Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 324 Agarwood

Chapter 324 Agarwood

Wang Yong and others quickly changed into their diving suits and went down. At this time, they were very active.

Wang Hai didn't go into the water so quickly. He had seen it before. The sea here is not deep, suitable for diving, and there is no danger.

After Wang Hai went down, he saw Wang Ying and others were catching shrimps, and they turned around, and there was nothing unusual, so they swam towards the east.

There are no unusual good things here, so Wang Hai won't stay to grab seafood with Wang Ying and the others, so he swims eastward.

Wang Hai wanted to see if there were any good things in the deeper places.

The farther to the east, the deeper the sea, and the light gradually dimmed.

However, there are more fish, shrimp and sea crabs, and there is even a large group of sea crabs, mighty and mighty, I don't know if it is migration or what.

Because they were all ordinary sea crabs, Wang Hai had no desire to catch them, so he continued to swim eastward.

"Hey, what's in there"?Wang Hai looked from afar, and there seemed to be a ship as far as he could see.

This is the bottom of the sea, if there is a ship, it is naturally a sunken ship.

Thinking of this, Wang Hai was very happy. If there is a sunken ship, there will be treasures.

Wang Hai swam over quickly, and as the distance got closer, he could see more clearly, it was indeed a sunken ship.

This made Wang Hai very excited, hey, maybe there will be good things when the ship sinks, as long as it’s not like last time.

However, with regard to the shipwreck last time, Wang Hai also made a lot of money.

"Grandma's, there is an island flag"?Wang Hai suddenly found that there was an island flag on the tattered deck, and he immediately felt uncomfortable. You must know that this place is pressed against the national border. Although it does not reach the high seas, half of it still belongs to our own sea area.

From this point of view, this ship may have sunk during World War II, and it has been decades since.

"Could it be the Adomaru?"What Wang Hai suddenly thought of was the famous and funny movie "Hands Up 2", also called "Chasing the Ado Maru".

According to records, the Ado Maru was built and launched in 1943. It has been carrying out the transportation of strategic materials in the name of civilian ships, as well as the cultural relics and treasures it plundered in China and Southeast Asia.

In 1945, when the transport ship returned to the country from Singapore and passed through the sea off Min Province, it was sunk by a US warship. Except for a chef who escaped by luck, more than 2000 people on board sank. The sea, including all kinds of supplies on board.

The reason why the Adomaru is so famous is because it carries too many and precious materials. It is said that there are 40 tons of gold, 12 tons of silver, 40 boxes of currency and cultural relics, tin mines, rice, etc. , with a total value of $50 billion.

What's more, there is another priceless treasure on board, which is the skull fossil of Peking Man.

"Unfortunately, in the 80s, a salvage operation was organized. Although there were a lot of things caught, there were not many precious things. There was no gold or silver at all, and there were no precious cultural relics, let alone the fossil of the skull of a Beijinger. ".

Some people said that it was not the Ado Maru that was salvaged, and others said that there were no such things on the Ado Maru, and these things had already been transported away by other ships.

No one knows the specific situation, but over the years, there have been more and more versions of the legend.

Wang Hai hopes that the ship in front of him is a ship, but unfortunately, that is impossible. You must know that the Adomaru is more than 150 meters long, and it was a giant ship at that time.

It's a pity that the sunken ship in front of me is only 70 meters long, which is much worse.

"It's a pity."Wang Hai slowly swam in, and suddenly found many fragments of porcelain.

Wang Hai doesn't understand antiques, so he doesn't know whether these fragments are fragments of antiques.

Soon, Wang Hai found other things, wooden boxes one by one, and when opened, there were gold bars inside, while other boxes contained jewels and emeralds.

Wang Hai understood that this island country ship must have plundered a lot of good things and was going to ship them back to China, but here, it was not known whether it was hit, hit a rock, or some other reason, anyway, it sank.

Those crew members, as well as the treasure, also sank to the bottom of the sea with the ship.

In the cabin, there are several and some black skeletons, obviously the people on board at that time.

Moreover, the sea water here exceeds 150 meters, and it is normal that it has not been discovered.

Moreover, in such a deep place, I am afraid that few people could survive at that time.

Wang Hai originally planned to put all these things into the space, but he stopped just after loading a box of gold bars, because a problem occurred.

It seems that these broken porcelains have been soaked in seawater for many years, but this is also a kind of protection, which isolates oxygen and will not be oxidized.

If you bring it to land and come into contact with the air instantly, it is very likely that it will be oxidized in a short period of time, and it will become ugly, and its value will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, Wang Hai plans to ask for advice after he goes back, how to deal with it is the best.

"Hey, what is this, it's very fragrant."Wang Hai discovered that the fragrance came from a broken box.

Wang Hai thought to himself, what kind of wood is this? How could it emit a fragrance? It must be agarwood.

Wang Hai swam over, opened the broken box, and a piece of wood floated up, and the fragrance became even stronger.

Wang Hai pinched it, approached it and smelled it, and even tore off a piece of skin. As a result, a little bit of butter still flowed out.

Wang Hai didn't know much about this, so he simply put it in the space, but at this time, the fragrance became stronger, maybe it was really agarwood.

Agarwood is one of the precious medicines and is known as the diamond of the plant kingdom.Agarwood belongs to the arbor plant of Daphneaceae, which is divided into two categories, one is plant agarwood, and the other is white wood agarwood. The wild ones are very expensive. There is a saying that one or two agarwood is one or two gold.However, the locked price of high-quality agarwood can even be as high as [-] yuan.

After Wang Hai put the agarwood into the space, the rest of the things didn't move. He planned to go back and have a look and consult the situation, otherwise it would be a waste of work if it was really oxidized by then.

Soon, after Wang Hai recorded the coordinates here, he started to go back. Otherwise, the big guys would be worried after a long time.

When Wang Hai came back, people like Wang Yong also started to return to the boat one after another. Obviously, Wang Hu had already started notifying that it was time for diving and fishing.

(End of this chapter)

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