Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 34 Big Yellow Croaker

Chapter 34 Big Yellow Croaker

Sadness is sad, life still has to go on, facing the rising sun, it is another beautiful day.

Wang Hai still rowed the small sampan to go out to sea to get some good goods. He wanted to save money and change to a bigger boat.

Even Wang Haihai has a good nature and a system, but a small sampan can't go far.

"Haizi, go out to sea again, where are you going this time, my brother has a good time with you."Wang Hong said with a smile that now everyone in the village knows that Wang Hai will definitely bring good things when he goes out.

Therefore, some people also thought about it, and planned to follow Wang Hai when he went out to sea, and see if they could gain something.

"Walk around casually, there is no fixed number."Wang Hai replied with a smile, I don't have a fixed goal, you can follow if you want.

The weather was calm today, and the small sampan ran very fast. After passing the shallow water area, Wang Hai parked the boat, told the ball to watch the boat, and then went into the water.

But because Wang Hong was following, he was not so unscrupulous. After a while, he would come up for a change of breath.

However, there is nothing very good here. The fish shoals are small and scattered. If you cast the net, you can’t catch many fish. When it sinks to the bottom of the sea, there are not many shrimps and crabs. Wang Hai has no interest in fishing. .

Wang Hong followed behind and cast the net with great interest, but the catch was mediocre, and his old face was a bit slumped.

He thought that if he followed Wang Hai, he would gain a lot, but the result was mediocre, and he wanted to retreat a bit.

After all, his boat burns oil, so if he doesn't catch a lot of fish, he won't even have enough money for the oil.

"Haizi, you are busy, I will go to another place to see."Wang Hong still opened his mouth, said hello, and then sailed to another place.

Wang Hai waved his hand as a response. He is not a radar, so how could he know where there are fish, where there is no fish, and whether there are more or less fish.

Wang Hong also left, and there were no good seafood around, so Wang Hai also prepared to look a little further ahead.

"Huh, big yellow croaker?"At a glance, Wang Hai seemed to see a good thing, a big yellow croaker.

There are also large yellow croakers on the market, some of which are not very expensive, but they are farmed, and wild large yellow croakers are much more expensive than lobster and abalone.

There were quite a lot of wild large yellow croakers 20 years ago.I don't know when, large yellow croaker has become a good thing. The meat is delicious and sought after by people. The more people eat it, the more people catch it.

Moreover, its fish can also extract isinglass, and many merchants buy it at a high price.

Then the less you catch, the more expensive the less, and the more expensive you are, the more people catch it, so that now, it is very difficult to meet one, let alone catch it.

Now in the market, a large wild yellow croaker can be sold for two to three thousand pounds, but it will only be more expensive in a hotel.

Wang Hai remembers that when he was a child, someone in the village encountered a school of large yellow croakers and caught hundreds of them in one net. After two nets were caught, they were directly exchanged for a car.

At that time, the car was a rare item, and it was the first in the village. There were many people who envied it. Unfortunately, big yellow croakers were hard to come by. Even if most of the people in the village went to sea, they still got nothing.

Wang Hai could swim like a fish, so he quickly chased after the big yellow croaker in front of him. If he caught up, just this one would be enough for today's income.

"Damn, no way, are you so lucky? I'm about to win the lottery"!Wang Hai followed the big yellow croaker and after swimming for a while, he found that there was a big school of big yellow croakers in front of him. The one just swam a little farther, and now he was going to return.

There are estimated to be hundreds of large yellow croakers in this group, and the largest one is forty to fifty centimeters long, so it should be the leader.

Seeing Wang Hai swimming over, the large yellow croakers became a little panicked, some floated up, some sank, and some began to swim towards the distance.

The chaotic scene helped Wang Hai, panicked, and the big yellow croaker rushed towards Wang Hai.

"Are you throwing yourself into a trap?"Wang Hai brought a net bag with him, and got off with a bigger net bag. Just as he opened the net bag, a large yellow croaker darting into it got in.

This time, Wang Hai was overjoyed, it was the first time he saw the fish that threw himself into the net.

"There are still people with dizziness, such a rare opportunity!"Wang Hai swam over with all his strength, picked up the big yellow croaker and stuffed it into the net pocket before he woke up.

The large yellow croaker belongs to the totoaba, which means there are stones in the head. Specifically, there is an otolith in each of the two winged ear bones connected to the ventral side of the skull. When the head is hit, or the otolith resonates with the noise in the sea, Concussions can easily occur.

Perhaps because of the confusion, several large yellow croakers became dizzy, but Wang Hai had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he took two of them directly because of a rare opportunity.

But the big yellow croaker woke up very quickly. Just when Wang Hai was about to catch the third one, the dizzy big yellow croaker had already woken up and started to run away.

The school of fish gradually swam away, Wang Hai did not continue to chase, because today's harvest was already quite large, there were three large yellow croakers and they were not small in size.

The big yellow croaker in the net bag kept bumping around, as if it wanted to run out, but unfortunately, the net bag was very strong, and it couldn't get out if the mouth was tied tightly.

Wang Hai dragged the net bag back to the boat, put the large yellow croaker into the big wooden barrel, and threw in a drop of spiritual liquid to keep the large yellow croaker alive, and it was best to get back alive.

You must know that wild large yellow croakers, more than one catty, can be sold for more than 1000 catties, and those that are more than two catties can be sold for more than 3000 catties. As for the heavier ones, they are naturally more expensive.

Wang Hai reckoned that if the leader could be caught, maybe he could change a house, maybe.

"It would be nice if I had my own fishing ground."Wang Hai said to himself, when the time comes, use psychic liquid to lure the large yellow croaker shoal, then the large yellow croaker shoal will breed and live in his own fishing ground, and then he will be prosperous.

However, this can be regarded as one of Wang Hai's goals. With the goal, the CIA will be motivated, and the CIA will work hard step by step to achieve it.

Wang Hai plans to make money first, change to a big fishing boat, then continue to make money, and then contract a fishing ground.

This is Wang Hai, his immediate goal.

With a full harvest, Wang Hai planned to go back, no need to sink down, and catch other seafood, just these three large yellow croakers were enough.

"Hey, Xiao Hai, you're back, so fast, is there something wrong at home?"It only took half a day for Wang Hai to go out this time. Generally speaking, it was the time to pull the net hard, so how could he come back.

(End of this chapter)

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