Weiwei go without food or drink for a whole day, and she was crying so sadly.

"Xiao Hai, your mother's body is not as good as before. From now on, this family will depend on you. You are not too young anymore, so you should stand up."Wang Huyu said earnestly.

"Don't worry, I will".Wang Hai nodded heavily, not to mention the adventure of having a system, even without it, he will still support this family and make this family even more beautiful.

"That's right, a man should stand upright and be able to shoulder the responsibilities of the family. You have been at home for a long time, are you planning not to go out?"Wang Hu asked. Although Wang Qiang had mentioned it, he still wanted to ask.

"Yes, uncle, I don't want to go out anymore, I am going to develop at home, so that I can make money and take care of my family."Wang Hai said so.

"Well, you decide for yourself."Wang Hu didn't dissuade him. If he had done it before, he would have persuaded him, but Wang Hai's performance recently made him unable to say anything. His catches several times have almost caught up with other people's income for a year. What can he say?

(End of this chapter)

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