Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 323 Playing Games to Pass the Time

Chapter 323 Playing Games to Pass the Time

If it is in land lakes and rivers, a fish more than one meter long is considered a big fish.

Just like the fishing competition held last year, the champion was a big fish over one meter long.

However, a big fish that is more than one meter long becomes tiny in the sea. There are many fish that are bigger than this, and there are even fish that are a hundred times bigger than this. This is the charm of the ocean.

Soon, the big baskets were filled one by one, and then carried into the ice cabin, drying in full swing.

A total of two nets were collected, definitely more than [-] catties. Even if the barracuda is not worth much, this time, it is still a big profit.

Everyone has been busy until the evening before it is considered complete, and everyone is exhausted.Although the fishing boat has been semi-automated, there are still many areas that need to be put in.

"Eat, go to rest after eating."Wang Hai called out the people who were lying on the sofa one by one, tired all afternoon, tired and hungry, eat before going to sleep, and then go to bed after eating.

Everyone sat at the dining table, each with a bowl and began to pick up the rice, and there was no chatter. After eating, they washed up and went to sleep.

If it was in the past, I would definitely finish my meal, lie down on the bed, and start to sleep soundly.

After being punished several times by Wang Hai, several people have become conscious, and each of them will wash up before going to bed.

Take a shower carefully, or just wash your face and feet, anyway, it is much better than before.

In the past, after entering the house, it could smoke people to death.

"Uncle, you should go to bed too."Wang Hai came to sail the boat for Wang Hu, and asked him to rest first.

"It's okay, I didn't do much work in the afternoon, it's okay."Wang Hu waved his hand, he did less work, and was not tired from sailing, so he didn't have to go to bed so early.

"How about this, anyway, since you can't get off the net at night, it's meaningless to move forward, it's better to stop the boat at anchor, and take a good rest."After the ship stopped, Wang Hai and Wang Hu could just stay on duty in the middle of the night, and they could also rest on the cot in the pilothouse when they were on duty, as long as they didn't fall asleep to prevent any emergency.

"also".Wang Hu nodded, expressing his agreement. Now is not the time to rush, and we have to sail at night. It is really meaningless to sail now.

So Wang Hu operated the fishing boat, stopped, and went to take a bath after setting it up, because Wang Hai came to be on duty in the middle of the night.

Wang Hai was idle and bored, so he took out his mobile phone to play for a while, and checked the time, it was only after seven o'clock, and it was early.

This is also the reason why Wang Hu shied away. It was too early. If he went to bed now, he would wake up in the middle of the night and sleep at about the same time as usual.

"What are you playing?"Wang Hai was a little worried holding his mobile phone. We are not far from the open sea here, and the signal is a bit weak. The same goes for the Internet, and it is easy to get disconnected. Therefore, we can’t play online or online games.

"How about playing Red Alert?"This was downloaded when Wang Hai was at home. It is a mobile version, and it seems to be a new release.

I used to play it on the computer, but now that mobile phones are prevalent, there is naturally a mobile version.

Wang Hai turned on the phone, clicked all the way in, then chose a country, and started playing.

"Well enough".Wang Hai played a game in a while, because it was a trial game, the first time, naturally he chose an easy country and difficulty.

It's just to see if it's any different from what you played before?
However, Wang Hai feels that it is still not as fun on the computer, and it is also visually, but it is already very good to be able to play on the mobile phone, and to a large extent, it is the same as before.

But it's good to have fun at night.

Wang Hai also downloaded several games before, including shooting games, tower defense games, and fighting games.

The time for playing games passed quickly. Wang Hai took turns playing these games, and the time passed quickly.

"Hey, Xiao Hai, stop playing and go to bed."A sudden voice sounded, Wang Hai raised his head, and it turned out to be Wang Hu.

At this time, Wang Hai looked at the top of the phone, only to realize that it was almost two o'clock.

"Time flies so fast!"Wang Hai sighed and said that without realizing it, he played from about eight o'clock to more than one o'clock now.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep for a while, if there is any emergency, just call me."Wang Hai wasn't obsessed with games, so he put away his phone and walked towards the room, washed up first, and then went to sleep.

After going to bed late, Wang Hai felt that it was already dawn and it was time to get up without sleeping for a long time.

After eating, Wang Hu started the fishing boat and headed for the open sea, where the catch was more abundant.

People like Wang Yong are free and have nothing to do. Some are lying on the sofa playing with mobile phones and watching movies.

Some were chatting and smoking, and some were active on the deck.

The fishing boat started slowly, yesterday was a bumper harvest, so Wang Hai was not in a hurry, but proceeded slowly.

"If the sea here is calm and calm, it will be beautiful!"Wang Qinghua said with emotion, it's a pity that the sea is sometimes calm and there are times of strong wind and waves, and that time is not beautiful.

"It is beautiful, but if there is a storm, it will not be beautiful. If there is a tsunami, it will become terrible."Wang Hai continued, just like the tsunami in Southeast Asia a few years ago, many islands were washed away, not to mention the people and supplies on it.

The fishing boat was not moving fast, and when Wang Hai felt that it was about the same, he jumped off, ready to see the situation on the bottom of the sea.

Because there is a small stone island in front of it, the seabed near it is not deep in some places.

"It's here."Wang Hai waved his hand in the water to signal that the boat could be stopped.

"Stop the boat here at noon to rest, you can go fishing, you can dive, it's free time anyway."

It's routine and one of the big guys' favorite times.Every dive is rewarding.

This has also become one of Wang Hai's methods of motivating the big guys, which can increase the enthusiasm of the big guys.

After the boat stopped, Wang Ying, Wang Ying and others have already started to change into diving suits. Even if there are not many good things on the bottom of the sea, a few nets of shrimps and crabs can be sold for hundreds of dollars. This is extra money!
But Wang Yunming didn't go down this time. He caught a cold when he went to sea, and he worked nervously yesterday, but he felt quite tired. Instead of going to sea, I sat on the boat and started fishing.

Just like Wang Yunming and Wang Yunsheng, who are older in grades, are not as active in diving now. First, they don’t have the energy of young people, and second, their income is higher.

Just like yesterday, when the barracuda harvest was bumper, Wang Hai decided that this time the big guy worked hard, and the bonus was 1000 yuan per person, and then it would be included in the salary, which made the big guy very excited.

(End of this chapter)

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