Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 349 Dried Fish

Chapter 349 Dried Fish
Wang Hai's family and Wang Hong's family have a good relationship, but good is good, and they can't be ruined like this!
So several people pooled the money, and each of them contributed a little, and then Wang Ying bought some things and sent them over as an apology.

As for the large army, they followed Wang Hai, took a speedboat, and went to the island.I have already caught a lot of weedels, so I can make sauce.

On the island, the second grandfather has already prepared the ingredients, which are actually very simple, just glutinous rice, coarse salt, chili sauce, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and so on.

You must know that this weed sauce is also handed down from the past, and at that time, ordinary families would not have so many ingredients, they were the simplest glutinous rice, coarse salt and so on.

The second grandpa cleaned the weeds first, and then started to deal with them.He held a boning fish knife, and cut off the mouth of the weedel, because the mouth of the weedel is in the most fishy place.

To remove the fishy smell, you can add more onions and ginger, and you can use cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, but in the past, there were cooking wines there, so we had to start with the raw materials.Although these things are available now, the second grandfather still made them according to the ancient method.

The mouths of weedules are cut off one by one, and then put into a large bamboo sieve, mixed with fresh ginger, and smashed with a wooden pestle.

This is a laborious job, and it requires constant effort, even for lean people.

"Captain, I'm coming."Gao Mingxiang didn't understand these things very well, but when it was time to use his strength, he rushed to do it.

Gao Mingxiang is tall and strong, and he has been a soldier for several years, so his physical fitness is not bad. A wooden pestle is like a toy in his hand.

The weedel that was smashed quickly gradually turned into a slurry and water.

The bamboo sieve has fine holes. After the slurry seeps down, it drips onto the glutinous rice. Finally, on the bamboo sieve, only the weedel shells are left.

Gao Mingxiang was diligent and planned to rinse the weedule shell with water and continue to use it, but Wang Hai stopped him.

Wang Hai explained: "Water cannot be added during this process, otherwise the sauce will deteriorate later."

The weedel on the bamboo sieve has been weighed beforehand. The sauce was originally made for rice, so it is similar to pickles and uses a lot of salt, which can also increase its shelf life.

"Look carefully, this weedel needs four taels of salt per catty, just follow this ratio, and there is no fixed ratio for this glutinous rice, depending on the situation, it is almost enough."The second grandfather explained while making it.

After the ingredients were mixed well, the second grandfather poured them all into the jar.

"This mouth should be sealed well, don't leak it."The second grandfather explained that in the past, it was covered with plastic sheeting, and then wrapped with a rope several times to fix it.But now it is much more convenient, just use plastic wrap directly.

After sealing it well, the second grandfather placed the vat in the south direction. The weed sauce needs to be fermented and needs a place with a higher temperature.

"Is this all right?"Wang Yong asked curiously, is this the end?

"Well, it's almost done, just wait for the fermentation, and after the fermentation is complete, you can eat it."The second grandpa smiled and said, how about it, it's actually quite simple.

"It doesn't look difficult."Wang Mufeng said happily, it seems that he can learn it.

Wang Hai was thoughtful, this weed sauce looked simple, but if he sat up by himself, it might be different.

The second grandfather has been doing it for decades, and he is very familiar with the road, and all the steps are in his heart.

Wang Hai planned to catch some wedids after he went back and try to do it himself.Seeing is knowing, but seeing and doing are not the same concept. If you know how to see, it does not necessarily mean that you will do it.

It's like when you go to a restaurant to eat, you see that the chef's cooking is quite simple, just those few ingredients.

However, when you get started, you will feel that there is a big difference.

"I still have a big bottle of weedel sauce here, let's go, I will use this sauce today and make some dishes for you to try."The second grandfather said excitedly that he was very happy that Wang Hai and Wang Mufeng were willing to come to learn how to make sauce. He wished that the two of them would learn all the sauce ingredients they knew.

"It's really delicious!"Dinner will be ready in half an hour. The second grandfather has cooked several dishes today, about half of which use weed sauce.

Wang Qiang ate happily, very happy, because as long as Wang Hai learned it, he would not have to worry about not having weedula sauce to eat in the future.

It doesn't matter what you can't learn by yourself, as long as Wang Hai learns it.

"Take this bottle of sauce, both of you, and we'll make some later."That bottle was a big bottle, Wang Hai and Wang Mufeng found two small bottles, half of each was shared equally.

"Second Grandpa, after we go back, when we have nothing to do, I will catch some more and send them to you. You can keep them for making sauce."I took the second grandpa's sauce by myself, at least I have to send some raw materials to others.

When I was at home, Second Grandpa would catch some or bring back some wedids when he was free, but now that he lives on the island, it is not very convenient.

Therefore, I agree with Wang Hai's words.

"Second Grandpa, we two are fine, follow them to catch them together."Gao Mingxiang and Wu Ming were also interested, and they happened to have nothing to do on the island.

"Go, stay at home for one night, and come back tomorrow."The second grandfather confessed that the two of them were young people after all, and they would definitely be bored if they stayed on the island all day.

"Hey, when did you guys start drying fish?"Wang Haifa, on the other side of the vegetable field, there is a large wooden board on which a lot of dried fish are placed to dry.

"Well, we caught this when we were free, pickled it, and prepared to dry it and take it back to our hometown. Didn't you hear that the fishing moratorium is coming soon? Captain, we plan to go back to the fishing moratorium after the moratorium. go home".Gao Mingxiang scratched his head and said with a little embarrassment that these fish belonged to both of us, not to the public.

"Hey, you should have said earlier, we can help, get more."Wang Hai said enthusiastically that he knew that their hometowns were both in the western region, which was too far away from the seaside, and it was still a small place, where there were not many seafood to eat and it was quite expensive.

Over there, there are not many dried seafood, besides, Gao Mingxiang's hometown is still a mountainous area.

"Enough, enough, that's a lot".Gao Mingxiang waved his hands again and again and said, just this, the two of us can already fit two pockets, too much is not easy to carry!
"You can check it in, these are dried fish, even if they are left at home for a long time, they will not be broken!"Wang Qiang reminded that you don't have to carry it by yourself, you can use logistics.

"Yes, on our side, some fish are rotten, but on your side, it's different."In the western region, it’s okay now. If you count the previous generation, how many people have never eaten sea fish.

(End of this chapter)

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