Happy Fishing Village

Chapter 36 Wang Wei's Zero Food

Chapter 36 Wang Wei's Snacks

Three large yellow croakers, two large lobsters, swimming crabs, and blue crabs. This time, Li Li returned with a full reward.

"Sister Li, let's go after dinner."My mother has already prepared the meals, so it would be a bit unreasonable not to call for a piece of food now.

Li Li waved her hands again and again and said, "No, no, I have to go back as soon as possible. There are many things in the hotel."

Liu Xia came over with buns and said, "No matter how busy you are, you still have to eat. After you go back, you still have to eat."

Wang Hai came over with rice porridge and said, "It's all ready, and it will take about ten minutes to eat."

Wang Wei also took Li Li's hand and said: "Sister, the buns made by my mother are delicious, try it, really".

Li Li couldn't help but sat down and said, "Then I'll bother you."At the same time, let the driver sit down and eat together.

"The rice porridge is very fragrant".Li Li sat down and took a sip of the rice porridge. It tasted very authentic, without the smell of big cities, but the taste of rice itself.

The steamed stuffed buns are vegetarian. The leek and eggs have thin skin and lots of stuffing. Although the stuffing is vegetarian, the taste is very strong. It tastes delicious but not greasy.

"Your buns and rice porridge are really good!"Li Li sincerely admired it. It had been many years and she hadn't eaten such authentic food.Although in a big city, you can eat everything, and there are a lot of delicacies, but it is not as good as the bowl of porridge in front of you, all white and fat buns.

"The rice and leeks are all grown by my own family, without pesticides, and the eggs are also eggs laid by my own chickens, which are naturally much better than those raised on feed."Wang Hai replied with a smile, in the countryside, they usually grow some vegetables and keep them for themselves.

"Uh, I accidentally ate too much."Li Li muttered softly. When she was in the hotel, she usually only ate one steamed stuffed bun and drank some porridge in the morning, but today, she ate three. Moreover, you must know that the ones made by Wang Hai’s family are better than those sold in the earlier shop. Much more.

"Fortunately, it is vegetarian, otherwise I would grow meat."Li Li patted her chest and said with confidence.

"Auntie, thank you for your hospitality. I still have something to do over there, so I will go back first and come back later when I have time."Li Li said politely, asking the driver to quickly move all the seafood to the speedboat.

"Well, well, come often when you are free."Liu Xia wanted to bring Li Li back a bag of rice, but unfortunately, she heard that she couldn't cook, so she gave up.

Soon, the speedboat cut through the waves and sailed into the distance, drifting away from sight.

Today, he earned 16 yuan, which made Wang Hai very excited. Sure enough, the big yellow croaker in the gold mine in the sea is not called for nothing.And although the big lobsters are not as big as the two last time, they are not too small, and they are rare in the market, so they are naturally very expensive.

The 16 yuan is more than what he earned in a year before, which makes Wang Hai very satisfied. In a few days, he should be able to save enough money to buy a boat.

Liu Xia was also happy. She never expected her son to be so capable. He could always catch good seafood. With money, he could build a new building on the back foundation. When the time came, he would marry his son. .

"I don't know if the female teacher is reliable or not, and if Xiaohai can be liked."Liu Xia could tell that Yin Ya was from a big city, and she was afraid that she would look down on Wang Hai, so she began to wonder whether she should ask someone to talk about a blind date.

Wang Hai didn't know that his mother was thinking so much and was walking out with Wang Wei in her arms.Although Wang Wei didn't know how much money she had, she also knew that large yellow croakers were expensive, and big lobsters must have sold for a lot of money this time, so she took her brother to the supermarket to buy delicious and fun things.

"Go, get it yourself, but don't take too much, or I won't care what my mother says."Wang Hai explained.

"Know it"!Wang Wei rushed in and began to choose her favorite snacks. After a while, she came out with a big bag.

Seeing this, Wang Hai grinned and said that you don’t need to buy so much, so you just choose a big bag and wait to go back to be trained.

Wang Wei pouted and said, "I'm not afraid."So, on short legs, he ran away with snacks in his arms, leaving Wang Hai to pay the bill.

Wang Hai took a look, good guy, this Weiwei didn't run home, but went to school, obviously to Yin Ya's place.

"The little girl is quite caring."Wang Hai smiled, this girl has found a good storage place.

Wang Hai settled the bill and followed slowly, ready to talk about her, but it can't be like this every time!
"Teacher, teacher, I invite you to eat snacks."Wang Wei ran to the school with a large bag of snacks in her arms, and knocked on the door of Yin Ya's dormitory.

"Weiwei? Why are you here? Could it be that you caused trouble at home?"Yin Ya said with a smile, and pulled Wang Wei in.

"No."Wang Wei pursed her lips, I'm a good boy, how could I get into trouble?
Yin Ya didn't expose her either. Although she didn't come here for a long time, she still knew whether Wang Wei was a good baby. Sometimes, she was crazier than boys.

"Teacher, drink Sprite, this is served iced, but it's delicious."Wang Wei said courteously, and handed over a bottle of Sprite.

"Thank you, teacher, then tell me, what's wrong, otherwise, the teacher won't help you!"When things go wrong, there must be demons, how could Yin Ya not see it?
Wang Wei drooped her head and said, "My brother made some money and took me to the supermarket to buy delicious food. He said he could only buy a small bag, but I bought a big bag, for fear that my mother would reprimand me."

"Your brother is coming too."Yin Ya looked out through the window, sure enough, Wang Hai had already entered the school.

"What should I do, teacher, my brother will definitely take away my snacks."Wang Wei was jumping up and down anxiously, the elder brother is here, he will definitely confiscate it, there are so many delicious ones.

"As long as you promise the teacher, you will get [-] points in the exam next semester, and I will help you."Yin Ya said proudly, Xiao Mian, hold your braids.

"I, I, okay, teacher, I promise you".Wang Wei looked at the big bag of snacks, how could she bear to give it up, she hesitated for a while before agreeing.

"Okay, your brother is coming soon, you tell the teacher through the window that I am taking a shower and tell him to go back."Yin Ya smiled very proudly. She had seen Wang Wei's previous report card. Sometimes it was not stable, sometimes it was at the top, and sometimes it was not close. It seemed that she still had a playful heart.

This time, I must stabilize her grades.

"Teacher, you are so smart"!Wang Wei happily ran to the window and shouted to the outside: "Brother, don't come here, the teacher is taking a bath."

Wang Hai was taken aback, taking a bath at this time, obviously, a little unbelievable!However, even if he didn't believe it, Wang Hai still didn't go there. After all, it was related to Yin Ya's reputation, what if she was really taking a bath.

"See if you're still home for dinner"?Wang Hai laughed angrily, this girl even dared to make faces.

(End of this chapter)

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