Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 348 Someone Will Know It!

Chapter 348 Someone Will Know It!
Although it was only marinated all afternoon, Wang Hai still made weedel crisps for Yin Ya at night.

"How about it, okay?"Wang Hai asked and answered, made a plate, nearly half of it was eaten by Yin Ya, the other half was mostly eaten by Wang Wei, Wang Hai and his mother only ate one or two.

"Well, good, very delicious."Yin Ya has never eaten this before, and it feels pretty good.

Wang Hai felt that it was a little lighter. After all, the marinating time was short, and it was just right after a day.

"Brother, look, my online store is ready, hehe."After eating, Wang Wei dragged Wang Hai to her room.

"Well, it's not bad, it's a good job."Wang Hai praised that although he knew, most of this should be done by Yin Ya.

"Hey, brother, when the fruit in the orchard is ripe, I will sell it in the small shop."Wang Wei said positively, I have prepared everything in advance.

"Okay, when the time comes, all the money you earn will belong to you."Wang Hai promised to give you some encouragement.

"Really, hey, that's a deal."Wang Wei was very happy. The teacher said in class that if you do well, you can make a lot of money in a month.

After watching for a while, Wang Hai was surprised to find that Wang Wei actually knew a lot about computers, and even surpassed himself professionally.

There are some things that she doesn't even know how to do, but she can operate them skillfully.

Wang Hai thought secretly, if Wang Wei really has the talent in this area, she will definitely continue to cultivate it.

After a while, the two were talking about computer knowledge, and Wang Hai slowly withdrew, not bothering the two of them.

After returning to the room, Wang Hai was lying on the bed with a mobile phone in his hand, but his mind was still wandering.Now my mother's health is getting better and better, my younger sister is doing well in studies, not to mention my own side, she is relatively successful in her career, and Yin Ya has caught up with her, really, full of happiness!

I don't know when, Wang Hai fell asleep, but even when he fell asleep, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Early the next morning, Wang Hai drove the speedboat to go to the island, and asked the second grandpa if he would make weed sauce.

Last night, Wang Hu also asked several elderly people in the village, but unfortunately, what he said was also vague and not very clear.

Therefore, Wang Hai didn't ask any more questions, and just asked Second Grandpa directly. If he didn't know how, then there would be no one in the village who knew how.

"Hey, I'm going too."Wang Qiang jumped up with a grin. If there is nothing to do in the morning, I will follow you to have a look. The same is true when I come back to work.

"Hey, Brother Haizi, wait for me, I'll go too."Wang Yong ran over in a hurry, and jumped up immediately.

He captured the weedel, and he was present the whole time yesterday. As a result, there was no one who knew how to make weedel sauce.Now go to the island and ask Second Grandpa, he naturally wants to follow along.

If the second grandfather can do it, he can also follow and learn.

What's more, Wang Yong also took the weedus with him. If the second grandfather can make it, he can leave it there and make it into sauce.

The speed of the speedboat is very fast, and it didn't take long to reach the island.

"Hey Captain, you are free today".Gao Mingxiang was cleaning chicken coops at the pier when he saw Wang Hai coming in a speedboat.

"Well, I have something to do with Second Grandpa."After Wang Hai parked the speedboat, he jumped off and went to look for the second grandpa.

The second grandfather is watering. The green vegetables planted a few days ago have sprouted and grown, and these days happen to be a bit dry.

"Second grandfather".The three of Wang Hai walked over and began to help.

"You three boys are here, but what's the matter?"The second grandfather said happily that there are many people coming and it is lively.

"Well, it's a little thing, Second Grandpa, can you make weed sauce?"Wang Hai asked straightforwardly, and he was not an outsider, so there was no need to beat around the bush.

"I can do it, why, you guys want to eat wedula sauce."The second grandpa smiled and said, I still have a bottle in my room, if you want to eat it, just take it home.

"Well, let me say that Second Grandpa can do it."Wang Qiang said happily, there are sauces that the second grandpa can't make?
Wang Yong curled his lips, you didn't say it was okay before, it was Brother Haizi who said it.

"That's great, Second Grandpa, you don't know, Wang Yong caught some wedids and came back, ate some of them, and wanted to make sauce with the rest. Unfortunately, after asking all the people in the village, there was no one who knew how to do it." , I had no choice but to come and ask you.”Wang Hai was also very happy, as expected, Second Grandpa would do it.

"It's easy to handle. Next time I make wedelia sauce, I'll ask you to come and learn."

"Hey, Second Grandpa, we caught some."Wang Yong shook the bag in his hand and took a look, it was already caught.

The second grandpa took it, looked at it, and said: "It's a good rice weedel, but it's too little. It's okay to make it directly, but it's a bit less if it's made into sauce."

"If there is too little, it is not easy to do, and if it is too much trouble."

"Then we'll catch it now."Wang Qiang said confidently, there are so many of us, isn't it quick to catch them?
So the group of people sailed back again, and Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming, who had nothing to do, followed to see and learn how to catch it.

"Haizi, count me in"!Wang Mufeng also followed, and he also heard about Wang Hai's plan to learn Wedelia sauce.

He also tried to make weed sauce a few times before, but unfortunately, the taste was a bit unsatisfactory. Although it was not unpalatable, it was not delicious and did not have the expected effect.

Wang Mufeng is a fisherman, and he needs this kind of high-quality weed sauce.

"Okay, let's catch it together. When the second grandpa made it, let's learn it together."Wang Hai nodded and said, there is no need to hide this.

Wang Ying and the others had nothing to do, so they came over too. So, a group of more than a dozen people caught them very quickly. In less than an hour, they caught a bucket.

"Hey, you guys, pay attention, you have trampled down other people's rice."Wang Hai scolded and said, Wang Ying has been busy catching weedets for a few days, and has stepped on a lot of rice seedlings. If they are not properly supported, it may affect the production.

Why.The faces of Wang Ying and the others blushed. They were too busy catching weeds just now, but they didn't pay attention. Now when they looked back, they saw a large piece of them.

"What to do, Captain"?Wang Ying asked, after all, it was his own fault, so he couldn't just leave it behind!

"Find some long bamboo poles, lift up the fallen rice seedlings, and then clamp them with bamboo poles."Wang Hai ordered, but even so, if there is a strong wind, it will still fall.

"Dayong, whose rice field is this?"Wang Hai asked, if this is what happened here, I should apologize to the master.

"It seems to belong to Wang Hong's family."Wang Yong said, there should be no mistake.

"It belongs to their family. I helped him last year."Wang Qiang also said, there is no mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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